Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : LB09D.ZIP

Output of file : TICTACTO.BAS contained in archive : LB09D.ZIP

'Tic Tac Toe
'Requires Liberty BASIC v0.9c or better
'Copyright 1993, Shoptalk Systems
'All Rights Reserved

' set up the board
dim board$(9)

print "Tic Tac Toe"
print "Copyright 1993, Shoptalk Systems"
print "Instructions:"
print " In this game, you play against the"
print " computer. You are X, and the computer"
print " is O. The one to get 3 in a row wins."
print " If no one gets three in a row, then"
print " it is a draw."
print "- Press any key to play -" ' for Liberty BASIC 1.x, change to: print "Press Enter to play"
h$ = input$(1) ' for Liberty BASIC 1.x, change to: input h$

yourName$ = "Human"
prompt "What is your name?"; yourName$

WindowWidth = 330 ' for Liberty BASIC 1.x, change to: WindowWidth = 316
WindowHeight = 400
button #brd, " T ", [1], UL, 10, 60
button #brd, " I ", [2], UL, 110, 60
button #brd, " C ", [3], UL, 210, 60
button #brd, " T ", [4], UL, 10, 160
button #brd, " A ", [5], UL, 110, 160
button #brd, " C ", [6], UL, 210, 160
button #brd, " T ", [7], UL, 10, 260
button #brd, " O ", [8], UL, 110, 260
button #brd, " E ", [9], UL, 210, 260
button #brd, "Pass Move", [skipMove], UL, 10, 10
open "Tic Tac Toe Playing Board" for graphics as #brd ' for Liberty BASIC 1.x, change graphics to graphics_nsb

[start] 'start game (or restart)

for x = 1 to 9 : board$(x) = " " : next x
gosub [modelBoard]
turn = 0
gosub [drawBoard]


input position$

goto [playLoop]


' X moves
if board$(int(val(position$))) <> " " then notice "Illegal Move!" : goto [playLoop]
board$(val(position$)) = "X"
gosub [drawX]
gosub [modelBoard]
gosub [checkForWinOrDraw]


' O moves

gosub [computeMove]
board$(val(position$)) = "O"
gosub [drawO]
gosub [modelBoard]
gosub [checkForWinOrDraw]

goto [playLoop]

position$ = "1" : goto [move]
position$ = "2" : goto [move]
position$ = "3" : goto [move]
position$ = "4" : goto [move]
position$ = "5" : goto [move]
position$ = "6" : goto [move]
position$ = "7" : goto [move]
position$ = "8" : goto [move]
position$ = "9" : goto [move]




print #brd, "cls";
print #brd, "fill lightgray";
print #brd, "size 3 ; down";
for x = 0 to 2
for y = 0 to 2
print #brd, "color darkgray";
print #brd, "line "; 100*x+95; " "; 100*y+55; " "; 100*x+5; " "; 100*y+55
print #brd, "line "; 100*x+5; " "; 100*y+55; " "; 100*x+5; " "; 100*y+145
print #brd, "color white";
print #brd, "line "; 100*x+95; " "; 100*y+55; " "; 100*x+95; " "; 100*y+145
print #brd, "line "; 100*x+5; " "; 100*y+145; " "; 100*x+95; " "; 100*y+145
next y
next x
print #brd, "flush"



gosub [xlatePosition]
print #brd, "size 6";
print #brd, "color darkred";
print #brd, "line "; squareX-10; " "; squareY-15; " "; squareX+20; " "; squareY+25
print #brd, "line "; squareX+20; " "; squareY-15; " "; squareX-10; " "; squareY+25
print #brd, "color red";
print #brd, "line "; squareX-15; " "; squareY-20; " "; squareX+15; " "; squareY+20
print #brd, "line "; squareX+15; " "; squareY-20; " "; squareX-15; " "; squareY+20
print #brd, "flush";



gosub [xlatePosition]
print #brd, "size 7";
print #brd, "color darkblue";
print #brd, "place "; squareX+5; " "; squareY+5
print #brd, "circle 20";
print #brd, "color blue";
print #brd, "place "; squareX; " "; squareY
print #brd, "circle 20";
print #brd, "flush";



position = val(position$)

if instr("147", position$) > 0 then squareX = 55
if instr("258", position$) > 0 then squareX = 155
if instr("369", position$) > 0 then squareX = 255

squareY = int((val(position$)+2)/3)*100+5



row1$ = board$(1)+board$(2)+board$(3)
row2$ = board$(4)+board$(5)+board$(6)
row3$ = board$(7)+board$(8)+board$(9)

col1$ = board$(1)+board$(4)+board$(7)
col2$ = board$(2)+board$(5)+board$(8)
col3$ = board$(3)+board$(6)+board$(9)

diag1$ = board$(1)+board$(5)+board$(9)
diag2$ = board$(7)+board$(5)+board$(3)



'check for instant win!
print "" ;


if row1$ = "OO " then position$ = "3" : return
if row1$ = " OO" then position$ = "1" : return
if row1$ = "O O" then position$ = "2" : return
if row2$ = "OO " then position$ = "6" : return
if row2$ = " OO" then position$ = "4" : return
if row2$ = "O O" then position$ = "5" : return
if row3$ = "OO " then position$ = "9" : return
if row3$ = " OO" then position$ = "7" : return
if row3$ = "O O" then position$ = "8" : return

if col1$ = "OO " then position$ = "7" : return
if col1$ = " OO" then position$ = "1" : return
if col1$ = "O O" then position$ = "4" : return
if col2$ = "OO " then position$ = "8" : return
if col2$ = " OO" then position$ = "2" : return
if col2$ = "O O" then position$ = "5" : return
if col3$ = "OO " then position$ = "9" : return
if col3$ = " OO" then position$ = "3" : return
if col3$ = "O O" then position$ = "6" : return

if diag1$ = "OO " then position$ = "9" : return
if diag1$ = " OO" then position$ = "1" : return
if diag1$ = "O O" then position$ = "5" : return
if diag2$ = "OO " then position$ = "3" : return
if diag2$ = " OO" then position$ = "7" : return
if diag2$ = "O O" then position$ = "5" : return

'make the purely defensive moves

if row1$ = "XX " then position$ = "3" : return
if row1$ = " XX" then position$ = "1" : return
if row1$ = "X X" then position$ = "2" : return
if row2$ = "XX " then position$ = "6" : return
if row2$ = " XX" then position$ = "4" : return
if row2$ = "X X" then position$ = "5" : return
if row3$ = "XX " then position$ = "9" : return
if row3$ = " XX" then position$ = "7" : return
if row3$ = "X X" then position$ = "8" : return

if col1$ = "XX " then position$ = "7" : return
if col1$ = " XX" then position$ = "1" : return
if col1$ = "X X" then position$ = "4" : return
if col2$ = "XX " then position$ = "8" : return
if col2$ = " XX" then position$ = "2" : return
if col2$ = "X X" then position$ = "5" : return
if col3$ = "XX " then position$ = "9" : return
if col3$ = " XX" then position$ = "3" : return
if col3$ = "X X" then position$ = "6" : return

if diag1$ = "XX " then position$ = "9" : return
if diag1$ = " XX" then position$ = "1" : return
if diag1$ = "X X" then position$ = "5" : return
if diag2$ = "XX " then position$ = "3" : return
if diag2$ = " XX" then position$ = "7" : return
if diag2$ = "X X" then position$ = "5" : return

' now make the offensive moves

moves$ = ""

if instr(diag1$,"X") > 0 then [d2]
if board$(1) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "1"
if board$(5) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "5"
if board$(9) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "9"
i = int(rnd(1)*len(moves$))+1
position$ = mid$(moves$, i, 1)


if instr(diag2$,"X") > 0 then [moreMoves]
if board$(7) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "7"
if board$(5) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "5"
if board$(3) = " " then moves$ = moves$ + "3"
i = int(rnd(1)*len(moves$))+1
position$ = mid$(moves$, i, 1)


' now make random moves

all$ = row1$ + row2$ + row3$
blanks$ = ""
for i = 1 to 9
if mid$(all$, i, 1) = " " then blanks$ = blanks$ + chr$(48+i)
next i
if blanks$ = "" then position$ = "" : return
i = int(rnd(1)*len(blank$))+1
position$ = mid$(blanks$, i, 1)


notice "Error, no move computed"

'check to see if the game has been won or drawn


' check for win
i$ = ","
letter$ = "XXX"
for i = 1 to 2
if instr(row1$+i$+row2$+i$+row3$, letter$) > 0 then [win]
if instr(col1$+i$+col2$+i$+col3$, letter$) > 0 then [win]
if instr(diag1$+i$+diag2$, letter$) > 0 then [win]
letter$ = "OOO"
next i

'check to see if the board is full
if instr(row1$+row2$+row3$, " ") > 0 then return

'the game is a draw

confirm "Draw! Play again?"; play$
if play$ = "yes" then [start]
goto [quit]


if letter$ = "OOO" then notice "I WIN! HA HA HA!"
if letter$ = "XXX" then notice "You win "; yourName$; "!!!, Bummer!"
confirm "Play again?"; play$
if letter$ = "OOO" and play$ = "no" then notice "Sore loser!"
if play$ = "yes" then [start]


close #brd
print "-GAME OVER-, press ALT-F4 to exit"

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : LB09D.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: