Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : IDOOR20.ZIP
Filename : HISTORY.TXT
Whew! A lot of good things have been added in this release! Well worth
the price of registration! Not that we're bragging or anything!
INSTA-DOOR is truly the BESTBESTBEST door library in existance!
- Two new DOOR INFO files added - SFDOORS.DAT and GTUSER.BBS
- PopMenu - Similar to DialogBox but has hotkeys
- Text Codes - See APPENDIX A in IDOOR.DOC
- Doors optimized to run in multitasking enviroments such as Windows 3.x,
OS/2, and Desqview
- Network detection routine
- GetPCBUsers and PutPCBUsers allows access to PCBOARD's 'USERS' file
- OpenRandom allows opening of files in RANDOM mode
- SendJusttoModem allows text to be sent to the modem and not the screen
- Dtr allows control of the DTR line
- Non standard PORT ADDRESSES and IRQs are supported (specified on the
command line)
- FOSSIL support (specified on the command line)
- Node numbers can be specified on the command line
-P[addr]: Specify a NON-STANDARD port address
-I[IRQ line]: Specify a NON-STANDARD IRQ line
-F: Specify FOSSIL support
-N[node]: Specify node number
- CFG-ED.EXE: Small editor to edit CFG files
- ANS2AVT.EXE: Converts ANSI files to AVATAR (not our property, it
is SHAREWARE, worth the price of registration!)
- The door .CFG file format has been changed
- The EXIST function has been changed to EXIST2 (Borrowed from PBCLONE)
- INITIALIZE now requires a SERIAL NUMBER string argument for registered
users (non-registered users pass a "")
Bug Fixes:
- If a BBS was run with the port 'locked' to a certain value, and passed
a baud rate thru the DOOR INFO file that was different from the locked
rate, the door would not run properly. This has been fixed.
- In some cases, upon exiting a door, the ExitDoor routine would add
empty lines to a DOOR INFO file. Fixed.
INSTA-DOOR V1.1, 04/17/93:
Well, version 1.0 had a lot of bugs and we are sorry. Hopefully this
release will make up for it. Instead of making it a 1.01 release
we are making this one a 1.1 because we have added 8 new commands
to the library. Here are the bugs and additions:
- TextParse - Parses text strings.
- AvatarScrollUp - Scroll portions of the screen up. (Avatar 0+ Only)
- AvatarScrollDown - Scroll portions of the screen down. (Avatar 0+ Only)
- AvatarInit - Clear screen and place a character background. (Avatar 0+
- AvatarRepeat - Repeat patterns. (Avatar 0+ Only)
- AvatarDelete - Deletes a character. (Avatar 0+ Only)
- AvatarClear - Clears portion of the screen. (Avatar 0+ Only)
- AvatarInsert - Turns insert mode on/off. (Avatar 0+ Only)
- CheckTermulation - Added local detection. Returns a 3 when no carrier
is present.
- InputData - Added the ability to have hotkeys for any length string.
- Hitkey$ - Hitkey dosent pause, you must now put it in a loop like Inkey$.
- SendLongString - SendLongString has been changed where you only pass
a character and then the number of characters to send.
(Please check the IDOOR.DOC file for more info.)
Bug Fixes:
- Split Screen Chat - Now clears the screen correctly before chatting.
- DialogBox - The dialog box now uses cursor keys at speeds lower than 2400.
- ClearWindow - ClearWindow now changes the color to black on black before
clearing the screen. No need to add ChangeColor 0,0 before
- InputData - InputData now returns a value back for you to check.
INSTA-DOOR V1.0, 04/9/93:
First Release.
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: