Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : QBFAQR01.ZIP
Filename : A86.DOC

Output of file : A86.DOC contained in archive : QBFAQR01.ZIP
; Date: 07-31-92 22:35
; From: Larry Teghtmeyer
;Ok, so I set down last night and came up with a couple of routines and
;thought I would try them out and see if I could get them into my
;computer as good as they are in my head and here is what I came up with.
;Maybe you can use the information, but I know you can see it can be done
;with A86. The first program is to be typed in or transfered to a text
;file. I could suggest test.asm.

;CUT HERE-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-

PUBLIC a86test

data segment para public 'data'
message1 db 'This text stored in the assembly data area'
message1l equ $-message1
row db 0
col db 0
attr db 0
rowlen dw 160

code segment para public 'code'
a86test:push bp ;got to save it for qb later
mov bp,sp ;now we can access the passed parameters
push ds,es ;we are now saving DS and ES
mov ax,seg message1
mov es,ax
mov si,[bp+6] ;lets get the attr calculated in qb
mov ax,[si]
mov es:attr,al
mov si,[bp+8] ;get the integer val of col
mov ax,[si]
mov es:col,al ;store val of col in row
mov si,[bp+10] ;now get row
mov ax,[si]
mov es:row,al
mov ax,[bp+12] ;now we are going for the string passed
from qb
mov bp,ax ;store the string location in bp
mov ax,[bp] ;get the string len
mov cx,ax ;put the string len into cx
mov ax,[bp+2]
mov bp,ax
mov bh,0
mov bl,es:attr
mov dh,es:row ;remember this is 0 based instead of 1
mov dl,es:col ;as in qb
mov es,ds ;a86 takes care of register to register transfer
mov al,0
mov ah,013 ;the 0 in front of 13 makes this a hex
int 010 ;bios call to print string

mov cx,message1l ;this routine will be a direct screen write
mov es,0b800 ;for b&w use 0b000
mov ax,seg message1 ;get the segment address of our message
mov ds,ax ;store it in ds
lea si,message1 ;get the location of our message into si
add row,2 ;we need to print the second string at a different
mov al,row
cbw ;make it into a word
mul rowlen
add al,col
if c add ah,1
add al,col ;this calculates the screen pos to print to
if c add ah,1
mov di,ax ;ES:DI = destination;DS:SI = sourse
mov ah,attr
m1:lodsb ;loads al with a byte from string
stosw ; stores the word in screen memory
loop m1 ;do this cx times
pop es,ds,bp ;one call to pop all trashed registers
retf 4*2 ;far ret for basic and clean up stack

;CUT HERE-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-
;Notice there are no assumes, no memory management, no endp,no ends, no
;other extranious BS. Just code. You don't have to even declare the
;public names, but I do just so no other lables become public and can be
;used by other procedures.
; Now you have the text file "test.asm". Just tpye in from the DOS
;command line: A86 +o test.asm
;In an eyeblink, you wil have test.obj to play around with. Make a
;library and .qlb in the normal manner from DOS. (ie. lib test,
;test.obj;) and (link /q test,etc). I'm sorry, but *I* type in only what
;*I* need and then follow the prompts! (I can't remember all the systax
;I need. (Sheepish grin))
; Now that you have your new library, I have a small bit of qb code
;for you to test it out with:

;CUT HERE-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-

DECLARE SUB a86test (a$, row%, col%, attr%)
b$ = "This string stored in qb"
row% = 5
col% = 1
attr% = 31 'BLUE backgroun,white foreground (or 16 * backgroung +
CALL a86test(b$, row%, col%, attr%)

CUT HERE-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-

'load this into qb with the quick library created above and run it. You
'may be *amaized* to see that it may even work! Let me know how it turns
'out for you ...
'Type you later.
' Larry Teghtmeyer

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : QBFAQR01.ZIP
Filename : A86.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: