Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : CZLIS110.ZIP
Filename : DEMO.FRM

Output of file : DEMO.FRM contained in archive : CZLIS110.ZIP
Version 1.00
BEGIN Form frmCzList
AutoRedraw = -1
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "CzList Demo"
ControlBox = -1
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(23)
Left = Char(0)
MaxButton = -1
MinButton = -1
MousePointer = 0
Tag = ""
Top = Char(1)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(80)
WindowState = 0
BEGIN Custom CzList
Action = 0
Alignment = 0
Archive = 0
AutoRedraw = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 1
Caption = ""
Checked = 0
Column = 0
DragMode = 0
Drive = ""
Enabled = -1
Filename = ""
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(8)
Hidden = 0
Interval = 0
LargeChange = 0
Left = Char(0)
ListCount = 0
ListIndex = 0
Max = 0
Min = 0
Mode = 0
MousePointer = 0
MultiLine = 0
Normal = 0
Path = ""
Pattern = ""
ReadOnly = -1
Row = 0
ScrollBars = 0
SelLength = 0
SelStart = 0
SelText = ""
SmallChange = 0
Sorted = 0
Style = 0
System = 0
TabIndex = 0
TabStop = -1
Tag = ""
Text = ""
Top = Char(2)
TypeID = "CzList"
Value = 0
Visible = -1
Width = Char(80)
BEGIN Label Label10
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "With the mouse: Click on the top or bottom box line to scroll as well."
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(5)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 17
Tag = ""
Top = Char(1)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(70)
BEGIN Frame Frame2
BackColor = QBColor(7)
Caption = "Tagging:"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(6)
Left = Char(6)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 8
Tag = ""
Top = Char(10)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(68)
BEGIN Label Label8
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "Keyboard: SPACE to tag/untag"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(1)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 14
Tag = ""
Top = Char(3)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(30)
BEGIN Label Label9
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "Mouse: RIGHT button to tag/untag"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(33)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 15
Tag = ""
Top = Char(3)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(32)
BEGIN CommandButton cmdTag
BackColor = QBColor(7)
Cancel = 0
Caption = "&Tag All Items"
Default = 0
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(33)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 18
TabStop = -1
Tag = ""
Top = Char(1)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(19)
BEGIN CommandButton cmdUntag
BackColor = QBColor(7)
Cancel = 0
Caption = "&Untag All Items"
Default = 0
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(33)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 19
TabStop = -1
Tag = ""
Top = Char(2)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(19)
BEGIN CheckBox chkKeybTag
BackColor = QBColor(7)
Caption = "&Keyboard Tag-Scrolling"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(1)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 10
TabStop = -1
Tag = ""
Top = Char(1)
Value = 0
Visible = -1
Width = Char(26)
BEGIN CheckBox chkMouseTag
BackColor = QBColor(7)
Caption = "&Mouse Tag-Scrolling"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(1)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 11
TabStop = -1
Tag = ""
Top = Char(2)
Value = 0
Visible = -1
Width = Char(26)
BEGIN Label lblItemsTagged
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "Label6"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(47)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 13
Tag = ""
Top = Char(0)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(7)
BEGIN CheckBox chkAllowTag
BackColor = QBColor(7)
Caption = "&Allow Tagging"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(1)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 9
TabStop = -1
Tag = ""
Top = Char(0)
Value = 0
Visible = -1
Width = Char(22)
BEGIN Label Label5
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "Items Tagged ="
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(1)
Index = 1
Left = Char(33)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 12
Tag = ""
Top = Char(0)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(14)
BEGIN CommandButton cmdCzDir
BackColor = QBColor(7)
Cancel = 0
Caption = "Cz&Dir"
Default = 0
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
Height = Char(3)
Left = Char(64)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 20
TabStop = -1
Tag = ""
Top = Char(16)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(10)
BEGIN CommandButton cmdCancel
BackColor = QBColor(7)
Cancel = -1
Caption = "&Cancel"
Default = 0
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
Height = Char(3)
Left = Char(64)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 1
TabStop = -1
Tag = ""
Top = Char(19)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(10)
BEGIN Frame Frame1
BackColor = QBColor(7)
Caption = "General Information:"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(6)
Left = Char(6)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 2
Tag = ""

Top = Char(16)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(57)
BEGIN Label Label5
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "ListIndex ="
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(1)
Index = 0
Left = Char(1)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 3
Tag = ""
Top = Char(0)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(11)
BEGIN Label Label4
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "(Press ENTER to display!)"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(15)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(19)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 5
Tag = ""
Top = Char(0)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(25)
BEGIN Label Label2
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "Label2"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(1)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 6
Tag = ""
Top = Char(1)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(30)
BEGIN Label Label3
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "Label3"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(1)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 7
Tag = ""
Top = Char(2)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(49)
BEGIN Label Label7
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "Label7"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(1)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 16
Tag = ""
Top = Char(3)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(49)
BEGIN Label lblListIndex
Alignment = 0
AutoSize = 0
BackColor = QBColor(7)
BorderStyle = 0
Caption = "Label1"
DragMode = 0
Enabled = -1
ForeColor = QBColor(0)
Height = Char(1)
Left = Char(12)
MousePointer = 0
TabIndex = 4
Tag = ""
Top = Char(0)
Visible = -1
Width = Char(7)
' CzarList v1.10
' October, 1994
' Custom Controls for VBDOS
' Copyright (c) 1994 by CZAR Software
' All Rights Reserved.
' CZAR Software
' P.O. Box 370087
' El Paso, TX 79937-0087
' FIDO: 1:381/99
' Voice: 915-595-8787
' BBS: 915-595-8705
' Fax: 915-595-8787
' CIS: 71031,3614
' AOL: czarsoft
' InterNet: [email protected]
' This is a fully functional shareware version. It is not freeware. It
' demonstrates the functionality of the custom controls CzList,
' CzDir, and CzFile. You can test and run the custom controls
' in the VBDOS programming environment using the included .QLB file. Or,
' run the DEMO.EXE file. The DEMO.EXE file shows three examples of all
' custom controls. The shareware version does not include the .LIB object
' library which is required to produce .EXE files.
' If you would like to compile and create .EXE files with the custom
' controls, you have to register CzarList. Please use file REGISTER.DOC
' to register.
' Here is what you get when you register CzList:
' o The CZLIST.LIB object library to build your own EXE files
' o A professionally printed and bound manual
' o Most current Version of CZLIST.LIB
' o Discounts on other CZAR Software products (see CATALOG.DOC)
' o FREE, update notices and bug reports
' o FREE, lifetime voice Support at 915-595-8787
' o FREE, lifetime fax Support
' o FREE, lifetime BBS Support at 915-595-8705
' o FREE, lifetime CompuServe Support at 71031,3614
' o FREE, lifetime AOL Support at czarsoft
' o FREE, lifetime InterNet Support at [email protected]


'$FORM frmDemoDir
'$FORM frmGeneral
'$FORM frmOrder

' CzList Internal functions. These functions have to be declared if you
' want to use them.
DECLARE FUNCTION CzAllowTagging% (YesNo%)
DECLARE FUNCTION CzKeybTagScrolling% (YesNo%)
DECLARE FUNCTION CzMouTagScrolling% (YesNo%)
DECLARE FUNCTION CzSetVirtualPath% (PathToSet$)

' Demo functions
DECLARE SUB OpeningScreen ()
DECLARE SUB ShowThreeParts ()
DECLARE SUB AboutCzList ()

SUB AboutCzList ()

a$ = "CzList is a general listbox control for VBDOS. You can use it to display and list any kind of information. Each element in the listbox can be up to 75 characters long. It fully supports tagging and untagging."
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + "CzList will first try to use XMS Memory. If no XMS memory is available, it will try to use EMS Memory. If no XMS and no EMS memory is available, CzList will use the disk as virtual memory."
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + "Keep a close eye on the amount of conventional memory used during this demo. The amount of conventional memory used will not change no matter how many elements you put into CzList."
MSGBOX a$, 0, "CzList Demo"


SUB chkAllowTag_Click ()

IF chkAllowTag.Value = 1 THEN
Result = CzAllowTagging(0)
Result = CzKeybTagScrolling(0)
Result = CzMouTagScrolling(0)
chkKeybTag.Enabled = -1
chkMouseTag.Enabled = -1
chkKeybTag.Value = 1
chkMouseTag.Value = 1
Result = CzAllowTagging(1)
Result = CzKeybTagScrolling(1)
Result = CzMouTagScrolling(1)
chkKeybTag.Enabled = 0
chkMouseTag.Enabled = 0


SUB chkKeybTag_Click ()

IF chkKeybTag.Value = 1 THEN
Result = CzKeybTagScrolling(0)
Result = CzKeybTagScrolling(1)


SUB chkMouseTag_Click ()

IF chkMouseTag.Value = 1 THEN
Result = CzMouTagScrolling(0)
Result = CzMouTagScrolling(1)


SUB cmdCancel_Click ()

' You must UNLOAD the form or control(s) before you end your program. CzList
' will then remove itself from memory. If you do not unload the form or
' control, the memory used by CzList (either XMS, EMS, or disk space) will
' not be released and unpredictable results may occur.
UNLOAD frmCzList
frmOrder.SHOW 1


SUB cmdCzDir_Click ()

' You must UNLOAD the form or control(s) before you end your program. CzList
' will then remove itself from memory. If you do not unload the form or
' control, the memory used by CzList (either XMS, EMS, or disk space) will
' not be released and unpredictable results may occur.
UNLOAD frmCzList
frmDemoDir.SHOW 1


SUB cmdTag_Click ()

' Tag all elements
' Value = 1 : tag alll elements in CzList
' Value = 2 : untag alll elements in CzList
CzList.Value = 1

' Display the number of items tagged.
lblItemsTagged.Caption = STR$(CzItemsTagged)



SUB cmdUntag_Click ()

' Untag all elements
' Value = 1 : tag alll elements in CzList
' Value = 2 : untag alll elements in CzList
CzList.Value = 2

' Display the number of items tagged.
lblItemsTagged.Caption = STR$(CzItemsTagged)



SUB CzList_DblClick ()

' Get the current element and display it.
' CzList.ListIndex is the current Index. You can also get any other
' index from 0 to ListCount. For example, to get element 189, use
' Dummy$ = CzList.List(188). Remember, the list starts with element 0.
MSGBOX CzList.List(CzList.ListIndex), 0, "Mouse Double Click"


SUB CzList_GotFocus ()

CzList.BorderStyle = 2


SUB CzList_KeyDown (KeyCode AS INTEGER, Shift AS INTEGER)

' Display the current index.
lblListIndex.Caption = STR$(CzList.ListIndex)

' Display the number of items tagged.
lblItemsTagged.Caption = STR$(CzItemsTagged)

' The ENTER key was pressed. Get the current element and display it.
' CzList.ListIndex is the current Index. You can also get any other
' index from 0 to ListCount. For example, to get element 189, use
' Dummy$ = CzList.List(188). Remember, the list starts with element 0.
IF KeyCode = 13 THEN MSGBOX CzList.List(CzList.ListIndex), 0, "Pressed Enter Key"


SUB CzList_LostFocus ()

CzList.BorderStyle = 1



' Display the number of items tagged.
lblItemsTagged.Caption = STR$(CzItemsTagged)



' Display the current index.
lblListIndex.Caption = STR$(CzList.ListIndex)


SUB Form_Load ()




' You can force CzList to use a specific method of storage using the MODE
' property. Use it only if you really need it. By default, CzList will first
' try to use XMS memory. If no XMS memory is available, CzList will try to
' use EMS memory instead. If no EMS memory is available, CzList will then
' use the disk as virtual memory.
' If you force CzList to use XMS Memory, CzList will still try to use EMS
' memory if no XMS memory is available. If no EMS memory is available,
' CzList will use the disk.
'CzList.Mode = -1 ' where = -1 (Use XMS Memory)
' ' = -2 (Use EMS Memory)
' ' = -3 (Use Disk)
' If you force CzList to use EMS memory, do NOT run your program in the
' VBDOS environment as it will not work correctly. You have to compile
' your program into an EXE file.
' NOTE: The MODE property has to be set before you call any other CzList
' commands and before you load the form or control.

' The Max property tells CzList the maximum number of elements ever to
' be used. This simply means that during runtime you will never use
' more than Max of elements in the listbox. The default Max is 1023.
' You do not need to set the Max property if you are sure that you will
' never need more than 1024 elements. You can only set the Max property
' once. You should do this when your program first starts up or set the
' Max property in the Form Designer. Once the Max property has been set,
' it MUST not be changed during runtime.

' The default value is 1023. The maximum is 32765. 32765 elements require
' apx. 2.1 MBytes (XMS, EMS, or disk) whereas 1024 elements require apx.
' 65 KBytes (XMS, EMS, or disk).

Dummy$ = INPUTBOX$("How many elements (Starting with element 0) would you like to put into the ListBox control? Maximum # of elements is 32765 (starting with element 0). It will use either XMS or EMS memory, or diskspace. Enter -1 for no elements." _
, "", "1999")
IF LEN(Dummy$) > 5 THEN
NumElements& = VAL(LEFT$(Dummy$, 5))
NumElements& = VAL(Dummy$)
IF NumElements& > 32765 THEN NumElements& = 32765

' Display status window
frmGeneral.Label1.Caption = "One moment...adding" + STR$(NumElements& + 1) + " elements."

CzList.Max = NumElements&

FOR i = 0 TO NumElements& ' Create up to NumElements&
CzList.ADDITEM STR$(i) + STRING$(74, "*") ' elements and add them into
NEXT ' CzList. NOTE: The maximum
' length of each string is 75.
' The actual length stored is
' 75 plus 1 Tag character
' "û" = 76. If the string is
' not tagged, a space is used.
' Make sure you use a space
' (CHR$(32)) as the first
' character. Later in your
' program, you can check if the
' item is tagged or not by
' checking the first character
' for a CHR$(32) = Not tagged,
' or a CHR$(251) = Tagged.


'CzList.Sorted = -1 ' Set the SORTED property to true (-1) if you want the
' list to be sorted. CzList will only sort the list
' everytime you set the SORTED property. It will not
' sort the list when you use the ADDITEM method. The
' more elements you have stored in CzList, the longer
' it will take to sort CzList. This can take a very
' long time if you have up to 32,765 elements. The
' internal sorting method is a Shellsort. The Shellsort
' is by far the fastet sorting method compared to other
' sorting algorithms such as bubble sort, exchange sort,
' quick sort, etc. The sorting routine in CzList is
' written in optimized VBDOS source code because there
' are no sorting algorithms for XMS or EMS data that
' can be used with VBDOS custom controls.

lblListIndex.Caption = STR$(CzList.ListIndex) ' Display the current index.

lblItemsTagged.Caption = STR$(CzItemsTagged) ' Display the number of items
' tagged.

' Display the number of elements used.
Label2.Caption = "Number of elements =" + STR$(NumElements& + 1)

'Result = CzSetVirtualPath$("I:\TEMP")
' If CzList uses the disk as virtual memory, you will see a slowdown in
' performance the more elements you use. For this reason, you can tell
' CzList where to store the temporary disk file(s) by setting
' CzSetVirtualPath$ to the path you want to use. It is recommended to
' use a RAMDRIVE for this purpose. If you do not specify a path for
' CzSetVirtualPath$, CzList will use the current path.
' Note: You MUST set CzSetVirtualPath$ before you set the Max Property.
' The best way to do this is to set CzSetVirtualPath$ as the first
' command in your FORM_LOAD procedure.
' Make sure the drive has enough space left to save the disk file(s). You
' can calculate the amount of bytes needed using the following formular:
' DiskSpace& = (CzList.Max + 1) * 76
' For example, if you want to use 2000 elements and CzList needs to use
' the disk, you would have to make sure that there are at least
' 1,999 + 1 * 76 = 128,000 Bytes available.

MemoryUsed& = (NumElements& + 1) * 76
CASE -1 ' Use XMS
d$ = "XMS Memory"
CASE -2 ' Use EMS
d$ = "EMS Memory"
' EMS requires additional 16 KBytes for memory page slackspace
MemoryUsed& = ((NumElements& + 1) * 76) + 16384
d$ = "Disk"

' Show the amount of memory or disk space used.
Label3.Caption = "Used =" + STR$(MemoryUsed&) + " Bytes (" + d$ + ")"

' Show the amount of conventional memory used.
Label7.Caption = "Conventional Memory Free =" + STR$(FRE(-1)) + " Bytes"

' ***** Setup Scrolling and Tagging *****
' Result = The current status, which is either 0 or 1
' Result = CzAllowTagging(0) ' 1 = Disable, 0 = Enable
' Result = CzKeybTagScrolling(0) ' 1 = Disable, 0 = Enable
' Result = CzMouTagScrolling(0) ' 1 = Disable, 0 = Enable

IF CzAllowTagging(0) = 0 THEN
chkAllowTag.Value = 1
IF CzKeybTagScrolling(0) = 0 THEN
chkKeybTag.Value = 1
chkKeybTag.Value = 2
IF CzMouTagScrolling(0) = 0 THEN
chkMouseTag.Value = 1
chkMouseTag.Value = 2

' Unload status window
UNLOAD frmGeneral

Left = ((SCREEN.Width - Width) / 2) ' Center form horizontally
Top = ((SCREEN.Height - Height) / 2) ' Center form vertically


SUB OpeningScreen ()

a$ = " CzarList v1.10"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " Listbox Controls for VBDOS"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " Copyright (c) 1994 by CZAR Software"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " All Rights Reserved"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " CZAR Software"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " P.O. Box 370087"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " El Paso, TX 79937-0087"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " USA"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " Voice: 915-595-8787"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " BBS: 915-595-8705"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " Fax: 915-595-8787"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " FIDO: 1:381/99"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " CIS: 71031,3614"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " AOL: czarsoft"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " InterNet: [email protected]"


SUB ShowThreeParts ()

a$ = "This demo consists of three parts:"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " þ A demonstration of CzList (a general listbox)"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " þ A demonstration of CzDir (a directory listbox)"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + " þ A demonstration of CzFile (a file listbox)"
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10)
a$ = a$ + CHR$(13) + CHR$(10) + "To see the demonstration for CzList, click the OK button."


  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : CZLIS110.ZIP
Filename : DEMO.FRM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: