Dec 052017
Demonstration and source code to change baud rates in Quick Basic, without reseting port.
File QBBAUD.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
Demonstration and source code to change baud rates in Quick Basic, without reseting port.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BAUDRATE.BAS 1695 725 deflated
BAUDRATE.OBJ 1447 981 deflated
DEMOBAUD.BAS 3063 1156 deflated
DEMOBAUD.EXE 4401 2724 deflated
DEMOBAUD.OBJ 2144 1337 deflated
READ.ME 1196 610 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File QBBAUD.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

This demonstrates BAUDRATE, a SubProgram for QuickBASIC v3.0 that allows you
to get or change the baud rate for COM1 or COM2, without dropping the DTR.
Normally it is necessary to CLOSE, then OPEN the com port, which drops the DTR.

NB: BAUDRATE bypasses DOS and BIOS! COM1 and COM2 MUST be configured in
your PC-compatible in a standard way (ie, IO PORTS 3F8h - 3FFh for COM1, and
IO PORTS 2F8h - 2FFh for COM2). Don't worry - the chances are you're okay!

The archive QBBAUD.ARC contains:

READ.ME - this file
DEMOBAUD.BAS - source code to demo BAUDRATE (with REMs);
DEMOBAUD.OBJ - the result of: QB DEMOBAUD; (QB v3.0);
BAUDRATE.BAS - source code for the baud changer SubProgram;
BAUDRATE.OBJ - the result of: QB BAUDRATE; (QB v3.0);
(NB - You must have BRUN30.EXE to run DEMOBAUD.EXE!)

If you have compatibility problems, or you have questions, contact:

KEN KARP or, MicroSellar BBS QuickBASIC Support Conference
444 Sagamore Ave. at (201) 239-1346 (NJ)
Teaneck, NJ 07666

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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