Dec 222017
Extended date handling in Quick Basic V4.0+. Very good library.
File QBDATE4.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
Extended date handling in Quick Basic V4.0+. Very good library.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
DAT2INT4.OBJ 734 560 deflated
DATEDEMO.BAS 4261 970 deflated
INT2DAT4.OBJ 1194 799 deflated
QBDATES4.DOC 1244 536 deflated
QBDATES4.LIB 2581 1281 deflated
QBDATES4.QLB 5641 3530 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File QBDATE4.ZIP Here

Contents of the QBDATES4.DOC file

QBDATES4.DOC - These files replace the original QBDATES files.
The only changes made were for compatibility with
QuickBASIC Version 4.0.

Please note that although the file names have been
changed, the calling procedures are identical. By
doing so, all programs written for the earlier
version of QBDATES will run without any changes using
QuickBASIC Version 4.0. (I have included the original
DATEDEMO.BAS file to demonstrate compatibility with the
earlier versions.)

The two modules are supplied in three formats -

1. Individual .OBJ files
2. Combined into a standard .LIB library
3. Combined into a .QLB QuickLibrary

To try them out - enter the following from a DOS prompt:


Hope they do want you want them to !

Jack Stefiuk
Benchmark Software Corp.
P.O. Box 4512
S. Burlington, VT 05401

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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