Dec 222017
Charlie 2.1 is a Tool for VB 3.0 (and MS Access) users who need to develop MS Access databases for their applications. Build, Rename, and Delete Tables, Fields, Querys, and Indexes. Must have for serious development.
File CHARLIE.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
Charlie 2.1 is a Tool for VB 3.0 (and MS Access) users who need to develop MS Access databases for their applications. Build, Rename, and Delete Tables, Fields, Querys, and Indexes. Must have for serious development.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
CHARLIE.EXE 182599 47613 deflated
CHARLIE.HLP 205806 146336 deflated
CMDIALOG.VBX 18688 8719 deflated
DESCRIPT.TXT 793 448 deflated
MSADDL11.DLL 6032 2853 deflated
README.TXT 1037 586 deflated
README1.TXT 4161 1875 deflated
SS3D2.VBX 72720 35604 deflated
TESTDB 65536 30942 deflated
THREED.VBX 64544 26072 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File CHARLIE.ZIP Here

Contents of the README.TXT file

This Zipped file contains the following files

msaddl11.dllMS Access DLLShould go into your
Windows/system directory
Charlie.exeExecutable Charlie programCreate a directory ...Charlie
f.i. C:\VB\CHARLIE, and
copy this program there
Charlie.HlpCharlies Help fileIn the same dir or Windows dir.
Readme1.TxtConditions to use CharlieSame
You Should read this !
Readme.TxtThis FileYou are reading it
cmdialog.vbxCommon dialog VBXWindows\System directory
ss3d2.vbxSheridan 3D controlsWindows\System directory
threed.vbxMS 3D ControlsWindows\System directory

Charlie runs in windows, so install in a program group to your liking, set
the home directory correct, otherwise you might have problems using the Helpfile.


Any questions, remarks, suggestions or payment of $19 to

Monte Carlo Software
Domaine de Boistell
83560 Rians

Tel. +33 9480 3940
Fax +33 9480 3993
CServe : 100116,2550
Shareware Online registration (Go SWREG) Id 1348

 December 22, 2017  Add comments

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