Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : FONBOOK.ZIP
Filename : BTRV.INC

Output of file : BTRV.INC contained in archive : FONBOOK.ZIP


' This SUBprocedure provides the interface between Spectra Publishing's
' PowerBASIC 2.00 compiler and Novell's BTRIEVE file system on PCDOS/MSDOS
' machines.

' In order to use the SUB, include its source code in your program with the

' Each time you wish to perform a BTRIEVE operation, use the CALL statement
' to call the SUB with the following parameters:


' where: OPERATION% is the BTRIEVE operation code for the desired function.
' RETSTATUS% is a BTRIEVE status code returned after the desired
' function is attempted.
' FCBPOSBLOCK$ is a 128-byte data area containing file control block
' (FCB) and position information which must not be changed by
' your program.
' DATABUFFER$ is a data buffer used to specify special information
' such as file specifications, key characteristics, etc. Its
' structure will be defined by your program with a FIELD
' statement.
' DATABUFLEN% is the length of the data buffer, DATABUFFER$.
' KEYBUFFER$ is the key buffer.
' KEYNUMBER% is the key number to be processed.

' Important note: The BTRV routine resets the currently-active PowerBASIC
' data segment to the default data segment (by executing a DEF SEG state-
' ment with no argument). If you set a different segment with DEF SEG in
' your main program and then call BTRV, you will need to execute your DEF
' SEG statement again (after the call), if you wish to continue using your
' segment as PowerBASIC's data segment; otherwise, the default data segment
' will be active when BTRV returns to your main program.

sub BTRV(Operation%, RetStatus%, FCBPosBlock$, DataBuffer$, DataBufLen%, _
KeyBuffer$, KeyNumber%)

static VersionDetermined%, BMULTIPresent%, BMULTIProcessID%
local CriticalErrorVec$ 'holds critical error handler vector

dim ParamBlock%(0:13) 'local array holds 14-word parameter block

%AX = 1 : %BX = 2 : %DX = 4 : %DS = 8 'register equates for use with REG

'parameter positions within ParamBlock% array
%DBOfst = 0 : %DBSeg = 1 : %DBLength = 2 : %PosOfst = 3 : %PosSeg = 4
%FCBOfst = 5 : %FCBSeg = 6 : %OpCode = 7 : %KBOfst = 8 : %KBSeg = 9
%KeyInfo = 10: %StatOfst = 11 : %StatSeg = 12 : %IfaceID = 13

%FCBPosSize = 128 '128 = correct size for FCB + position info
%FCBPosLenErr = 23 'status code returned if size exceeded
%NoBTRIEVEErr = 20 'status code returned if BTRIEVE not loaded

'First, swap critical error handler and check for presence of BTRIEVE

def seg = 0 'use segment zero (DOS INT vectors)
CriticalErrorVec$ = peek$(&h90,4) 'get critical error handler vector
poke$ &h90, peek$(&h51A,4) 'tell DOS to handle errors

'if INT 7B offset = 33 hex, BTRIEVE handler
if peeki(&h7B * 4) = &h33 then ' has been loaded
if VersionDetermined% = 0 then 'DOS version has yet to be determined
incr VersionDetermined% 'set flag since we're determining now
reg %AX, &h3000 'use DOS function 30 hex to get the
call interrupt &h21 ' DOS version number in register AX
if (reg(%AX) AND &h00FF) >= 3 then 'we have DOS 3.00 or above
reg %AX, &hAB00 'so check to see if BMULTI loaded
call interrupt &h2F
if (reg(%AX) AND &h00FF) = 77 then
BMULTIPresent% = 1 'it is loaded, so flag it
BMULTIPresent% = 0 'otherwise set flag to zero
end if
end if
end if
else 'BTRIEVE handler isn't loaded, so warn user
RetStatus% = %NoBTRIEVEErr
poke$ &h90, CriticalErrorVec$ 'restore critical error handler
def seg 'and PB default data segment
exit sub 'then quit
end if

if len(FCBPosBlock$) < %FCBPosSize then 'make sure the passed FCBPosBlock$
RetStatus% = %FCBPosLenErr ' is long enough to hold FCB and
' position info -- quit if not
poke$ &h90, CriticalErrorVec$ 'restore critical error handler
def seg 'and PB default data segment
exit sub
end if

'Now set up 14-word parameter block for the BTRIEVE interrupt

ParamBlock%(%DBOfst) = cvi(mkl$(strptr(DataBuffer$))) 'offset and segment
ParamBlock%(%DBSeg) = cvi(mkl$(strseg(DataBuffer$))) 'of data buffer

ParamBlock%(%DBLength) = DataBufLen% 'data buffer length

ParamBlock%(%FCBOfst) = cvi(mkl$(strptr(FCBPosBlock$))) 'offset and segment
ParamBlock%(%FCBSeg) = cvi(mkl$(strseg(FCBPosBlock$))) 'of FCB block

ParamBlock%(%PosOfst) = ParamBlock%(%FCBOfst) + 38 'offset and segment
ParamBlock%(%PosSeg) = ParamBlock%(%FCBSeg) 'of position block

ParamBlock%(%OpCode) = Operation% 'BTRIEVE operation code

ParamBlock%(%KBOfst) = cvi(mkl$(strptr(KeyBuffer$))) 'offset and segment
ParamBlock%(%KBSeg) = cvi(mkl$(strseg(KeyBuffer$))) 'of key buffer

ParamBlock%(%KeyInfo) = len(KeyBuffer$)+(KeyNumber%*256) 'key info word

ParamBlock%(%StatOfst) = cvi(mkl$(varptr(RetStatus%))) 'offset and segment
ParamBlock%(%StatSeg) = cvi(mkl$(varseg(RetStatus%))) 'of status variable

ParamBlock%(%IfaceID) = &h6176 'interface ID

'Now do the interrupt with DS:DX pointing to the parameter block

reg %DX, varptr(ParamBlock%(0))
reg %DS, varseg(ParamBlock%(0))

if BMULTIPresent% = 0 then 'BMULTI not present, so use INT 7B
call interrupt &h7B
do 'use BMULTI to do it
if BMULTIProcessID% = 0 then 'get process ID if haven't yet
reg %AX, &hAB01
reg %AX, &hAB02 'here if we have process ID -- need
reg %BX, BMULTIProcessID% ' to set it now
end if
call interrupt &h2F 'invoke BMULTI
if (reg(%AX) AND &h00FF) = 0 then exit loop 'go on if done processing
reg %AX, &h0200 'otherwise allow task
call interrupt &h7F ' switch and try request
loop ' again
if BMULTIProcessID% = 0 then BMULTIProcessID% = reg(%BX) 'assign proc ID
end if

DataBufLen% = ParamBlock%(%DBLength) 'pass new data buffer length back

'Now restore critical error handler vector and PB's default data segment

poke$ &h90, CriticalErrorVec$
def seg

end sub


  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : FONBOOK.ZIP
Filename : BTRV.INC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: