Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : RHSTDLIB.ZIP
Filename : PUTC.ASM
assume cs:stdlib
PutcAdrs dd sl_putcstdout
PutcStkIndx dw 0
PutcStk dd 16 dup (sl_putcstdout)
PSIsize = $-PutcStk
; Putc- Sends the character in AL to the current output routine.
; By default, this is "putstdout". PutcAdrs contains the address of the
; current output routine.
public sl_putc
sl_putc proc far
jmp dword ptr cs:PutcAdrs
sl_putc endp
; PutCR- Prints a new line to the standard output device.
public sl_putcr
sl_putcr proc far
push ax
mov al, 13 ;Carriage return
call dword ptr cs:PutcAdrs
mov al, 10 ;Line feed
call dword ptr cs:PutcAdrs
pop ax
sl_putcr endp
; PutStdOut- Prints the character in AL to the standard output device by
; calling DOS to print the character.
public sl_putcstdout
sl_putcstdout proc far
push ax
push dx
mov dl, al
mov ah, 2
int 21h
pop dx
pop ax
sl_putcstdout endp
; PutcBIOS- Prints the character in AL by calling the BIOS output routine.
public sl_PutcBIOS
sl_PutcBIOS proc far
push ax
mov ah, 14
int 10h
pop ax
sl_PutcBIOS endp
; GetOutAdrs- Returns the address of the current output routine in ES:DI.
public sl_GetOutAdrs
sl_GetOutAdrs proc far
les di, cs:PutcAdrs
sl_GetOutAdrs endp
; SetOutAdrs- Stores the address in ES:DI into PutcAdrs. This must be the
; address of a valid output routine which outputs the character
; in the AL register. This routine must preserve all registers.
public sl_SetOutAdrs
sl_SetOutAdrs proc far
mov word ptr cs:PutcAdrs, di
mov word ptr cs:PutcAdrs+2, es
sl_SetOutAdrs endp
; PushOutAdrs- Pushes the current output address onto the output stack
; and then stores the address in es:di into the output address
; pointer. Returns carry clear if no problems. Returns carry
; set if there is an address stack overflow. Does NOT modify
; anything if the stack is full.
public sl_PushOutAdrs
sl_PushOutAdrs proc far
push ax
push di
cmp cs:PutcStkIndx, PSIsize
jae BadPush
mov di, cs:PutcStkIndx
add cs:PutcStkIndx, 4
mov ax, word ptr cs:PutcAdrs
mov word ptr cs:PutcStk[di], ax
mov ax, word ptr cs:PutcAdrs+2
mov word ptr cs:PutcStk+2[di], ax
pop di
mov word ptr cs:PutcAdrs, di
mov word ptr cs:PutcAdrs+2, es
pop ax
BadPush: pop di
pop ax
sl_PushOutAdrs endp
; PopOutAdrs- Pops an output address off of the stack and stores it into
; the PutcAdrs variable.
public sl_PopOutAdrs
sl_PopOutAdrs proc far
push ax
mov di, cs:PutcStkIndx
sub di, 4
jns GoodPop
; If this guy just went negative, set it to zero and push the address
; of the stdout routine onto the stack.
xor di, di
mov word ptr cs:PutcStk, offset sl_PutcStdOut
mov word ptr cs:PutcStk+2, seg sl_PutcStdOut
GoodPop: mov cs:PutcStkIndx, di
mov es, word ptr PutcAdrs+2
mov ax, word ptr cs:PutcStk+2[di]
mov word ptr cs:PutcAdrs+2, ax
mov ax, word ptr cs:PutcStk[di]
xchg word ptr cs:PutcAdrs, ax
mov di, ax
pop ax
sl_PopOutAdrs endp
stdlib ends
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: