Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : LIBTOQLB.ZIP

Output of file : LIBTOQLB.DOC contained in archive : LIBTOQLB.ZIP
LIBTOQLB.ZIP Convert 1 or more .LIB files into one QLB file

Contents of ZIP file:

LIBTOQLB.DOC : This documentation file
LIBOBJ.BAS : QBASIC program to help in this process



This may be a simple way to combine QBASIC libraries (.LIB) into one
QLB file.

The only way I can see to do this is to extract ALL the OBJ files from
all the LIB files, and then build a QLB file from all those libraries.

LIBOBJ.EXE (from LIBOBJ.BAS) is a utility program to help you do this.

Example of use:
Assume you have 2 library files : f1.lib and f2.lib
you wish to make a QBL file f12.qlb
which contains all (or some) of the routines in f1.lib & f2.lib

Assume Qbasics LIB.EXE, LINK.EXE, BQLB45.lib and the above files are
in the current directory. (you figure out what to do if they are not !!)


(1) Make a listing file (.lst) for each .LIB file

ie LIB f1,,f1.lst;
LIB f2,,f2.lst;

(2) Run LIBOBJ for each LST file

ie LIBOBJ f1

LIBOBJ reads a listing file (assuming a .lst extention) and produces
(a) A BAT file that will copy every .obj file from that lib file
(b) A JOB file that is a list of all the object files

ie in our case LIBOBJ f1 will produce f1.bat & f1.job
LIBOBJ f2 will produce f2.bat & f2.job

(this is the tedious bit to do by hand for multi object LIB files !!)


(3) Run all the produced BAT files (these copy out the OBJ files)

ie F1.bat


(4) Finally do your LINK, using the JOB files

ie LINK /Q @f1.job @f2.job
(to finish obj input)
F12.qlb (name you want for your QLB file)
(do you really want a map !!!!)
BQLB45.lib (QBASIC's QLB library file)

THATS IT !!!!!!


Note: you will have generated a whole lot of OBJ files !!!!

BTW. If you LINK each obj file seperately to produce seperate EXE files
(ie LINK without the /Q option), you can then load the EXE file
with DEBUG (or run a dis-assembler on the EXE), and look at the
asm source !!!!!!

If you don't want ALL the routines within your LIB files to be in your
QLB file, (unwanted ones take up room when in the QBASIC Environment and
therefore linit your program size), then BEFORE the link in step 4, use a
TEXT EDITOR to edit the .JOB files

================== The end =======================

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : LIBTOQLB.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: