Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : TAVID12.ZIP
Filename : VIDDEMO.ASM

Output of file : VIDDEMO.ASM contained in archive : TAVID12.ZIP
TITLE 'Video Demo Program'

; This is a short program to demonstrate the VIDEO.ASM TASM Assembler module.
; You may use VIDDEMO.MAK to automate the assembly of this program. It is
; only designed to work in a 80x25 mode. (Video Modes 2, 3, & 7)
; All lines that make use of VIDEO.ASM routines or VIDEO.INC equates have
; been marked with ($) so you can scan through this file and see how to
; use the routine fairly easily.
; -- Dave

IDEAL ; Use TASM's ideal mode

DOSSEG ; Use DOS segment ordering

MODEL SMALL ; Small memory model

INCLUDE 'VIDEO.INC' ; Global declarations for VIDEO.ASM

; ------
; Macros
; ------

MACRO Pause Seconds
LOCAL PauseLoop, KeyFound
; This macro will pause until a key is pressed.
; Uses:
; KeyPressed, ClearKBD
push ax ; Save regs
push cx
mov cx, (Seconds*18)+(Seconds/5) ; 5 is recip of .2!
mov cx, 91 ; 5 Seconds
call KeyPressed ; check for pressed key
or al, al ; Sets the zero flag if null
jnz KeyFound ; loop until key is pressed
call Delay ; Delay for .055 of a second
loop PauseLoop
call ClearKBD ; Clear the key
pop cx ; Restore registers
pop ax

; ---------------
; Program Equates
; ---------------

Version EQU '1.0'
Date EQU '11/9/88'

MaxRows EQU 25 ; Maximum rows
CenterRow EQU (MaxRows/2) ; Center row
MaxCols EQU 80 ; Maximum columns
CenterCol EQU (MaxCols/2) ; Center column
FillRows EQU 5 ; Number of rows for fill demo
FillCols EQU 20 ; Number of cols for fill demo

; -------------
; Stack Segment
; -------------

STACK 7FFFh ; 32k Stack (Much more than enough)

; -------------
; Data Segement
; -------------

; NOTE: Program relies on data being in current order. Do not reorder, delete
; or insert new data into the list. Data can be appended to this segment
; definition.


Title1 DB 'VIDEO.ASM - Direct Screen Writing Routines', 0
T1Len EQU (T1End-Title1-1)

Title2 DB 'Author: Dave Bennett / CompuServe 74635,1671', 0
T2Len EQU (T2End-Title2-1)

Title3 DB 'Version ', Version, ' - Date: ', Date, 0
T3Len EQU (T3End-Title3-1)

Title4 DB 'Features:', 0
Title5 DB ' - Video mode detection', 0
Title6 DB ' - Monochrome/CGA/EGA support', 0
Title7 DB ' - Snow suppression', 0
Title8 DB ' - Direct character & string writing', 0
Title9 DB ' - Screen saving & restoring', 0
Title10 DB ' - Area fills (character, attribute, and both)', 0
Title11 DB ' - Cursor on & off control', 0
Title12 DB ' - All commands w/ or w/o attribute changes',0

Msg DB 'Direct Screen Writing is Fast!!!', 0
MsgLen EQU (MsgEnd-Msg-1)

SaveMsg DB ' Screen has been saved... ', 0
SMsgLen EQU (SMsgEnd-SaveMsg-1)

CharMsg1 DB ' Character ', 0
CharMsg2 DB ' Writing!! ', 0

Wheel DB 179, '/-\', 179, '/-\' ; Wheel Chars
MaxWheel EQU (WheelEnd-Wheel-1) ; Maximum Wheel offset

FillMsg1 DB '-AREA-', 0
FillMsg2 DB '-FILL-', 0

RestoreMsg DB ' Here''s your saved screen image! ', 0
RMsgLen EQU (RMsgEnd - RestoreMsg - 1)

VidModErr DB 'Invalid Video Mode!', 0Dh, 0Ah, '$'

RDir DB 0 ; Row Direction
CDir DB 0 ; Col Direction

; --------------------------
; Uninitialized Data Segment
; --------------------------


LowTick DW (?) ; Tick holder for Delay routine
SaveScr DB 4000 dup (?) ; Screen Save Area

; ------------
; Code Segment
; ------------


mov ax, @data ; Set the
mov ds, ax ; Data segment
call GetVideoMode ; Get vid mode data. MUST BE CALLED FIRST ($)

cmp [VideoMode], BW80 ; ($)
je VideoMode_OK ; Video Mode BW80 is ok
cmp [VideoMode], CO80 ; ($)
je VideoMode_OK ; Video Mode CO80 is ok
cmp [VideoMode], Mono ; ($)
je VideoMode_OK ; Monochrome is ok

mov dx, OFFSET VidModErr ; All other modes are unacceptable

mov ah, 09 ; DOS print string func
int 21h ; Call DOS
jmp ErrExit ; Exit the program

; mov [SnowCheck], 0 ; No Snow Checking! ($)
call CursorOff ; Turn the cursor off ($)

; ------------
; Title Screen
; ------------

call ClrScr ; Clear the screen
mov si, (OFFSET Title1) ; First Message
mov bh, Normal ; Gray on Black ($)
mov ah, 1 ; Start at top row
mov al, (CenterCol-(T1Len/2)) ; Center the message
call DWriteStr ; Write without attribute ($)
inc ah ; Double
inc ah ; Space
mov al, (CenterCol-(T2Len/2)) ; Center Title Msg 2

; NOTE: SI Already points to Title2 (See DATASEG)

call DWriteStr ; Write the string to the scr ($)
inc ah ; Single Space
mov al, (CenterCol-(T3Len/2)) ; Center title Msg 3
call DWriteStr ; Write string to scr ($)
inc ah ; Double
inc ah ; Space
mov al, (CenterCol-(T1Len/2)) ; Align with first row
call DWriteStr ; Write str to scr ($)
inc ah ; Double
inc ah ; Space
inc al ; Indent
inc al ; 2 Spaces
mov cx, 8 ; 8 Feature lines
call DWriteStr ; Write a feature ($)
inc ah ; Double
inc ah ; Space
loop TS_Features ; Loop for all feature lines

Pause <10> ; Wait for a pressed key (10 seconds)

; DFillAttr Demo
; --------------

cmp [VideoMode], Mono ; This code is'nt suited for mono ($)
je DWN_Begin ; So goto DWriteStNA demo if mono

mov ax, 0101h ; First row/First column
mov bh, MaxRows ; All rows
mov bl, MaxCols ; All columns
mov dh, 1 ; Initialize attribute

and dh, 00001111b ; Clear all but foreground
cmp dh, 0 ; Check for no attribute
jne DFA_Fill ; Go ahead if attribute
inc dh ; Make sure theres and attr
call DFillAttr ; Fill screen with attribute ($)
call Delay ; Delay for .055 of a second
inc dh ; Next Attribture
push ax ; Store row/col info
call KeyPressed ; Check for a key
or al, al ; Sets zero flag if no char
pop ax ; Restore row/col info
jz DFA_Top ; If no key the loop
call ClearKBD ; Clear key(s) from buffer

; DWriteStrNA Demo
; ----------------

call ClrScr ; Clear the screen
mov ax, 0 ; Initialize row/col
mov bh, Normal ; Initialize Attribute ($)

mov si, OFFSET Msg ; Point to Msg
test [RDir], 1 ; Check the direction
jz DWN_RInc ; If direction is right then goto RInc
dec ah ; Decrement the row
cmp ah, 1 ; Check to see if row eq 1
jne DWN_CheckCol ; If not then check columns
inc [RDir] ; Change the direction
jmp DWN_CheckCol ; Check columns
inc ah ; Increment the row
cmp ah, MaxRows ; Check to see if row eq MaxRows
jne DWN_CheckCol ; If not then check columns
inc [RDir] ; Change the row-wise direction
test [CDir], 1 ; Check column wise direction
jz DWN_CInc ; If direction is down then goto CInt
dec al ; Decrement the row (Go up)
cmp al, 1 ; Check to see if this is column one
jne DWN_WriteIt ; If not then check attr
inc [CDir] ; Change the direction
jmp DWN_WriteIt ; Check the attr
inc al ; Increment the row
cmp al, (MaxCols-MsgLen) ; Check to see if row eq MaxCols
jne DWN_WriteIt ; If not then check attr
inc [CDir] ; Change the column-wise direction
call DWriteStrNA ; Write the str on scr w/o attr change ($)
push ax ; Store ax reg
call KeyPressed ; Check to see if a key has been pressed
or al, al ; Does AL eq zero?
pop ax ; Restore registers
jz DWN_MoveMsg ; if Yes then Redisplay message
call ClearKBD ; Clear the keyboard

; --------------
; DWriteStr Demo
; --------------

cmp [VideoMode], Mono ; Demo not well suited for mono ($)
je STM_Begin ; so goto StoreToMem demo if mono

mov si, OFFSET Msg ; Point to Msg
test [RDir], 1 ; Check the direction
jz DW_RInc ; If direction is right then goto RInc
dec ah ; Decrement the row
cmp ah, 1 ; Check to see if row eq 1
jne DW_CheckCol ; If not then check columns
inc [RDir] ; Change the direction
jmp DW_CheckCol ; Check columns
inc ah ; Increment the row
cmp ah, MaxRows ; Check to see if row eq MaxRows
jne DW_CheckCol ; If not then check columns
inc [RDir] ; Change the row-wise direction
test [CDir], 1 ; Check column wise direction
jz DW_CInc ; If direction is down then goto CInt
dec al ; Decrement the row (Go up)
cmp al, 1 ; Check to see if this is column one
jne DW_CheckAttr ; If not then check attr
inc [CDir] ; Change the direction
jmp DW_CheckAttr ; Check the attr
inc al ; Increment the row
cmp al, (MaxCols - MsgLen) ; Check to see if row eq MaxCols
jne DW_CheckAttr ; If not then check attr
inc [CDir] ; Change the column-wise direction
inc bh ; Increment the attribute
test bh, Blink ; Test to see if blink bit is on
jz DW_WriteIt ; If not then skip to WriteIt
mov bh, 1 ; Set BH eq 1
call DWriteStr ; Write the string on the screen ($)
push ax ; Store ax reg
call KeyPressed ; Check to see if a key has been pressed
or al, al ; Does AL eq zero?
pop ax ; Restore registers
jz DW_MoveMsg ; if Yes then Redisplay message
call ClearKBD ; Clear the keyboard

; ----------------------------------------------------------
; Move current screen image to save area (StoreToMem - Demo)
; ----------------------------------------------------------

mov ax, @data ; Place data segment into AX
mov es, ax ; segment for saved image area

; This might be a good place for some stack checking code. (hint hint)

mov di, OFFSET SaveScr ; offset to saved image area (See Stack)
mov ax, 0101h ; Row 1 / Col 1
mov bh, MaxRows ; capture all rows &
mov bl, MaxCols ; all columns
call StoreToMem ; Save the screen to memory ($)

; Note: SI Already points to SaveMsg (See DATASEG)

mov ah, CenterRow ; Center of screen
mov al, (CenterCol-(SMsgLen/2)) ; Center the message
mov bh, Reverse+Blink ; Reverse attr (Black on White) & Blink ($)
call DWriteStr ; Display the string! ($)

Pause <10> ; Macro to pause for 10 seconds

; -------------
; DWriteCH Demo
; -------------

CharMsg1Col = 24
CharMsg2Col = 48
RowStart = 1 ; Row to start in
ColStart = 6 ; Column to start in

; Note: SI already points to CharMsg1 (See DATASEG)

call ClrScr ; Clear the screen
mov ah, CenterRow ; Middle row of screen
mov bh, (Brown*10h+Blue) ; Blue on Brown (Also ul mono) ($)
mov al, CharMsg1Col ; Point to column for first msg
call DWriteStr ; Write the first string ($)

; Note: SI now points to CharMsg2 (See DATASEG)

mov al, CharMsg2Col ; Column for second msg
call DWriteStr ; Write the second string ($)

mov ah, RowStart ; Start row
mov al, ColStart ; Start column
mov bh, White ; White on black ($)
mov cx, 1 ; One Character
mov si, OFFSET Wheel ; Offset of wheel characters
mov bl, [Byte Ptr si] ; Load character into bl
call DWriteCH ; Write the character ($)
inc ah ; Next row
inc al ; Next column
cmp ah, MaxRows ; Check AH against Maximum rows
jle DWC_CheckCol ; If less then then Check columns
mov ah, 1 ; Reset row
cmp al, MaxCols ; Check AL agains max cols
jle DWC_WriteIt ; If less than max cols then write
mov ah, RowStart ; Reset row
mov al, ColStart ; Reset col
; call Delay ; Wait 1 / 18.2 of a second
inc si ; Point to next character in wheel
cmp si, (OFFSET Wheel + MaxWheel) ; Maximum offset of Wheel
jle DWC_Top
push ax ; Store row/col info
call KeyPressed ; Check to see if a key has been pressed
or al, al ; Sets zero flag if al eq 0
pop ax ; Restore row/col info
jnz DWC_End ; If a key has been press (not null) then end
mov si, OFFSET Wheel ; Set SI to offset zero of wheel
jmp DWC_Top ; If zero flag set then loop
call ClearKBD ; Clear the keyboard

; ------------
; DFillCH Demo
; ------------

FillMsgCol = 36 ; Fill Msgs in column 25
FillMsg1Row = 3 ; Message one in row 3
FillMsg2Row = 20 ; Message two in row 20
FillWid = 15 ; Width of fill
FillHt = 4 ; Fill Height
RInc = 2 ; Row Increment
CInc = 7 ; Column Increment

call ClrScr ; Clear the screen
mov ah, FillMsg1Row ; Row for first msg
mov al, FillMsgCol ; Col for the msg
mov bh, LightBlue+Blink ; LightBlue on Black w/ Blink (ul mono) ($)

; NOTE: SI Points to first msg already

call DWriteStr ; Write the first message (SI points to 2nd) ($)
mov ah, FillMsg2Row ; Row for the second message
call DWriteStr ; Write the second message to the screen ($)

mov ax, 0101h ; Top row / Left Col
mov bh, FillHt ; Number of rows
mov bl, FillWid ; Number of columns
mov dh, 00h ; Initialize attr

inc dh ; Increment dh
mov dl, dh ; Move attribute to character
call DFillCh ; Do the fill ($)
add ah, RInc ; Increment rows
add al, CInc ; Increment columns
cmp ah, (MaxRows-FillHt) ; compare ah to max rows - fill ht
jle DFCH_CheckCol ; If less than or equal to then check columns
jmp DFCH_SecPart ; Goto the second part
cmp al, (MaxCols-FillWid) ; compare al to max cols - fill width
jle DFCH_Top ; Jump to the top if in bounds
mov dh, 0 ; Initialize the attribute
mov ah, 1 ; Top Row
mov al, (MaxCols-FillWid) ; Right Side
inc dh ; Increment dh
mov dl, dh ; Move attribute to character
call DFillCh ; Do the fill
add ah, RInc ; Increment rows
sub al, CInc ; Decrement columns
cmp ah, (MaxRows-FillHt) ; compare ah to max rows - fill ht
jle DFCH_CheckCol2 ; If less than or equal to then check columns
jmp DFCH_Pause ; Goto the pause routine
cmp al, 1 ; compare al to 1 (First column)
jg DFCH_Top2 ; Jump to the top if in bounds
Pause <10> ; Macro to pause 10 seconds

; ---------------
; StoreToScr Demo
; ---------------

mov ax, 0101h ; First row & col
mov bh, MaxRows ; All rows
mov bl, MaxCols ; All columns
mov si, OFFSET SaveScr ; Point to area where screen was saved
call StoreToScr ; Restore the saved screen ($)

mov si, OFFSET RestoreMsg ; Point to restore screen message
mov ah, CenterRow ; Center of screen
mov al, (CenterCol-(RMsgLen/2)) ; Center the message
mov bh, Reverse+Blink ; Reverse attr (Black on White) & Blink ($)
call DWriteStr ; Display the string! ($)

Pause <10> ; Macro - Pause for 10 secs or until key press

call ClrScr ; Clean up the display
call CursorOn ; Turn the cursor on ($)
mov ah, 4Ch ; DOS exit function
int 21h ; Call DOS to exit

; -------------------
; Programs Procedures
; -------------------

; This procedure Clears the screen using VIDEO.ASM
push ax ; Store registers
push bx
push dx
mov ax, 0101h ; First row & col
mov bh, MaxRows ; All Rows
mov bl, MaxCols ; All Columns
mov dh, Normal ; Attr = Gray on Black ($)
mov dl, ' ' ; Fill scr with spaces
call DFillCH ; Do it! ($)
pop dx ; Restore registers
pop bx
pop ax


PROC KeyPressed
; This procedure uses DOS to check if a key has been pressed.
; Output
; AL = FFh/0 Yes/No
; Modifies
; AX
mov ah, 0Bh ; DOS func 0Bh (Check for pressed key)
int 21h ; Call DOS
xor ah, ah ; Clear AH reg

ENDP KeyPressed

; This procedure uses DOS to clear the keyboard buffer.
push ax ; Store AX reg
mov ax, 0C00h ; Dos func 0Ch = Clear KBD
int 21h ; Call DOS
pop ax ; Restore AX


PROC Delay
; This procedure delays the CPU for about 1 timer tick or 1/18.2 of
; of a second.
push ax
push cx
push dx
mov ah,0 ; INT 1A GetTime function
int 01ah ; Call timer interrupt
mov [LowTick], dx ; DX returns low timer tick value
mov ah, 0 ; INT 1A GetTime function
int 01ah ; Call timer interrupt
cmp dx, [LowTick] ; Compare current val to first
je DelayLoop ; If still the same then loop
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax

ENDP Delay

END ; Of VidDemo.ASM

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : TAVID12.ZIP
Filename : VIDDEMO.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: