Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : DIALOGIC.ZIP
Filename : DIALOG8.DB

Output of file : DIALOG8.DB contained in archive : DIALOGIC.ZIP
DB(Level%, 1).Code = 1
DB(Level%, 1).Y = 0
DB(Level%, 1).X = 0
DB(Level%, 1).Height = 17
DB(Level%, 1).Wdth = 65
DB(Level%, 1).Bordertype = 1
DB(Level%, 1).PrimaryColor = -c1
DB(Level%, 1).WindowColor = -c1
DB(Level%, 1).Text = "The Command Button"
DB(Level%, 1).TextColor = c2
DB(Level%, 1).SecondaryColor = c1

LB(1).Text = "The command button is 'pushed' in order to execute the"
LB(2).Text = "command specified. Usual command buttons are and"
LB(3).Text = ". A highlighted command button may be pushed by"
LB(4).Text = "pressing , or may be clicked on using the mouse."
LB(5).Text = "They may have a highlighted letter in them which, like"
LB(6).Text = "the smart label, allows direct access to them. "
LB(7).Text = " "
LB(8).Text = "Also, we've been pointing out highlighted Alt-keys to you."
LB(9).Text = "When designing dialog boxes it is good practice to pro-"
LB(10).Text = "vide enough Alt-keys so that the user may comfortably jump "
LB(11).Text = "from one dialog box element to another using the keyboard."
LB(12).Text = ""
LB(13).Text = "When you tab from one dialog box element to another you"
LB(14).Text = "are moving what is called the 'input focus'. If the in-"
LB(15).Text = "put focus is on a command button then its angle brackets"
LB(16).Text = "will be highlighted. If the input focus falls on any"
LB(17).Text = "other type of dialog box element then a default command"
LB(18).Text = "button will be automatically highlighted. Every dialog"
LB(19).Text = "box should have a default command button. "
LB(20).Text = " "
LB(21).Text = "If is pressed to close a dialog box then the"
LB(22).Text = "highlighted command button will take effect. A high-"
LB(23).Text = "lighted command button is also said to be 'active'."
LB(24).Text = ""
LB(25).Text = "There are two command buttons below: and . If"
LB(26).Text = " is pushed then the next screen will appear. Push-"
LB(27).Text = "ing will give you a very special help message to"
LB(28).Text = "illustrate that opening an overlaying dialog box is one"
LB(29).Text = "response to a command button."

DB(Level%, 2).Code = 3
DB(Level%, 2).Y = 2
DB(Level%, 2).X = 2
DB(Level%, 2).Height = 10
DB(Level%, 2).Wdth = 1
DB(Level%, 2).WindowColor = c1
DB(Level%, 2).PrimaryColor = c1
DB(Level%, 2).SecondaryColor = c2
DB(Level%, 2).SelectedColor = -1
DB(Level%, 2).StarColor = c1
DB(Level%, 2).ItemLength = 60
DB(Level%, 2).KeyColor = 0
DB(Level%, 2).Bordertype = 2
DB(Level%, 2).Link = 0
DB(Level%, 2).TextY = 0
DB(Level%, 2).TextX = 0
DB(Level%, 2).TextColor = c1
DB(Level%, 2).NumberOne = 1
DB(Level%, 2).NumberTwo = 29
DB(Level%, 2).Default = 0

DB(Level%, 3).Code = 7
DB(Level%, 3).Y = 16
DB(Level%, 3).X = 25
DB(Level%, 3).Text = "~OK"
DB(Level%, 3).PrimaryColor = c1
DB(Level%, 3).WindowColor = c1
DB(Level%, 3).SelectedColor = c3
DB(Level%, 3).KeyColor = c4
DB(Level%, 3).SecondaryColor = c4
DB(Level%, 3).Default = -1
DB(Level%, 3).TextString = CHR$(13)

DB(Level%, 4).Code = 7
DB(Level%, 4).Y = 16
DB(Level%, 4).X = 35
DB(Level%, 4).Text = "~Help"
DB(Level%, 4).PrimaryColor = c1
DB(Level%, 4).WindowColor = c1
DB(Level%, 4).SelectedColor = c3
DB(Level%, 4).KeyColor = c4
DB(Level%, 4).SecondaryColor = c4
DB(Level%, 4).Default = 0
DB(Level%, 4).TextString = CHR$(0) + CHR$(59)

DB(Level%, 5).Code = 0

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : DIALOGIC.ZIP
Filename : DIALOG8.DB

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: