Dec 082017
Info on BasNet, a network of BASIC-related topics.

Full Description of File

Just for the BASIC crowd with multiple
conferences covering many topics for
Novice/QB/PDS/PB/VB/VB4DOS programmers.
All Vendors invited to open a conference

File BASNET10.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
Info on BasNet, a network of BASIC-related topics.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
APPLICAT.TXT 2605 1181 deflated
BBS.LST 9470 4582 deflated
CONFEREN.TXT 9546 3437 deflated
COPYRIGH.T93 603 324 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 266 215 deflated
QB-NET.TXT 8792 3647 deflated
RULES 1262 677 deflated
RULES.BLT 6006 2744 deflated
THANK.YOU 1326 570 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File BASNET10.ZIP Here

Contents of the APPLICAT.TXT file

Provide the information requested below in a reasonable format to the
appropriate location. (219-696-3415 or in the HUB conference on any
other member system carrying that conf.) This may be done via electronic
means or by mail--electronic application is the prefered method to use.
Temporary acceptance is granted upon issuance of your Network ID number.
Full membership is confirmed at the point you are listed on the bbs

Type of membership being applied for: (check 1)
1. Primary Hub (submit to:
Toolkit BBS, 15303 Colfax Lowell, IN 46356)
2. Secondary Hub (submit to the primary hub you'll echo via)
3. Node (submit to Primary HUB via the HUB you will echo via)
Note: a node may upgrade to secondary hub status at will
having notified their hub of the change and upon receipt
of their new network ID number.

Amount of conference participation:
1. Will carry all 20 (some will be inactive at times) conferences
2. Will carry selected Conferences

BBS Name:
BBS Sysop:
BBS Location:
BBS Phone:
BBS Modem Type:
BBS Features: (up to 3 additional lines advertising/describing your bbs)
(The above will also provide the info for the BBS listing of net

Upon acceptance to the network you will receive a network ID number.
Use of this network ID in echoing across the network is indication of
your acceptance of network rules and guidelines as outlined in below and
in future updates as distributed via the primary hubs.
1. Carry the bulletins associated with the conferences being carried.
2. Carry the network packet which contains the rules and guidelines
for the network and request that your user read the info prior
to their network participation.
3. Agree to remove a particular users access to the conference(s) as
requested for:
Single conference -- the current conference host
All Conference -- your primary hub.
4. Turn off the ability for ANSI/@PCB character to be echoed from your
system. (May allow ANSI in OFF-TOPIC--at your option.)
5. Use QNET or RNET or fully compatible network software. PCRELAY
software may be used with the approval of your local hub. Other
network software may be used with the approval of your primary hub.
Com-Dat provides all hubbing of FIDO based systems.
6. No mail on this network is to be considered a private or privileged
network communication and is is considered subject to viewing by any
network user.

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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