Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : TASMSWAN.ZIP
Filename : FILTER.ASM

Output of file : FILTER.ASM contained in archive : TASMSWAN.ZIP
%TITLE "Filter shell"

MODEL small

;----- Equates
InputHandle EQU 0
OutputHandle EQU 1
ErrOutHandle EQU 2
bell EQU 07
cr EQU 13
lf EQU 10
eof EQU 26


exitCode db 0
errMessage db bell,cr,lf, '** Filter ERROR: '
lenErrMessage = $-errMessage
codeAccess EQU 5
errAccess db 'access denied',cr,lf
lenErrAccess = $-errAccess
codeNotOpen EQU 6
errNotOpen db 'bad handle or file not open', cr,lf
lenErrNotOpen = $-errNotOpen
codeDiskFull EQU 29
errDiskFull db 'disk full',cr,lf
lenErrDiskFull = $-errDiskFull
errGeneral db 'unknown cause',cr,lf
lenErrGeneral = $-errGeneral
onechar db ?


mov ax,@data
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax

call ReadChar
jz Done
call WriteChar
jnz Repeat
mov [exitCode],codeDiskFull
jmp Exit
mov [oneChar],eof
call WriteChar
cmp [exitCode],0
jz @@99
call DisplayError
mov ah,04Ch
mov al,[exitCode]
int 21h
; ReadChar - reads one character from standard input
; Input: none
; Output: zf = 0 : al = next input character (0...255)
; zf = 1 : no more input available
; Registers: ax
PROC ReadChar
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,03Fh
mov bx,InputHandle
mov cx,1
mov dx, offset oneChar
int 21h
jnc @@10
mov [exitCode],al
jmp Exit
or ax,ax
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
ENDP ReadChar
; WriteChar - writes one character to standard output
; Input: [oneChar] = character to write
; Output: zf = 0 : character written to standard output file
; zf = 1 : output device is FULL (disk output only)
; Registers: ax
PROC WriteChar
push bx
push cx
push dx
mov ah,040h
mov bx,OutputHandle
mov cx,1
mov dx, offset oneChar
int 21h
jnc @@10
mov [exitCode],al
jmp Exit
or ax,ax
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
ENDP WriteChar
; DisplayError - displays error message
; Input: [exitCode] = nonZero error code
; Output: none: error message sent to standard error-output device
; Registers: ax,bx,cx,dx
PROC DisplayError
mov cx,lenErrMessage
mov dx, offset errMessage
call DisplayString
cmp [exitCode],codeAccess
jne @@10
mov cx,lenErrAccess
mov dx, offset errAccess
jmp DisplayString
cmp [exitCode],codeNotOpen
jne @@20
mov cx,lenErrNotOpen
mov dx, offset errNotOpen
jmp DisplayString
cmp [exitCode], codeDiskFull
jne @@30
mov cx, lenErrDiskFull
mov dx,offset errDiskFull
jmp DisplayString
mov cx, lenErrGeneral
mov dx, offset errGeneral
mov ah,040h
mov bx,ErrOutHandle
int 21h
ENDP DisplayError

END Start

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : TASMSWAN.ZIP
Filename : FILTER.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: