Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : CZLIS110.ZIP
Filename : CATALOG.DOC

Output of file : CATALOG.DOC contained in archive : CZLIS110.ZIP
CZAR Software Products
October 1994

ACZAR v2.10 for DOS - Archive Shell ................. US$ 40.00
or DM 59,00

Compare with SHEZ or ARCMASTER and see what you have been
missing. Very easy to use, but powerful! Mouse support,
SAA/GUI Interface, supports ZIP, ARJ, LZH, PAK, ARC, ZOO,
SQZ, HYP, ARCE, ARC128, ARC286, all SFX files, SCAN,
built-in file viewer + editor, revolutionary Drag & Drop
functions, Backup/Restore entire drives/directories using
ZIP or ARJ, lots of improvements and much more!


ACZAR v2.20 for Windows ............................. US$ 40.00
or DM 59,00

Compression shell for Windows. Built-in ZIP + UNZIP
compatible with PKZIP v2.04g, built-in ZIP multi-volume!
all SFX, McAfee's SCAN, DIET, PKLITE, LZEXE, Drag & Drop,
3-d interface, Backup/Restore entire drives or
directories using multi-volume ZIP or ARJ, view archives
within archives unlimited levels deep, and much more...


ACZAR v2.10 Deutsch - (ASP) German Version................ DM 59,00
or US$ 40.00

Vergleichen Sie mit SHEZ oder ARCMASTER und sehen, was
Sie vermissen mussten. Sehr einfach zu benutzen!
Mausunterstuetzung, SAA/GUI 3-d Interface, benutzt ZIP,
alle SFX files, SCAN, eingebauter File-Viewer + Editor,
revolutionaere Drag & Drop Funktionen, Backup/Restore
ganze Drives/Directories, und vieles mehr.


TUCC v1.00 The UltraSound Control Center............ US$ 25.00
or DM 35,00

Best 3D Menu Shell for the Gravis UltraSound sound card.
GUSMOD, FARPLAY. Mouse support, super fast, automatically
locates all players/emulators. No more command line
typing! Also supports user defined custom players.
Handles 2000 or more modules in a single directory!


CZLIST v1.10 ListBox Controls for VBDOS............. US$ 74.00
or DM 129,00

3 Custom ListBox Controls for VBDOS Programmers. All
three controls use XMS, EMS, or disk space to store the
data. Easily store up to 32,765 items per listbox without
using any string space or conventional memory. CzList
is a general listbox, CzDir displays alphabetically
sorted directories in graphical tree format, CzFile
displays files with size, date, time, attributes.
Tagging supported.


CZINSTALL v1.00 Installation Program................ US$ 49.00
or DM 99,00

A do-it-all, fully mouse driven installation program for
software developers. It features built-in ZIP compression,
splitting files to unlimited numbers of disks, automatic
creation of distribution disks with a touch of a button,
change or set environment variables, menu driven master-
disk creator, use background ANSI wallpapers during
installation without using ANSI.SYS, and much more.

Release: Late 1994


All products can be ordered directly from CZAR Software by sending a
Check (in US$), Money Order, International Money Orders, or cash to:
(If you would like to pay with Credit Card, please read the file
CREDIT.DOC very carefully.)

CZAR Software
P.O. Box 370087
El Paso, TX 79937-0087

You can contact CZAR Software through:

Phone: 915-595-8787
BBS: 915-595-8705 (you can download all shareware versions)
Fax: 915-595-8787
CompuServe: 71031,3614
AOL: czarsoft
InterNet: [email protected]
Fido: 1:381/99

or write to:

CZAR Software
P.O. Box 370087
El Paso, TX 79937-0087

If you live in Germany or if you are able to transfer money to
German bank accounts via Bankueberweisung, you can take advantage
of this great feature and use a Bankueberweisung for the following

- ACZAR for DOS (German Version) for DM 59,00
- ACZAR for Windows (US Version) for DM 59,00
- ACZAR for DOS (US Version) for DM 59,00
- TUCC (US Version) for DM 35,00
- CZLIST (US Version) for DM 129,00

If you live outside Germany, please make sure you add additional
Bank transfer costs so that the end amount will be the price above.
For example, if you live in The Netherlans and would like to use
a Bankueberweisung for CZLIST, make-out a Bankueberweisung for
DM 129,00 plus the additional bank transfer costs. Your bank will
tell you how much that is.

Make the Bankueberweisung out to:

Thomas Jaeger
Sparkasse Hammelburg
Bankleitzahl: 793-510-10
Kontonummer: 760-503-748

Wenn Sie per Bankueberweisung registrieren, dann fuellen sie
bitte das File REGISTER.DOC aus und senden es an:

If you use a Bankueberweisung to register, please read and
fill-out the file REGISTER.DOC and send it to:

CZAR Software
P.O. Box 370087
El Paso, TX 79937-0087

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : CZLIS110.ZIP
Filename : CATALOG.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: