Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : FUELGA.ZIP
Filename : MONITOR.BAS
' Multiple Fuel Gauges with Cancel Button
' Aidan Coyne Jan 1993
' Compuserve ID : 100014,2700
' To use MONITOR in your programs :
' 1. Make a call to SetUpMonitor() with required parameters
' 2. Continually make calls to DoMonitor() with the following parameters :
' Noww% : Current Position, Top% : Maximum Position,
' Mon% : Which Gauge to Update
' 3. When finished, make another call to SetUpMonitor with a row% value of 0
' This will cause the form to unload.
' Note : You must know in advance the maximum value for the fuel gauge.
' e.g. if reading records from a file, maximum value would be the number
' of records to read. Call could be made to DoMonitor after each read or
' after several reads.
' You are free to use this code in your programs without obligation!
'$FORM frmMonitor
SUB CancelMonitor ()
SHARED Cancelled% 'Shared with DoMonitor
' Called From frmMonitor.cmdCancel_Click()
' Simple set Cancelled% variable to be acted upon next time DoMonitor gets called
Cancelled% = TRUE
FUNCTION DoMonitor% (Noww%, Top%, Mon%)
SHARED MonGraph$, Cancelled%
' Updates FUEL GAUGE monitor on screen
' Returns TRUE normally, FALSE if cancel button is pressed and confirmed
' Noww% - Current value
' top% - Max Value
' Mon% - Which monitor to update (1..3)
DoMonitor% = TRUE ' Assume cancel hasn't been pressed
ThisGraph$ = MonGraph$
IF Top% = 0 THEN EXIT FUNCTION ' Get out if not reasonable
IF Noww% > Top% THEN EXIT FUNCTION ' values
here! = (100 / Top%) * Noww% ' Work out what size string
here% = (here! / 10) * 4 ' to show in monitor label
IF Noww% = Top% THEN here% = 42: BEEP
grafik$ = STRING$(here%, CHR$(219)) ' Using chr$(219)( Û )
MID$(ThisGraph$, 1) = grafik$
frmMonitor.lblMonitor(Mon%).Caption = ThisGraph$ ' Now set the caption with the
' correct length string
IF Cancelled% THEN DoMonitor% = FALSE ' If cancel button pressed,
' then return FALSE
SUB SetUpMonitor (Row%, Col%, NumMons%, Title$(), CancelButton%)
' Row% & Col% determine where gauge goes on screen
' Row%=0 : Unloads gauge
' NumMons% : Number of gauges on the form (1..3)
' Title$() : Title Text for each gauge (Title$(0) is form caption)
' CancelButton% : Puts Cancel Button On Form if TRUE
SHARED MonGraph$, Cancelled% 'Shared with DoMonitor%()
IF Row% = 0 THEN
UNLOAD frmMonitor
MonGraph$ = " ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ "
Cancelled% = FALSE
LOAD frmMonitor ' Initialise Form
frmMonitor.Top = Row% ' Set its coordinates
frmMonitor.Left = Col%
frmMonitor.Height = (NumMons% * 5) + 2 ' Set its height, width
frmMonitor.Caption = Title$(0) ' and caption
IF CancelButton% THEN ' If cancel button required,
frmMonitor.Width = 57 ' increase form width
ELSE ' otherwise disable cancel
frmMonitor.Width = 47 ' button
frmMonitor.cmdCancel.Enabled = FALSE
FOR i% = 1 TO NumMons%
frmMonitor.frMonitor(i%).Visible = TRUE ' Show each fuel gauge and
frmMonitor.lblMonitor(i%).Caption = MonGraph$ ' set each ones label
frmMonitor.lblMonTitle(i%).Caption = Title$(i%) ' and title
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: