Dec 082017
ANGELIB 1.9a PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming library. Over 60 routines such as a horizontal bar menu, scrolling information window, and a file selection window (all with mouse support) and printer functions such as soft font sel

Full Description of File

PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming library. Over
60 routines such as a horizontal bar
menu, scrolling information window, and
a file selection window (all with mouse
support) and printer functions such as
soft font selection and downloading,
etc. *NEW* Full LIB.

File ANGELLIB.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category BASIC Language
ANGELIB 1.9a PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming library. Over 60 routines such as a horizontal bar menu, scrolling information window, and a file selection window (all with mouse support) and printer functions such as soft font sel
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
ANGEL.BI 3882 1205 deflated
ANGEL.INF 15643 4123 deflated
ANGEL.LIB 268849 100852 deflated
ANGELIB.TXT 109320 27022 deflated
ANGELIB.WP 105734 33017 deflated
COLOURS.BI 325 177 deflated
COMPARE.EXE 29915 28847 deflated
DESC.SDI 79 79 stored
DUMP.EXE 28971 27907 deflated
FILE_ID.DIZ 276 207 deflated
FKEY.LST 279 213 deflated
FKEYS.BI 1510 499 deflated
MAKEQLB.BAT 45 41 deflated
ORDER.FRM 3180 1155 deflated
PRINTER.DAT 37476 3084 deflated
PTRREC.DEF 2809 850 deflated
QSORT.BAS 2591 686 deflated
READ.ME 3058 1437 deflated
SYSOP.DOC 967 577 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated
VENDOR.DOC 2917 1393 deflated

Download File ANGELLIB.ZIP Here

Contents of the READ.ME file

PDS/BASIC 7.1 programming library. Over
60 routines such as a horizontal bar
menu, scrolling information window, and
a file selection window (all with mouse
support) and printer functions such as
soft font selection and downloading,
etc. *NEW* Full LIB.

Files contained in this archive are:

file_id.diz * BBS file
desc.sdi * BBS file
ANGEL.BI BASIC INCLUDE file, function declarations
ANGEL.LIB Full library, use when compiling to an EXE
ANGELIB.TXT * Documentation formatted for "standard printer"
ANGELIB.WP * Documentation in WordPerfect 5 format + BASIC INCLUDE file, colour constants
FKeys.BI + BASIC INCLUDE file, keyboard constants
Printer.DAT + Printer definitions
PtrRec.DEF + BASIC INCLUDE file, PRINTER.DAT record definitions
FKey.LST + Sample text file for use with FKEYS subroutine
QSORT.BAS * Public domain sort used in ANGELIB
ORDER.FRM Order form for all of my shareware
COMPARE.EXE * Replacement for DOS COMP; shows ASCII and HEX, will compare
files of different sizes. Type COMPARE for instructions.
DUMP.EXE * A hex/octal/decimal file viewer. I made this because all
the others only do Hex and sometimes I need decimal...
Type DUMP for usage instructions.

Files marked with * are not needed to use ANGELIB so you may remove them
if you are tight on disk space, but you may want to keep some or all of
them handy. Please keep ORDER.FRM on your disk until you decide whether
to register ANGELIB.

Files marked with + are not needed to use ANGELIB, but you will probably
want to use them in your programme development. For example, to use the
printer routines (such as printer selection, font selection, etc.) you
will need '$INCLUDE: 'PtrRec.DEF' in your programme.

The Registered Edition contains the following extra files which are to
be used ONLY by the registered owner:

FAROBJ.EXE Archive of OBJ (object) modules of my routines so you can
make your own custom libraries. Note that PBClone and
EZ-Windows are required to compile some routines (see docs),
but this applies only to the OBJs -- you may use all of the
routines in ANGEL.LIB whether or not you have these
ANGELIB.INF OBJ information file for use with Hanlin's LIBWIZ utility

If you ordered source code, you will also get:

SOURCE.EXE Source code archive which contains...
*.BAS BASIC modules
ANGEL.MAK All of the BAS routine names for QBX; when you "QBX
ANGEL /L ADDIN" you will get all of the routines so you
can modify & debug.
ADDIN.LSP Names of routines needed from PBClone and EZ-Windows to
use some source code and OBJ modules (pass this file as
a parameter to LIB)

Use the command TYPE ORDER.FRM > PRN to print the order form, or simply
send US$25 for latest Registered Edition and specify disk size & density.

Thank you, Merci, Gracias, Grazie,
Angel Babudro 28 Mulberry St Clinton, NY USA 13323-1506 (315) 853-6942
(this is a home phone number so please remember time zone differences)

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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