Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : BWB110S.ZIP
Filename : BWB_STR.C

Output of file : BWB_STR.C contained in archive : BWB110S.ZIP

bwb_str.c String-management routines
for Bywater BASIC Interpreter

Copyright (c) 1992, Ted A. Campbell

Bywater Software
P. O. Box 4023
Duke Station
Durham, NC 27706

email: [email protected]

Copyright and Permissions Information:

All U.S. and international copyrights are claimed by the
author. The author grants permission to use this code
and software based on it under the following conditions:
(a) in general, the code and software based upon it may be
used by individuals and by non-profit organizations; (b) it
may also be utilized by governmental agencies in any country,
with the exception of military agencies; (c) the code and/or
software based upon it may not be sold for a profit without
an explicit and specific permission from the author, except
that a minimal fee may be charged for media on which it is
copied, and for copying and handling; (d) the code must be
distributed in the form in which it has been released by the
author; and (e) the code and software based upon it may not
be used for illegal activities.



#include "bwbasic.h"
#include "bwb_mes.h"

#define FREE_STRBUFFERS 0 /* works with QuickC but not others */

static char tbuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];


FUNCTION: str_btob()

DESCRIPTION: This C function assigns a bwBASIC string
structure to another bwBASIC string


str_btob( bstring *d, bstring *s )
char *t;
register int i;

sprintf( tbuf, "in str_btob(): entry, source b string name is <%s>", s->name );
bwb_debug( tbuf );
sprintf( tbuf, "in str_btob(): entry, destination b string name is <%s>", d->name );
bwb_debug( tbuf );

/* get memory for new buffer */

if ( ( t = (char *) calloc( s->length + 1, 1 )) == NULL )
bwb_error( err_getmem );
return FALSE;

/* write the c string to the b string */

t[ 0 ] = '\0';
for ( i = 0; i < s->length; ++i )
t[ i ] = s->buffer[ i ];
tbuf[ i ] = s->buffer[ i ];
tbuf[ i + 1 ] = '\0';

/* deallocate old memory */

if ( d->rab == TRUE )
sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in str_btob(): reallocating RAB" );
bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
if (( d->rab != TRUE ) && ( d->buffer != NULL ))
free( d->buffer );
d->rab = (char) FALSE;

/* reassign buffer */

d->buffer = t;

/* reassign length */

d->length = s->length;

sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in str_btob(): exit length <%d> string <%s>",
d->length, tbuf );
bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );

/* return */

return TRUE;



FUNCTION: str_ctob()

DESCRIPTION: This C function assigns a null-terminated
C string to a bwBASIC string structure.


str_ctob( bstring *s, char *buffer )
char *t;
register int i;

sprintf( tbuf, "in str_ctob(): entry, c string is <%s>", buffer );
bwb_debug( tbuf );
sprintf( tbuf, "in str_ctob(): entry, b string name is <%s>", s->name );
bwb_debug( tbuf );

/* get memory for new buffer */

if ( ( t = (char *) calloc( strlen( buffer ) + 1, 1 )) == NULL )
bwb_error( err_getmem );
return FALSE;

/* write the c string to the b string */

t[ 0 ] = '\0';
for ( i = 0; i < strlen( buffer ); ++i )
t[ i ] = buffer[ i ];
tbuf[ i ] = buffer[ i ];
tbuf[ i + 1 ] = '\0';

/* deallocate old memory */

if ( s->rab == TRUE )
sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in str_ctob(): reallocating RAB" );
bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );
if (( s->rab != TRUE ) && ( s->buffer != NULL ))
free( s->buffer );
s->rab = (char) FALSE;

/* reassign buffer */

s->buffer = t;

/* reassign length */

s->length = (unsigned char) strlen( buffer );

sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in str_ctob(): exit length <%d> string <%s>",
s->length, tbuf );
bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );

/* return */

return TRUE;



FUNCTION: str_btoc()

DESCRIPTION: This C function assigns a null-terminated
C string to a bwBASIC string structure.


str_btoc( char *buffer, bstring *s )
register int i;

sprintf( tbuf, "in str_btoc(): entry, b string length is <%d>",
s->length );
bwb_debug( tbuf );
sprintf( tbuf, "in str_btoc(): entry, b string name is <%s>", s->name );
bwb_debug( tbuf );

/* write the b string to the c string */

buffer[ 0 ] = '\0';
for ( i = 0; i < s->length; ++i )
buffer[ i ] = s->buffer[ i ];
buffer[ i + 1 ] = '\0';
i = s->length + 1;

sprintf( tbuf, "in str_btoc(): exit, c string is <%s>", buffer );
bwb_debug( tbuf );

/* return */

return TRUE;



FUNCTION: str_cat()

DESCRIPTION: This C function


char *
str_cat( bstring *a, bstring *b )
char abuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
char bbuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
char *r;

str_btoc( abuf, a );
str_btoc( bbuf, b );

sprintf( bwb_ebuf, "in str_cat(): a <%s> b <%s>", abuf, bbuf );
bwb_debug( bwb_ebuf );

r = strcat( abuf, bbuf );
str_ctob( a, abuf );

return r;


FUNCTION: str_cmp()

DESCRIPTION: This C function


str_cmp( bstring *a, bstring *b )
char abuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];
char bbuf[ MAXSTRINGSIZE + 1 ];

str_btoc( abuf, a );
str_btoc( bbuf, b );

return strcmp( abuf, bbuf );

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : BWB110S.ZIP
Filename : BWB_STR.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: