Dec 222017
PB Architect for PowerBasic 3.0. Great Library Demo.
File PBA100.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
PB Architect for PowerBasic 3.0. Great Library Demo.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
FEATURES.CDF 15536 5075 deflated
MONOCOL.CDF 2900 591 deflated
ORDER.FRM 2189 796 deflated
PBA100.TXT 7167 3008 deflated
PBADEMO.CDF 18841 6183 deflated
PBADEMO.EXE 221921 90407 deflated
READ.ME 864 463 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File PBA100.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

PbArchitect 1.00 Demonstration

Thank you for your interest in PbArchitect, the Interface System Developer!
PbArchitect is a brand new, faster approach to PowerBASIC programming.

This archive should contain 6 files:

READ.ME This file.
PBA100.TXT A text file that describes the features of PbArchitect.
PBADEMO.EXE The PbArchitect demonstration program.
PBADEMO.CDF A supplemental file used by the demonstration program.
FEATURES.CDF A supplemental file used by the demonstration program.
ORDER.FRM An order form for PbArchitect.

If you have any questions or would like to order PbArchitect, please contact:

Information Management Systems, Inc.
1165 N. Industrial Park Dr.
Orem, UT 84057-2807
(801) 226-6390
(801) 226-6291 (FAX)
CompuServe: 72520,2264
Internet: [email protected]

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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