Dec 222017
BBS program written entirely in Basic. Good program, though you may have a little debugging to do. Not for the novice.
File LEGENDS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
BBS program written entirely in Basic. Good program, though you may have a little debugging to do. Not for the novice.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
AUTOMESG 131 110 deflated
BRDLIST 95 88 deflated
CALENDAR 10880 46 deflated
CALENDAR.HLP 49 49 stored
HMENU 1739 794 deflated
LEGENDS.BAS 46146 16834 deflated
LEGENDS.TXT 779 441 deflated
LOGOFF 81 81 stored
MENU 580 349 deflated
NEWUSER1 101 99 deflated
NEWUSER2 95 94 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File LEGENDS.ZIP Here

Contents of the LEGENDS.TXT file

Welcome to the world of LEGENDS BBS v.1.0
Since this is a new BBS, and is a BETA program, I would like to point out that
this program will be full of bugs that you may find and may have to fix!

To set up the programyou first have to make files BM0-BM9. These files are
for Sub-Board Files that are diplayed at each new sub-board.

Second of all this program is configured for COM2, if you want COM1 version,
please leave me feedback in to me, Richard Tsao.

If you have any other questions please contact me through e-mail!

Richard Tsao
Legends BBS author

P.S. This program does have a copyright, but it is considered Public
Domain, but no one but the author has the right to sell this program
to the general public, thank you.

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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