Dec 142017
Basic source to a fun card game. Nice programming algorithms.
File DEVIL.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
Basic source to a fun card game. Nice programming algorithms.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
BONES.BAS 14352 5048 deflated
DEVIL.EXE 63864 37882 deflated
DISCLOSE.DOC 3851 1884 deflated
INSTR.DVL 3577 1716 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File DEVIL.ZIP Here

Contents of the DISCLOSE.DOC file

D I S K C L O S U R E :
Of Notices Legal and Otherwise

This Product consists of the Directory DEVIL which is
comprised of the following Files:

DEVIL.EXE Compiled Version of BEAT THE DEVIL
BONES.BAS ASCII BASIC Version of Card Routines
INSTR.DVL Text File needed to run DEVIL.EXE
DISCLOSE.DOC The File you are reading now.
(GAMBLERS) Scorekeeper created by DEVIL.EXE

The Source Code and Text Material are Copyright (C) 1986 and
1987 by Robert Kundus, 742 Carlotta Ct., San Jose, CA 95136.

The Program was written on a Heath/Zenith Z-151PC, using
Microsoft GW-BASIC Ver. 2 (C) by Microsoft. DEVIL.EXE was
compiled with Microsoft QuickBASIC Ver. 2 (C) by Microsoft.

This Package is intended for entertainment and instructional
use by the Users of the IBM(R) PC family of microcomputers.

Permission to copy and distribute is granted to individuals,
user groups and freeware libraries, with the following two
provisions. (1) That the four main Files listed above are
included in the copies, and (2) That fees charged for this
purpose not exceed $7.50.

End of legal Notices. Please do read on.



Hell, Yes, You're Expected to Pay for Entertainment.

There are three or four important points to make. First,
this Software is Dedicated to those Users who want to "do
stuff" with their Computers. This Program can serve as an
instructional tool for the BASIC Programming Language.
BASIC is the most readily understood and so is the most
widely recognized of the "popular" languages.

Second, I hold that it is a disservice to distribute soft-
ware that the User can't fix. At the same time, I remind
the User that the Source Code to DEVIL.EXE is Not For Sale.
This is not a contradiction. This Diskette includes the
File BONES.BAS, which is the bare bones of BEAT THE DEVIL.
It has been saved in ASCII format to be compatible with
screen editors, word processors, and BASIC compilers. It
contains all the routines that move the cards. It is ready
to load and run with nearly all versions of Microsoft/IBM
BASICA interpreters. DEVIL.EXE is BONES.BAS plus spiff and
compiled. If you feel like changing things about the Main
Program, the structure is simple enough. Get your BASIC
Manual and start writing your own subroutines. If you come
up with something good, please send it to me. If you learn
something, you might consider paying for the lessons.

Send me $15.00 (US Funds only).

The third point is that You are my Beta Tester. That means
that you critique the Program before it is "released" in its
final "Version 1.0" form. There is already more to this
Program than you know, and there will be still more. This
is an experiment in the Public Domain. Let me now announce:


If I receive $15.00 from you, I will return to you revealing
information on Advanced Concepts for Vol.I, the Straits Game
including literally "How to Cheat the Devil." If you also
send a formatted disk and post-paid return mailer, you will
become a Registered Beta Tester. Your disk will come back
to you with test versions of Vol.II (the Unusual Game) and
Vol.III (the Endless Game) -- that's two New Games -- plus
the definitive Version 1.0 of Vol.I (the Straits Game).

Also send your comments, evaluations, bugs and suggestions.
I am especially interested in a program that optimally plays
this game and in ideas for new or different programmable
games. Rewards or royalties will be offered.

Last point, and above all. It ain't no good if it ain't
no fun. Let me know if you're having fun! OK?


 December 14, 2017  Add comments

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