Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : TAVID12.ZIP
Filename : VIDEO2.ASM

Output of file : VIDEO2.ASM contained in archive : TAVID12.ZIP
TITLE 'Direct Video Routines'

; Author: David Bennett - Version 1.0 - Date: 11/9/88
; This is a module of direct video writing routines for TASM. Please see the
; file VIDEO.DOC for more information. Examples of most routines are set forth
; -Dave
;v1.2, Toad Hall tweak
; - This version is a "standalone" program that should be compiled
; separately. Save the .OBJ file for later incorporation via LINK
; with your main program.
; Globals are right at the top (which you, of course, will declare
; as externals in YOUR program.

Comment ~
Move the following lines to YOUR program (and uncomment them!):
EXTRN EGAInstalled: NEAR, GetVideoMode: NEAR
EXTRN DFillAttr: NEAR, StoreToMem: NEAR
EXTRN StoreToScr: NEAR, CursorOff: NEAR

EXTRN baseOfScreen : WORD
EXTRN snowcheck: BYTE, videomode: BYTE
end of Comment ~


PUBLIC MoveXY_DI,MoveXY_SI,EGAInstalled,GetVideoMode
PUBLIC DWriteCh,DWriteChNA,DWriteStr,DWriteStrNA
PUBLIC DFillCh,DFillChNA,DFillAttr,StoreToMem,StoreToScr
PUBLIC CursorOff,CursorOn

PUBLIC baseOfScreen,snowcheck,videomode

baseOfScreen DW CGASEG ; Offset for current vid mode
snowcheck DB 0 ; Check for retrace 1/0
videomode DB 0 ; Current BIOS INT 10 vid mode

INCLUDE VIDEO1.INC ;various definitions

; ------
; Macros
; ------

WaitRetrace MACRO
LOCAL WaitNoH, WaitH, WaitX
; This macro waits for the horizontial retrace signal from the
; monitor before continuing. Interrupts should be disabled B4
; calling this routine with CLI. Of course, make sure int's are
; reenabled afterwards with STI.
; Modifies
; DX, AL
mov dx, 3DAh ; CGA status register
in al, dx ; Get 6845 Status
test al,8 ; Check vert retrace
jnz WaitX ; In Progress? go
rcr al,1 ; Wait for end of
jc WaitNoH ; horizontal retrace
in al, dx ; Get 6845 status again
rcr al, 1 ; Wait for horizontial
jnc WaitH ; retrace

; ----------------
; Video Procedures
; ----------------

MoveXY_DI proc near
; This procedure moves to the offset indicated by an X & Y cusor
; location.
; Input
; AH = Row
; AL = Column
; Output
; DI = Memory Offset
push cx ; Save CX
xor cl, cl ; Clear CL
mov ch, ah ; CX = Row * 256
dec ch ; CX = (Row - 1) {0-24 Based}
shr cx, 1 ; CX = Row * 128
mov di, cx ; Store in DI
shr di, 1 ; DI = Row * 64
shr di, 1 ; DI = Row * 32
add di, cx ; DI = (Row * 128)+(Row * 32) {Row*160}
xor ch, ch ; Clear CH register
mov cl, al ; CX = Columns
dec cx ; Make 0-79
shl cx, 1 ; Account for attribute
add di, cx ; DI = (Row * 160) + (Col * 2)
pop cx ; Restore CX register

MoveXY_DI endp

MoveXY_SI proc near
; This procedure moves to the offset indicated by an X & Y cusor
; location.
; Input
; AH = Row
; AL = Column
; Output
; SI = Memory Offset - Points 1 byte beyond null of str displayed
push cx ; Save CX
xor cl, cl ; Clear CL
mov ch, ah ; CX = Row * 256
dec ch ; CX = (Row - 1) {0-24 Based}
shr cx, 1 ; CX = Row * 128
mov si, cx ; Store in SI
shr si, 1 ; SI = Row * 64
shr si, 1 ; SI = Row * 32
add si, cx ; SI = (Row * 128)+(Row * 32) {Row*160}
xor ch, ch ; Clear CH register
mov cl, al ; CX = Columns
dec cx ; Make 0-79
shl cx, 1 ; Account for attribute
add si, cx ; DI = (Row * 160) + (Col * 2)
pop cx ; Restore CX register

MoveXY_SI endp

EGAInstalled proc near
; This procedure checks to see if the current adapter card is an
; EGA.
; Output
; AL = 1 if EGA Adapter is found / 0 if not
; Modified
; AX
push bx ; Store used registers
push cx
mov ax, 1200h ; BIOS INT 10 function 12h
mov bx, 10h ; sub-func 10h (Get EGA info)
mov cx, 0FFFFh ; lite all bits of CX
int 10h ; call INT 10
xor ax, ax ; Clear AX reg
cmp cx, 0FFFFh ; If CX not modified by INT call
je EI_Done ; then this is not an EGA
inc AL ; Increment AL to show this is EGA
pop cx ; Restore regs
pop bx

EGAInstalled endp

GetVideoMode proc near
; This procedure checks the video mode and sets the baseOfScreen
; accordingly. It also sets snowcheck to 1 if adapter is a CGA.
; Output
; baseOfScreen
; videomode
; snowcheck
; Uses
; EGAInstalled
push ax ; Store registers
push di
push DS
mov ax,CS
mov DS,ax

mov di, CGASEG ; move offset of CGA to DI
mov ah, 0Fh ; INT 10 get vid mode func
int 10h ; get the video mode
xor ah, ah ; clear the AH reg
mov videomode, al ; place mode into videomode
cmp al, 7 ; Is this a mono screen?
jne NotMono ; if not jump to NotMono
mov di, MONOSEG ; move offset of mono to DI
mov snowcheck, 0 ; NEVER CHECK RETRACE ON MONO!
jmp short GVM_Done

NotMono: ; Process CGA/EGA/VGA adap.
call EGAInstalled ; Check for EGA adap.
rcr al, 1 ; Move bit 1 to carry flag
jc GVM_Done ; If EGA then no snow check
mov snowcheck, 1 ; Not EGA so set snow check
mov baseOfScreen, di ; Move DI to base of screen
pop DS ; Restore regs
pop di
pop ax

GetVideoMode endp

DWriteCH proc near
; Writes a character to the screen using direct memory access.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH Row on screen 1-25
; AL Column on screen 1-80
; BH Video Attribute
; BL Character
; CX Number of times
; Output
; Screen memory (B000:0000 or 8000 CGA/MONO
push ax ; Store the registers
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di

call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to row / column offset
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov al,snowcheck ; Move snow check to al
rcr al, 1 ; snowcheck
jnc DWC_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto FW_NoWait
cli ; Disable interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro to wait for horiz retrace
mov ax, bx ; Move char/attr into AX
stosw ; Move char/attr to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
loop DWC_Next ; Repeat CX times
jmp short DWC_Exit ; Exit this routine

mov ax, bx ; Move char/attr into AX
rep stosw ; Move char/attr to screen CX times

pop di ; Restore the registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax

DWriteCH endp

DWriteCHNA proc near
; Writes a character to the screen using direct memory access.
; This procedure does not disturb current attr setting.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH Row on screen 1-25
; AL Column on screen 1-80
; BL Character
; CX Number of times
; Output
; Screen memory (B000:0000 or 8000 CGA/MONO
push ax ; Store the registers
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di

call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to row / column offset
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov al,snowcheck ; Move snow check to al
rcr al, 1 ; snowcheck
jnc DWCN_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto FW_NoWait

cli ; Disable interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro to wait for horiz retrace
mov al, bl ; Move char into al
stosb ; Move char to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
inc di ; Skip over attr
loop DWCN_Next ; Repeat CX times
jmp short DWCN_Exit ; Exit this routine

mov al, bl ; Move char into AX
stosb ; Move char to screen
inc di ; Skip over attr
loop DWCN_NoWaitLoop ; Repeat CX times

pop di ; Restore the registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax

DWriteCHNA endp

DWriteStr proc near
; This procedure writes a null delimited string to the screen using
; direct memory access.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; DS:SI Null terminated string to print
; AH Row on screen 1-25
; AL Column on screen 1-80
; BH Video Attribute
; Output
; Screen memory (B000:0000 or 8000 CGA/MONO
; Modifies
; SI - Points 1 byte beyond null of str displayed
push ax ; Store the registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di

call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to row / column offset
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to al
cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ah, bh ; Place video attr in AH
jnc DWS_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto DWS_NoWait

lodsb ; Get a character from source
or al, al ; Check for NULL
jz DWS_Exit ; If NULL then exit
mov bx, ax ; Store video word into BX
cli ; Disable interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro to wait for horiz retrace
mov ax, bx ; Move word back to AX...
stosw ; Move word to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
jmp DWS_Next ; Continue

lodsb ; Get a character from string
or al, al ; Check for NULL
jz DWS_Exit ; If NULL then exit
stosw ; Move word to screen
loop DWS_NoWait ; Continue
pop di ; Restore the registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

DWriteStr endp

DWriteStrNA proc near
; This procedure writes a null delimited string to the screen using
; direct memory access, attribute is not changed.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; DS:SI Null terminated string to print
; AH Row on screen 1-25
; AL Column on screen 1-80
; Output
; Screen memory (B000:0000 or 8000 CGA/MONO)
; Modifies
; SI - Points 1 byte beyond null of str displayed
push ax ; Store the registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di

call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to cl
cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
jnc DWSN_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto DWSN_NoWait

lodsb ; Get a character from source
or al, al ; Check for NULL
jz DWSN_Exit ; If NULL then exit
mov bx, ax ; Store video word into BX
cli ; Turn off interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
mov ax, bx ; Move word back to AX...
stosb ; Move word to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
inc di ; Skip the attribute.
jmp DWSN_Next ; Continue

lodsb ; Get a character from string
or al, al ; Check for NULL
jz DWSN_Exit ; If NULL then exit
stosb ; Store the byte on screen
inc di ; Skip attribute byte
loop DWSN_NoWait ; Continue
pop di ; Restore the registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

DWriteStrNA endp

DFillCH proc near
; This procedure fills an area of the screen with the specified
; character and attribute.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH = Top Row
; AL = Left Column
; BH = Number of rows
; BL = Number of columns
; DH = Attribute
; DL = Character
push ax ; Store Registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di

mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to CL

cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ch, 0 ; Clear CH
jnc DFC_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto DFC_NoWait

mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store Registers AX, BX
push bx
mov bx,dx ;video word into BX v1.1

cli ; Turn off interrupts
; push dx ; Store video word
mov bx,ax ;store video word v1.1
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
; pop dx ; Restore video word
; mov ax, dx ; Move word into AX
mov ax,bx ;restore video word v1.1
stosw ; Move word to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
loop DFC_Next ; Continue

pop bx ; Restore registers BX, AX
pop ax
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement the number of rows done
;v1.1 the dec will set ZF appropriately if 0'ed
; or bh, bh ; Check Number of columns
jnz DFC_Top ; Do next column if not done
jmp short DFC_Exit ; Exit routine

mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store the char/attr
mov ax, dx ; Move char/attr into ax
rep stosw ; Thats it!
pop ax ; Restore the char/attr
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check number of columns
jnz DFC_NoWait ; Do next column

pop di ; Restore registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

DFillCH endp

DFillCHNA proc near
; This procedure fills an area of the screen with the specified
; character. Attribute remains the same.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH = Top Row
; AL = Left Column
; BH = Number of rows
; BL = Number of columns
; DL = Character
push ax ; Store Registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di

mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to CL

cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ch, 0 ; Clear CH
jnc DFCN_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto DFCN_NoWait


mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store Registers AX, BX
push bx
mov bx,dx ;char into BX v1.1

cli ; Turn off interrupts
; push dx ; Save video word
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
; pop dx ; Restore video word
; mov al, dl ; Move character into al
mov al,bl ;move char into AL v1.1
stosb ; Move word to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
inc di ; Skip attr
loop DFCN_Next ; Continue

pop bx ; Restore registers BX, AX
pop ax
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement the number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check Number of columns
jnz DFCN_Top ; Do next column if not done
jmp short DFCN_Exit ; Exit routine

mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store the row/col info
mov al, dl ; Move char into ax
stosb ; Thats it!
inc di ; Skip over attr
loop DFCN_NoWaitLoop ; Loop for all columns
pop ax ; Restore the row/col info
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check number of columns
jnz DFCN_NoWait ; Do next column

pop di ; Restore registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

DFillCHNA endp

DFillAttr proc near
; This procedure fills an area of the screen with the specified
; attribute. Character remains the same.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH = Top Row
; AL = Left Column
; BH = Number of rows
; BL = Number of columns
; DH = Attribute
push ax ; Store Registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di

mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to CL

cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ch, 0 ; Clear CH
jnc DFA_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto DFA_NoWait

mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store Registers AX, BX
push bx
mov bx,dx ;save attrib in BH v1.1

cli ; Turn off interrupts
; push dx ; Save attribute in DH
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
; pop dx ; Restore attr
inc di ; Skip character
; mov al, dh ; Move attr into al
mov al,bh ;move attr into AL v1.1
stosb ; Move attr to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
loop DFA_Next ; Continue

pop bx ; Restore registers BX, AX
pop ax
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement the number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check Number of columns
jnz DFA_Top ; Do next column if not done
jmp short DFA_Exit ; Exit routine

mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store the row/col info
mov al, dh ; Move attr into ax
inc di ; Skip over character
stosb ; Thats it!
loop DFA_NoWaitLoop ; Loop for all columns
pop ax ; Restore the row/col info
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check number of columns
jnz DFA_NoWait ; Do next column

pop di ; Restore registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

DFillAttr endp

StoreToMem proc near
; This procedure moves an image from the screen to the designated
; memory area.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH = Top Row
; AL = Left Column
; BH = Number of rows
; BL = Number of columns
; ES:DI = Memory Destination
; Modifies
; DI
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push DS ; Store registers
push si

mov DS,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to DS mov cl,
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to CL

cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ch, 0 ; Clear CH
jnc STM_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto STM_NoWait

mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_SI ; Set SI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store row/column info
push bx ; Store number of row/columns info

lodsw ; Get a char/word from screen
mov bx, ax ; Store video word into BX
cli ; Turn off interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
mov ax, bx ; Move word back to AX...
stosw ; Move word to memory
sti ; Enable interrupts
loop STM_Next ; Continue
pop bx ; Restore number of row/columns info
pop ax ; Restore row/column info
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement the number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check Number of columns
jnz STM_Top ; Do next column if not done
jmp short STM_Exit ; Exit routine

mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_SI ; Set SI to screen offset pos
rep movsw ; Thats it!
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check number of columns
jnz STM_NoWait ; Do next column

pop si
pop DS
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

StoreToMem endp

StoreToScr proc near
; This procedure moves an image from memory to the designated
; screen location.
; *** IMPORTANT -- CALL GetVideoMode Before using this routine!
; Input
; AH = Top Row
; AL = Left Column
; BH = Number of rows
; BL = Number of columns
; DS:SI = Memory Area of image
; Modifies
; SI
push ax ; Store Registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push ES
push di

mov ES,baseOfScreen ; Move screen seg to ES
mov cl,snowcheck ; Move snow check to CL

cld ; Clear the direction flag
rcr cl, 1 ; snowcheck
mov ch, 0 ; Clear CH
jnc STS_NoWait ; if no snowcheck goto STS_NoWait

mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
push ax ; Store Registers AX, BX
push bx

lodsw ; Get a char/word from memory
mov bx, ax ; Store video word into BX
cli ; Turn off interrupts
WaitRetrace ; Macro - Waits for horiz retrace
mov ax, bx ; Move word back to AX...
stosw ; Move word to screen
sti ; Enable interrupts
loop STS_Next ; Continue

pop bx ; Restore registers BX, AX
pop ax
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement the number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check Number of columns
jnz STS_Top ; Do next column if not done
jmp short STS_Exit ; Exit routine

mov cl, bl ; Load the number of columns
call MoveXY_DI ; Set DI to screen offset pos
rep movsw ; Thats it!
inc ah ; Next row
dec bh ; Decrement number of rows done
or bh, bh ; Check number of columns
jnz STS_NoWait ; Do next column

pop di ; Restore registers
pop ES
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

StoreToScr endp

CursorOff proc near
; This procedure simply turns the Cursor off

push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah, 03h ; BIOS INT 10 func 3 (Get Cursor pos)
int 10h ; Call INT 10
or ch, 0100000b ; Turn on cursor bit
mov ah, 01h ; BIOS INT 10 func 1 (Set cursor type)
int 10h ; Call INT 10
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

CursorOff endp

CursorOn proc near
; This procedure simply turns the Cursor on
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah, 03h ; BIOS INT 10 func 3 (Get Cursor pos)
int 10h ; Call INT 10
and ch, 1011111b ; Turn off cursor bit
mov ah, 01h ; BIOS INT 10 func 1 (Set cursor type)
int 10h ; Call INT 10
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax

CursorOn endp


  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : TAVID12.ZIP
Filename : VIDEO2.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: