Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : BKINPQB.ZIP
Filename : BKINPUT.DOC
A Quickbasic and Microsoft Professional Basic
Edited input library
Copyright (C) 1990 by:
Bill Hewitt, B&K Publishing
7868 NW 7th Court
Plantation, FL 33324-1410
(305) 473-0938
A Quickbasic and Microsoft Professional Basic
Edited input library
As a BASIC programmer, I looked everywhere for a simple input
editor that supported numeric fields, decimals, and function keys
without having to use a windowed interface.
Let's face it, windowed interfaces are great if you have 27 years
to write your program, but if you are writing an application for
your own use, it is hard to justify the time when a good line-at-
a-time interface will do the job.
Also, most windowed interfaces virtually prohibit heads-down data
entry in an accounting program or similar applications. I really
don't want to have to keep reaching from the number pad for the
F10 key to save a record.
I was able to find several good input routines for alphanumerics,
but none that fully supported numerics and function keys. The
best text input routine I found was FldEdit by Wayne Robinson. I
based BKInput on his program because I found it fast and easy to
use and already had several programs developed with it.
BKInput does not support foreground and background colors because
I have found that passing the colors to the subprogram every time
I called it was redundant because I usually get several fields of
input at a time and a COLOR statement before the input routines
gets the job done with one statement.
BKInput (BKRow%, BKCol%, BKLen%, BKNumeric%, BKKey%, BKTemp%)
BKRow% Row of first character of field
BKCol% Column of first character of field
BKLen% maximum length of field
BKNumeric% if 0 entry is alphanumeric
if -1 then entry is integer (no decimals)
if >0 then entry is numeric with the number of
decimal places specifies by BKNumeric%
A Quickbasic and Microsoft Professional Basic
Edited input library
BKKey% if set to 0 when the BKInput is called then func-
tion keys are not parsed. Only ESCape and Car-
riage return are parsed.
if set to a value other than 0 when BKInput is
called then function keys are parsed and value
BKTemp$ String to edit. If not "" then this string will be
placed in the field by BKInput with the correct
attribute. The input string is returned in this
The keys trapped with BKKey% are:
F1 - F10 0,59 to 0,68
Carriage Return 13
Escape 27
Tab 9
Home 0,71
End 0,79
PgUp 0,73
PgDn 0,81
Cursor Up 0,72
Cursor Down 0,80
BKEXAMP.BAS is included to demonstrate how to use the library.
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: