Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : LB09D.ZIP
Filename : HANOI.BAS

Output of file : HANOI.BAS contained in archive : LB09D.ZIP

' Hanoi.bas, copyright 1993, Shoptalk Systems

' This simple Liberty BASIC program let's the user
' play the puzzle "Tower of Hanoi".

' Instructions:
' Move all the disks from Peg 1 to Peg 3, one disk at a
' time, by taking each disk from one peg and placing it onto
' another peg. You can only take one disk at a time, and
' only the top disk may be removed. When placing a
' disk, it can only be placed onto an unoccupied peg or
' onto a peg occupied with larger disks. You cannot place
' a larger disk onto a smaller one.
' By shuffling the disks around, it is possible to complete
' the puzzle. When all the disks are finally moved to peg 3,
' you will be given the chance to play again.

' Prepare the variables that hold the disk data
tiny = 1
small = 1
medium = 1
large = 1

' Set the movement state
state$ = "begin"

gosub [openWindow]
gosub [drawPuzzle]


if hanoiStarted = 0 then print #hanoi, "redraw" ; : hanoiStarted = 1
input r$
goto [inputLoop]

[openWindow] 'Open the puzzle's window

WindowWidth = 430
WindowHeight = 320

button #hanoi, " Peg 1 ", [pegOne], UL, 70, 240
button #hanoi, " Peg 2 ", [pegTwo], UL, 170, 240
button #hanoi, " Peg 3 ", [pegThree], UL, 270, 240
open "Tower of Hanoi" for graphics as #hanoi


[drawPuzzle] ' Draw the pegs

print #hanoi, "cls ; down" ;
print #hanoi, "color darkgray ; size 10 ; line 100 120 100 220" ;
print #hanoi, "line 200 120 200 220" ;
print #hanoi, "line 300 120 300 220" ;
print #hanoi, "color lightgray ; size 15 ; line 0 220 400 220" ;

[drawDisks] ' Draw the disks

peg1 = 207
peg2 = 207
peg3 = 207

if large <> 1 then [largeIsNotOne]
print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color red" ;
print #hanoi, "line 60 "; peg1; " 140 "; peg1 ;
peg1 = peg1 - 10
goto [drawMedium]


if large <> 2 then [largeIsNotTwo]
print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color red" ;
print #hanoi, "line 160 "; peg2; " 240 "; peg2 ;
peg2 = peg2 - 10
goto [drawMedium]


print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color red" ;
print #hanoi, "line 260 "; peg3; " 340 "; peg3 ;
peg3 = peg3 - 10

[drawMedium] ' Draw the medium size disk

if medium <> 1 then [mediumIsNotOne]
print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color green" ;
print #hanoi, "line 70 "; peg1; " 130 "; peg1 ;
peg1 = peg1 - 10
goto [drawSmall]


if medium <> 2 then [mediumIsNotTwo]
print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color green" ;
print #hanoi, "line 170 "; peg2; " 230 "; peg2 ;
peg2 = peg2 - 10
goto [drawSmall]


print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color green" ;
print #hanoi, "line 270 "; peg3; " 330 "; peg3 ;
peg3 = peg3 - 10

[drawSmall] ' Draw the small size disk

if small <> 1 then [smallIsNotOne]
print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color blue" ;
print #hanoi, "line 80 "; peg1; " 120 "; peg1 ;
peg1 = peg1 - 10
goto [drawTiny]


if small <> 2 then [smallIsNotTwo]
print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color blue" ;
print #hanoi, "line 180 "; peg2; " 220 "; peg2 ;
peg2 = peg2 - 10
goto [drawTiny]


print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color blue" ;
print #hanoi, "line 280 "; peg3; " 320 "; peg3 ;
peg3 = peg3 - 10

[drawTiny] ' Draw the tiny size disk

if tiny <> 1 then [tinyIsNotOne]
print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color yellow" ;
print #hanoi, "line 90 "; peg1; " 110 "; peg1 ;
peg1 = peg1 - 10
goto [finishDrawing]


if tiny <> 2 then [tinyIsNotTwo]
print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color yellow" ;
print #hanoi, "line 190 "; peg2; " 210 "; peg2 ;
peg2 = peg2 - 10
goto [finishDrawing]


print #hanoi, "size 10 ; color yellow" ;
print #hanoi, "line 290 "; peg3; " 310 "; peg3 ;
peg3 = peg3 - 10


print #hanoi, "flush" ;



pegInQuestion = 1
if state$ = "begin" then [beginMove] else [endMove]


pegInQuestion = 2
if state$ = "begin" then [beginMove] else [endMove]


pegInQuestion = 3
if state$ = "begin" then [beginMove] else [endMove]

[beginMove] ' Start to move a disk

peg = pegInQuestion

noDisks$ = "There are no disk on that peg!"
if tiny <> peg and small <> peg and medium <> peg and large <> peg then notice noDisks$ : goto [inputLoop]

print #hanoi, "place 10 10 ; color black " ;
print #hanoi, "\\ Peg "; peg; " has been selected.\ Please select a destination peg." ;

state$ = "end"

goto [inputLoop]

[endMove] ' Finish moving a disk

state$ = "begin"
ontoPeg = pegInQuestion
if ontoPeg = peg then [resetSelection]

' Determine which disk to move
if large = peg then disk$ = "large"
if medium = peg then disk$ = "medium"
if small = peg then disk$ = "small"
if tiny = peg then disk$ = "tiny"

' Determine if move is legal
moveOnto$ = "nothing"
if large = ontoPeg then moveOnto$ = "large"
if medium = ontoPeg then moveOnto$ = "medium"
if small = ontoPeg then moveOnto$ = "small"
if tiny = ontoPeg then moveOnto$ = "tiny"

if moveOnto$ = "nothing" then [finishMove]

if disk$ = "large" and moveOnto$ = "medium" then [illegalMove]
if disk$ = "large" and moveOnto$ = "small" then [illegalMove]
if disk$ = "medium" and moveOnto$ = "small" then [illegalMove]
if disk$ = "medium" and moveOnto$ = "tiny" then [illegalMove]
if disk$ = "small" and moveOnto$ = "tiny" then [illegalMove]


if disk$ = "large" then large = ontoPeg
if disk$ = "medium" then medium = ontoPeg
if disk$ = "small" then small = ontoPeg
if disk$ = "tiny" then tiny = ontoPeg

gosub [drawPuzzle]
if tiny = 3 and small = 3 and medium = 3 and large = 3 then [youWin]

goto [inputLoop]


notice "That move is not allowed!"


state$ = "begin"
print #hanoi, "place 10 10 ; color white" ;
print #hanoi, "\\ Peg "; peg; " has been selected.\ Please select a destination peg." ;
goto [inputLoop]


notice "You win!"
confirm "Play another?"; answer$
if answer$ = "no" then [quitHanoi]

tiny = 1
small = 1
medium = 1
large = 1
gosub [drawPuzzle]
goto [inputLoop]


close #hanoi

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : LB09D.ZIP
Filename : HANOI.BAS

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: