Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : DECGIF3.ZIP
Filename : SHOWRGB.ASM

Output of file : SHOWRGB.ASM contained in archive : DECGIF3.ZIP
;* Assembly Subroutines For DECGIF3.BAS
;* By Rich Geldreich 1992
;* Assembled with TASM v2.00
;* Routines to set an RGB palette for VGA/EGA.
Model Small

Public ShowRGB


PalOffset equ [ss:bp+12]
PalSegment equ [ss:bp+10]
NumColors equ [ss:bp+08]
VGA equ [word ss:bp+06]

Proc ShowRGB
Push bp ;Make stack frame.
Mov bp, sp
Push ds si di ;Save regs

Mov si, PalOffset ;ds:si addresses palette now.
Mov ds, PalSegment
Mov cx, NumColors ;cx has number of colors in palette.

Cmp VGA, 0
Jz @@EGA

Mov ax, cx ;*3
Shl ax, 1
Add cx, ax

Mov dx, 03C7h
Xor al, al
Out dx, al
Inc dx
Out dx, al
Inc dx

Shr al, 2
Out dx, al
Loop @@PalLoop1 ;Jump if more left.

Pop di si ds bp
Retf 8

Mov bl, ch

Xor bh, bh

;**** Red
Lodsb ;Converts an 8-Bit RGB palette
Test al, 128 ;into something the BIOS can
Jz @@10 ;handle.
Or bh, 4
Test al, 64
Jz @@20
Or bh, 32

;**** Green
Test al, 128
Jz @@30
Or bh, 2
Test al, 64
Jz @@40
Or bh, 16

;**** Blue
Test al, 128
Jz @@50
Or bh, 1
Test al, 64
Jz @@60
Or bh, 8
Mov ax, 01000h ;Let BIOS do the dirty work this time.
Int 010h

Inc bl

Loop @@PalLoop2 ;Loop if more colors.

Pop di si ds bp
Retf 8
Endp ShowRGB

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : DECGIF3.ZIP
Filename : SHOWRGB.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: