Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : LB09D.ZIP

Output of file : CUSTOMER.BAS contained in archive : LB09D.ZIP

' open a spreadsheet for customer info

button #1, DONE, [Done], LR, 45, -10
button #1, Abort, [Abort], LR, -10, -10
WindowWidth = 480
WindowHeight = 348
open "Customer information" for spreadsheet as #1

print #1, "indirect"
print #1, "select B4"
print #1, "cell A1 'Enter the customer information below:"
print #1, "format A right"
print #1, "format D right"
print #1, "format E fixed"
print #1, "cell A4 'Name>" : print #1, "user B4 string"
print #1, "cell A5 'Address>" : print #1, "user B5 string"
print #1, "cell A6 'City>" : print #1, "user B6 string"
print #1, "cell A7 'State>" : print #1, "user B7 string"
print #1, "cell A8 'Zip>" : print #1, "user B8 string"
print #1, "cell A9 'Phone #>" : print #1, "user B9 string"
print #1, "cell A10 'Contact>" : print #1, "user B10 string"
print #1, "cell A11 'Part #>" : print #1, "user B11 string"
print #1, "cell A12 'PO #>" : print #1, "user B12 string"
print #1, "cell A13 'Qty>" : print #1, "user B13 number"
print #1, "cell A14 'Due>" : print #1, "user B14 string"
print #1, "cell D4 'Ship $>" : print #1, "user E4 number"
print #1, "cell D5 'U/Cost$>" : print #1, "user E5 number"
print #1, "cell D6 'Sum Price"
print #1, "cell E6 e5 * b13 + e4"
print #1, "cell A15 'Memo>" : print #1, "user B15 string"
print #1, "flush"

input ""; r$
goto [readButton]

print #1, "result? B4" : input #1, cust$
print #1, "result? B13" : input #1, qty$
print #1, "result? B11" : input #1, part$
print #1, "result? E5" : input #1, unitCost$
print #1, "result? E4" : input #1, shipCost$
print #1, "result? E6" : input #1, ttl$
print #1, "result? B15" : input #1, memo$
print cust$; " ordered "; qty$; " units of "; part$
print "at $"; unitCost$; " per unit with a shipping"
print "charge of $"; shipCost$; " for a total of $"; ttl$
print "Special memo: "; memo$

close #1
goto [finish]

close #1
print "Customer entry aborted."
goto [finish]

input "Press 'Return'"; r$

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : LB09D.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: