Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : AH-DAT.ZIP
Filename : API_CALL.IDX

Output of file : API_CALL.IDX contained in archive : AH-DAT.ZIP
AbortDoc AccessResource AddAtom AddFontResource AdjustWindowRect 
AllocDStoCSAlias AllocResource AllocSelector AnimatePalette

AnsiToOem AnsiToOemBuff AnsiUpper 
Arc ArrangeIconicWindows 
auxGetDevCaps auxGetNumDevs auxGetVolume auxOutMessage auxSetVolume BeginDeferWindowPos 
BitBlt BringWindowToTop 
CallMsgFilter !
CallNextHookEx "
Catch #ChangeClipboardChain $
ChangeMenu %
ChangeSelector &CheckDlgButton '
CheckMenuItem (
CheckRadioButton )
ChildWindowFromPoint *
ChooseColor +ChooseFont ,Chord -ClassFirst . ClassNext / ClearCommBreak 0
ClientToScreen 1
ClipCursor 2
CloseClipboard 3
CloseComm 4
CloseDriver 5
CloseMetaFile 6CloseSound 7CloseWindow 8
CombineRgn 9CommDlgExtendedError :CopyCursor ;
CopyIcon <
CopyLZFile =CopyMetaFile >CopyRect ?
CountClipboardFormats @
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CreateCompatibleBitmap FCreateCompatibleDC GCreateCursor H
CreateDC ICreateDIBitmap JCreateDIBPatternBrush KCreateDiscardableBitmap LCreateEllipticRgn MCreateEllipticRgnIndirect NCreateFont OCreateFontIndirect PCreateHatchBrush QCreateIC RCreateIcon S
CreateMenu T
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CreateWindowEx c
DebugBreak dDebugOutput eDefDlgProc f
DefDriverProc g
DeferWindowPos h
DefFrameProc i
DefMDIChildProc j
DefWindowProc k
DeleteAtom lDeleteDC mDeleteMenu n
DeleteMetaFile oDeleteObject pDestroyCaret q
DestroyCursor r
DestroyIcon s
DestroyMenu t
DestroyWindow u
DispatchMessage v
DlgDirList w
DlgDirListComboBox x
DlgDirSelect y
DlgDirSelectComboBox z
DlgDirSelectComboBoxEx {
DlgDirSelectEx |
DPtoLP }DragAcceptFiles ~DragFinish DragQueryFile €DragQueryPoint DrawFocusRect ‚
DrawIcon ƒ
DrawMenuBar „
DrawText …
DrvClose †DrvDefDriverProc ‡DrvGetModuleHandle ˆDrvOpen ‰DrvSendMessageClose ŠEllipse ‹EmptyClipboard Œ
EnableCommNotification 
EnableHardwareInput Ž
EnableMenuItem 
EnableScrollBar 
EnableWindow ‘
EndDeferWindowPos ’
EndDialog “
EndDocAPI ”EndPage •EndPaint –
EnumClipboardFormats —
EqualRect ˜
EqualRgn ™Escape šEscapeCommFunction ›
ExcludeClipRect œExcludeUpdateRgn 
ExitWindows ž
ExitWindowsExec Ÿ
ExtFloodFill  ExtractIcon ¡ExtTextOut ¢FatalAppExit £FatalExit ¤FillRect ¥
FillRgn ¦
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FrameRect ¯
FrameRgn °
FreeLibrary ±FreeModule ²FreeResource ³FreeSelector ´GetActiveWindow µ
GetAspectRatioFilter ¶GetAspectRatioFilterEx ·GetAsyncKeyState ¸
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GetCaretBlinkTime Ä
GetCaretPos Å
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GetCursorPos Ü
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GetGlyphOutline ÷GetInputState ø
GetInstanceData ùGetKBCodePage úGetKerningPairs ûGetKeyboardState ü
GetKeyboardType ýGetKeyNameText þGetKeyState ÿ
GetMapMode GetMenu 

GetMetaFile GetMetaFileBits
GetModuleFileName GetModuleHandle GetModuleUsage GetNearestColor GetNearestPaletteIndex GetNextDlgGroupItem 
GetNumTasks GetObject GetOpenClipboardWindow 
GetOpenFileName GetOutlineTextMetrics GetPaletteEntries GetParent 
GetPixel GetPolyFillMode GetPriorityClipboardFormat 
GetPrivateProfileInt !GetPrivateProfileString "GetProfileInt #GetProfileString $GetProp %
GetQueueStatus &
GetRasterizerCaps 'GetRgnBox (GetROP2 )GetSaveFileName *GetScrollPos +
GetScrollRange ,
GetSelectorBase -GetSelectorLimit .GetStockObject /GetStretchBltMode 0GetSubMenu 1
GetSysColor 2
GetSysModalWindow 3
GetSystemDebugState 4
GetSystemDirectory 5GetSystemMenu 6
GetSystemMetrics 7
GetSystemPaletteEntries 8GetSystemPaletteUse 9GetTabbedTextExtent :GetTempDrive ;GetTempFileName <GetTextAlign =GetTextCharacterExtra >GetTextColor ?GetTextExtent @GetTextExtentPoint AGetTextFace BGetTextMetrics CGetThresholdEvent DGetThresholdStatus EGetTickCount F
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GetUpdateRgn I
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GetWindowDC Q
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GetWindowTextLength \
GetWindowWord ]
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HiliteMenuItem {
Hmemcpy |Hread }Hwrite ~InflateRect 
InitAtomTable €InSendMessage 
InsertMenu ‚
IntersectClipRect ƒIntersectRect „
InvalidateRect …
InvalidateRgn †
InvertRect ‡
InvertRgn ˆ
IsBadReadPtr ‰IsBadStringPtr ŠIsBadWritePtr ‹IsCharAlpha Œ
IsCharAlphaNumeric 
IsCharLower Ž
IsCharUpper 
IsChild 
IsDBCSLeadByte ’IsDialogMessage “
IsDlgButtonChecked ”
IsIconic •
IsMenu –
IsRectEmpty —
IsTask ˜IsWindow ™
IsWindowEnabled š
IsWindowVisible ›
IsZoomed œ
joyGetDevCaps joyGetNumDevs žjoyGetPos ŸjoyGetThreshold  joyReleaseCapture ¡joySetCapture ¢joySetThreshold £KillTimer ¤
Lclose ¥Lcreat ¦LimitEmsPages §LineTo ¨Llseek ©LoadAccelerators ª
LoadBitmap «
LoadCursor ¬
LoadIcon ­
LoadLibrary ®LoadMenu ¯
LoadMenuIndirect °
LoadModule ±LoadResource ²LoadString ³
LocalAlloc ´LocalCompact µLocalFirst ¶ LocalFlags ·LocalFree ¸LocalHandle ¹LocalInfo º LocalInit »LocalLock ¼LocalNext ½ LocalReAlloc ¾LocalShrink ¿LocalSize ÀLocalUnlock ÁLockInput Â
LockResource ÃLockSegment ÄLockWindowUpdate Å
LogError ÆLopen ÇLPtoDP ÈLread ÉLstrcat ÊLstrcmp Ë
Lstrcmpi Ì
Lstrcpy ÍLstrcpyn ÎLstrlen ÏLwrite ÐLZClose ÑLZCopy ÒLZDone ÓLZInit ÔLZOpenFile ÕLZRead ÖLZSeek ×LZStart ØMapDialogRect Ù
MapVirtualKey ÚMapWindowPoints Û
mciExecute ÜmciGetCreatorTask ÝmciGetDeviceID ÞmciGetDeviceIDFromElementIßmciGetErrorString àmciGetYieldProc ámciSendCommand âmciSendString ãmciSendStringAny ämciSetYieldProc åMemManInfo æ MemoryRead ç MemoryWrite è MessageBeep é
MessageBox ê
midiInAddBuffer ëmidiInClose ìmidiInGetDevCaps ímidiInGetErrorText îmidiInGetID ïmidiInGetNumDevs ðmidiInMessage ñmidiInOpen òmidiInPrepareHeader ómidiInReset ômidiInStart õmidiInStop ömidiInUnprepareHeader ÷midiOutCacheDrumPatches ømidiOutCachePatches ùmidiOutClose úmidiOutGetDevCaps ûmidiOutGetErrorText ümidiOutGetID ýmidiOutGetNumDevs þmidiOutGetVolume ÿmidiOutLongMsg midiOutMessage midiOutOpen midiOutPrepareHeader midiOutReset midiOutSetVolume midiOutShortMsg midiOutUnprepareHeader mmioAdvance mmioAscend mmioClose
mmioCreateChunk mmioDescend mmioFlush
mmioGetInfo mmioInstallIOProc mmioOpen mmioRead mmioRename mmioSeek mmioSendMessage mmioSetBuffer mmioSetInfo mmioStringToFOURCC mmioWrite mmsystemGetVersion ModifyMenu 
ModuleFindHandle  ModuleFindName  ModuleFirst  ModuleNext  MoveTo MoveToEx MoveWindow !
MulDiv "OemKeyScan #OemToAnsi $OemToAnsiBuff %OffsetClipRgn &OffsetRect '
OffsetRgn (OffsetViewportOrg )OffsetViewportOrgEx *OffsetWindowOrg +OffsetWindowOrgEx ,OpenClipboard -
OpenComm .
OpenDriver /
OpenFile 0OpenIcon 1
OpenSound 2OutputDebugStr 3OutputDebugString 4PaintRgn 5
PatBlt 6PeekMessage 7
Pie 8PlayMetaFile 9PlayMetaFileRecord :Polygon ;Polyline <PolyPolygon =PostAppMessage >
PostMessage ?
PostQuitMessage @
PrintDlg AProfClear B
ProfFinish C
ProfFlush D
ProfInsChk E
ProfSampRate F
ProfSetup G
ProfStart H
ProfStop I
PtInRect J
PtInRegion K
PtVisible LQuerySendMessage M
ReadComm N
RealizePalette O
Rectangle PRectInRegion Q
RectVisible R
RedrawWindow S
RegCloseKey TRegCreateKey URegDeleteKey VRegEnumKey WRegisterClass X
RegisterClipboardFormat Y
RegisterWindowMessage Z
RegOpenKey [RegQueryValue \RegSetValue ]ReleaseCapture ^
ReleaseDC _
RemoveFontResource `RemoveMenu a
RemoveProp b
ReplaceText cReplyMessage d
ResizePalette eRestoreDC fRoundRect gSaveDC hScaleViewportExt iScaleViewportExtEx jScaleWindowExt kScaleWindowExtEx lScreenToClient m
ScrollDC n
ScrollWindow o
ScrollWindowEx p
SelectClipRgn qSelectObject rSelectPalette s
SendDlgItemMessage t
SendDriverMessage u
SendMessage v
SendMessageLong w
SetActiveWindow x
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SetCaretBlinkTime 
SetCaretPos ‚
SetClassLong ƒ
SetClassWord „
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SetClipboardViewer †
SetCommBreak ‡
SetCommEventMask ˆ
SetCommState ‰
SetCursor Š
SetCursorPos ‹
SetDIBits ŒSetDIBitsToDevice SetDlgItemInt Ž
SetDlgItemText 
SetDoubleClickTime 
SetEnvironment ‘SetErrorMode ’SetFocusAPI “
SetHandleCount ”SetKeyboardState •
SetMapMode –SetMapperFlags —SetMenu ˜
SetMenuItemBitmaps ™
SetMessageQueue š
SetMetaFileBits ›SetMetaFileBitsBetter œSetPaletteEntries SetParent ž
SetPixel ŸSetPolyFillMode  SetProp ¡
SetRect ¢
SetRectEmpty £
SetRectRgn ¤SetROP2 ¥SetScrollPos ¦
SetScrollRange §
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SetSysModalWindow ¬
SetSystemPaletteUse ­SetTextAlign ®SetTextCharacterExtra ¯SetTextColor °SetTextJustification ±SetViewportExt ²SetViewportExtEx ³SetViewportOrg ´SetViewportOrgEx µSetVoiceAccent ¶SetVoiceEnvelope ·SetVoiceNote ¸SetVoiceQueueSize ¹SetVoiceSound ºSetVoiceThreshold »SetWinDebugInfo ¼SetWindowExt ½SetWindowExtEx ¾SetWindowLong ¿
SetWindowOrg ÀSetWindowOrgEx ÁSetWindowPlacement Â
SetWindowPos Ã
SetWindowText Ä
SetWindowWord Å
ShellExecute ÆShowCaret Ç
ShowCursor È
ShowOwnedPopups É
ShowScrollBar Ê
ShowWindow Ë
SizeofResource ÌsndPlaySound ÍSpoolFile ÎStackTraceCSIPFirst Ï StackTraceFirst Ð StackTraceNext Ñ StartDoc ÒStartPage ÓStartSound ÔStopSound ÕStretchBlt ÖStretchDIBits ×SubtractRect Ø
SwapMouseButton Ù
SwapRecording ÚSwitchStackBack ÛSwitchStackTo ÜSyncAllVoices ÝSystemHeapInfo Þ SystemParametersInfo ß
TabbedTextOut àTaskFindHandle á TaskFirst â TaskGetCSIP ã TaskNext ä TaskSetCSIP å TaskSwitch æ TerminateApp ç TextOut èThrow étimeBeginPeriod êtimeEndPeriod ëtimeGetDevCaps ìtimeGetSystemTime ítimeGetTime îtimeKillEvent ïTimerCount ð timeSetEvent ñToAscii òTrackPopupMenu ó
TranslateAccelerator ô
TranslateMDISysAccel õ
TranslateMessage ö
TransmitCommChar ÷
UngetCommChar ø
UnhookWindowsHookEx ù
UnionRect ú
UnlockResource ûUnlockSegment üUnrealizeObject ýUnregisterClass þ
UpdateColors ÿUpdateWindow 
ValidateCodeSegments ValidateFreeSpaces ValidateRect 
VerFindFile  VerInstallFile  VerLanguageName  VerQueryValue  VkKeyScan WaitMessage

WaitSoundState waveInAddBuffer waveInClose
waveInGetDevCaps waveInGetErrorText waveInGetID waveInGetNumDevs waveInGetPosition waveInMessage waveInOpen waveInPrepareHeader waveInReset waveInStart waveInStop waveInUnprepareHeader waveOutBreakLoop waveOutClose waveOutGetDevCaps waveOutGetErrorText waveOutGetID waveOutGetNumDevs waveOutGetPitch waveOutGetPlaybackRate !waveOutGetPosition "waveOutGetVolume #waveOutMessage $waveOutOpen %waveOutPause &waveOutPrepareHeader 'waveOutReset (waveOutRestart )waveOutSetPitch *waveOutSetPlaybackRate +waveOutSetVolume ,waveOutUnprepareHeader -waveOutWrite .WindowFromPoint /
WinExec 0WinHelp 1
WriteComm 2
WritePrivateProfileString 3WriteProfileString 4Wvsprintf 5
Yield 6

  3 Responses to “Category : BASIC Source Code
Archive   : AH-DAT.ZIP
Filename : API_CALL.IDX

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: