Dec 192017
Very simple label-maker for diskette labels. Very small, but does incredibly nice work. Includes BASIC source code, along with design tips for creating your own formats. Very good.
File LABELS.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
Very simple label-maker for diskette labels. Very small, but does incredibly nice work. Includes BASIC source code, along with design tips for creating your own formats. Very good.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
LABELS.BAS 842 484 deflated
LABELS.DOC 1523 778 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File LABELS.ZIP Here

Contents of the LABELS.DOC file

LABELS.BAS written by Paul R. Hart

LABELS.BAS is a short and simple BASIC program designed to print computer
diskette labels to an Epson printer. The program is very simple and very
small but generates fantastic results. Using a modified version of this
program, I have created labels for my 160+ disk collection.

Suggested usage:
There is infinite possibility in using this program, especially if you
know how to program in BASIC. As is, LABELS.BAS uses four lines of text: 3
lines are inputted at print time, and the other is a predefined name and
date line. Feel free to add lines or change typesets of the lines. I use
the first NLQ line as a line for a special classification number (here it
is used as a title) and the name and date (in compressed mode) on the next
line. After that, comes the title in compressed mode with the last line, a
comment line, also in compressed mode. The comment line has a dual function,
it can hold a one-line comment about the disk, the invocation for the program
(i.e. "A>MYPROG") or anything else you may want. As a note to those who are
going to design their own label format: experimentation has shown that on a
label for 5.25" disks the maximums below have held true for the standard
office "envelope addresser" form-feed printer labels:
Maximum characters per line: 48 (compressed type) or 28 (NLQ)
Maximum lines per label: 5 lines (regardless of typeset)
[3-15-90 prh]

 December 19, 2017  Add comments

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