Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : OPENDL.ZIP
Filename : OPENDLG.DOC

Output of file : OPENDLG.DOC contained in archive : OPENDL.ZIP

Opendlg.vbx - A custom control which encapsulates the Common Dialog
Open and Save As dialogs which come with Windows 3.1

Opendlg.frm - A sample form which demonstrates the use of Opendlg.vbx


You are free to make whatever use you want of OPENDLG.VBX. Naturally
there is no waranty of any kind associated with this software, use
at your own risk.

************************ OPENDLG CONTROL PROPERTIES ************************

Property Type Function
============== ====== ====================================================
Filter String At the bottom-right of the Open and Save As Common
Dialogs there is a drop-down listbox which allows
the user to select what type of files to display
in the 'File Name' combo-box.

If the filter contains:

Write Files(*.WRI)|*.wri|Word Files(*.DOC)|*.doc|

The 'File Name' box will display files having an
extension of either 'wri' or 'doc'.

If the filter contains:

A Files (*.A)|*.a|B Files(*.B)|*.b|C Files(*.C)|*.c|

The 'File Name' box will display files having an
extension of either 'a', 'b', or 'c'.

FilterIndex Integer A filter string specifies one or more file types.
The 'FilterIndex' property determines which file
type will initially be presented in the 'File
Name' combo-box. In the previous example a value
of 3 for this property would open the dialog box
with all files having the extension 'c'.

File String When using the Open dialog this property will contain
the full pathname of the user-selected file.
When using the Save As dialog you may initialize this
property with a default 'Save As' pathname.

FileTitle String This property contains the filename part of the
'File' property.

InitialDir String You may set this property to select the initial
directory presented in the dialog box. If you do
not set this property the current directory will
be used.

Title String The dialog box title defaults to either 'Open' or
'Save As', you may choose a different title for the
dialog box by setting this property.

DefaultExt String The 'Open' or 'Save As' dialogs append this string
to the filename if the user fails to enter and

DoIt Bool Setting this property to TRUE invokes the dialog box,
when the statement which sets this property completes
the user will have closed the dialog box.

CreatePrompt Bool Setting this property to TRUE causes the dialog box
to generate a message box to notify the user when
a specified file does not exist and to make it
possible for the user to specify that the file
should be created.

HideReadOnly Bool Setting this property to TRUE hides the Read Only
check box.

FileMustExist Bool Setting this property to TRUE specifies that the
user can type only the names of existing files in
the File Name edit control.

OverwritePrompt Bool Setting this property to TRUE causes the Save As
dialog box to generate a message box if the
selected file already exists. The user must confirm
whether to overwrite the file.

PathMustExist Bool Setting this property to TRUE specifies that the
user can type only valid paths.

FileOffset Integer After the dialog box exits this property contains
a zero-based offset from the beginning of the path
to the filename specified by the File property.

ExtOffset Integer After the dialog box exits this property contains
a zero-based offset from the beginning of the
path to the filename extension specfied by the File

******************************** BUG FIXES *********************************

I'll try to fix whatever problems are found with this control. Send
your complaints to me at CompuServe 72060,3327 or

Zane Thomas
POB 300
Indianola, WA 98342

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : OPENDL.ZIP
Filename : OPENDLG.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: