Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : RHSTDLIB.ZIP
Filename : MEMORY.ASM
stdlib segment para public 'slcode'
assume cs:stdlib
; Memory allocation routines: MemInit, malloc, and free.
; Local variables:
StartOfHeap dw ?
SizeOfHeap dw ?
FreeSpace dw ?
; Memory manager data structure:
mmstruct struc
blksize dw ?
bwdptr dw ?
fwdptr dw ?
refcnt dw ?
freebwdptr dw ? ;Only if in the free list.
freefwdptr dw ? ;Only if in the free list.
; When using es and ds as pointers into the heap, the following equates
; come in handy.
esptr equ word ptr es:[0]
dsptr equ word ptr ds:[0]
NIL equ 0
; MemInit- Initializes the memory manager.
; On entry- DX contains the number of paragraphs of memory to reserve
; for other programs. The default (in shell.asm) is 0. If
; you intend to execute other programs from the program you're
; writing, you will have to reserve an appropriate amount of
; space for that program. If you attempt to reserve too
; much space, then this code splits the available free memory
; in half and gives half to the heap and reserves half for
; other programs. If this is desirable, simply set DX to
; 0ffffh before calling MemInit.
; On Exit- No error if carry is clear. In such a case, CX contains
; the number of paragraphs of memory actually allocated.
; AX contains the starting segment address of the free
; memory block.
; If carry is set, then an error occurred, AX contains the
; error code (DOS).
; WARNING: for this routine to work properly, the calling program has to
; declare (and initialize) a word variable by the name PSP which contains
; the program's program segment prefix value. Furthermore, the last segment
; in the program must be "zzzzzzseg" and this guy should NOT contain any
; valid data.
public sl_MemInit
sl_MemInit proc far
push bx
push dx
push es
; Compute program size, in paragraphs:
mov ax, seg PSP
mov es, ax
mov bx, es:PSP
mov es, bx
mov ax, seg zzzzzzseg
sub ax, bx
inc bx ;Safety margin
inc bx
mov ah, 4ah ;Memory block resize opcode
int 21h
; Now ask for a ridiculous amount of memory so we can find out how much is
; available.
mov bx, 0ffffh
mov ah, 48h ;Alloc block opcode
int 21h
; Allocate storage for the heap.
cmp bx, dx ;See if DX is too large.
ja GoodHeap
shr bx, 1 ;Use half remaining space.
jmp short SetNewAlloc
GoodHeap: sub bx, dx ;Make room for other apps.
SetNewAlloc: cmp bx, 10h ;Make sure there is some room.
jbe ErrorAlloc2
mov ah, 48h ;Alloc block opcode
int 21h
jc ErrorAlloc ;Shouldn't happen, but...
; Okay, we've just allocated the block, now set up our own local variables
; so we can keep track of the data.
mov cs:StartOfHeap, ax ;Save pointer to memory.
mov cs:FreeSpace, ax ;Save pointer to 1st free blk.
mov cs:SizeOfHeap, bx ;Size of heap in paragraphs.
mov es, ax ;Init pointer to heap.
xor ax, ax
mov esptr.blksize, bx ;Size of this block (paras).
mov esptr.bwdptr, ax ;Back pointer is NIL.
mov esptr.fwdptr, ax ;Fwd pointer is NIL.
mov esptr.refcnt, ax ;Reference Count is zero.
mov esptr.freebwdptr, ax ;Free list bwd ptr is NIL.
mov esptr.freefwdptr, ax ;Free list fwd ptr is NIL.
mov cx, bx ;Return size in CX
mov ax, cs:StartOfHeap
jmp MemInitDone
ErrorAlloc2: mov ax, 8 ;Insufficient memory error.
ErrorAlloc: stc
MemInitDone: pop es
pop dx
pop bx
sl_MemInit endp
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; malloc- On entry, CX contains a byte count. Malloc allocates a block
; of storage of the given size and returns a pointer to this block
; in ES:DI. The value in ES:DI is always normalized, so you can
; compare pointers allocated via malloc as 32-bit values. Note
; that malloc always allocates memory in paragraph chunks.
; Therefore, this routine returns the actual number of bytes of
; memory allocated in the CX register (this may be as much as 15
; greater than the actual number asked for).
; Malloc returns carry clear if it allocated the storage without
; error. It returns carry set if it could not find a block large
; enough to satisfy the request.
; Data structure for memory allocation blocks:
; offset:
; 0 Size of Blk
; 2 Back link
; 4 Fwd Link
; 6 Reference Count
; 8 Data, if this block is allocated, prev link if on free list.
; 10 Data, if this block is allocated, next link if on free list.
public sl_malloc
sl_malloc proc far
push ax
push si
push ds
; Convert byte count to paragraph count, since we always allocate whole
; paragraphs.
add cx, 8 ;We have six bytes of overhead!
rcr cx, 1 ;Use rcr because of add above.
adc cx, 0
shr cx, 1
adc cx, 0
shr cx, 1
adc cx, 0
shr cx, 1
adc cx, 0
; Go find a block in the free list which is large enough.
; Uses the following algorithm:
cmp cs:FreeSpace, 0 ;See if no free space.
jz MemoryFull
mov ds, cs:FreeSpace
mov ax, ds ;In case first block is it.
FindBlk: cmp cx, dsptr.blksize ;See if blk is large enuf.
jbe FoundBlk ;Go for it!
mov ax, dsptr.freefwdptr ;Get ptr to next free block.
mov ds, ax ;Set up pointer.
or ax, ax ;See if NIL
jnz FindBlk ;Repeat until NIL.
; If we drop down here, we've got some big problems.
MemoryFull: stc
pop ds
pop si
pop ax
mov es, cs:StartOfHeap ;In case they use this ptr
mov di, 8 ; anyway.
; When we come down here, we've found a block large enough to satisfy the
; current memory request. If necessary, split the block up into two
; pieces and return the unused half back to the free pool.
FoundBlk: jne SplitBlock
; Exact fit, remove this guy from the free list and go for it!
; There are four cases to deal with if this is an exact fit:
; 1) The block we're allocating is the first block in the free list.
; In this case, FreeSpace points at this block and the freebwdptr
; entry is NIL.
; 2) The block we're allocating is neither the first or last in the
; free list.
; 3) The block we're allocating is the last block in the free list.
; In this case, the freefwdptr will be NIL.
; 4) The block is both the first and last (i.e., only) block in the
; the free list.
; At this point, DS points at the block we're going to allocate.
mov ax, dsptr.freefwdptr ;Pointer to next free block.
cmp dsptr.freebwdptr, NIL ;First item in list?
jnz NotFirst
; Case (1) and (4) drop down here.
; If this is the first free block in the free link list, point FreeSpace
; beyond this guy rather than going through the usual linked list stuff.
; AX contains a pointer to the next free block (after this one) if it exists.
; DS points at the current free block.
; Since we are removing the first free block, we need to update the FreeSpace
; pointer so that it points at the next free block in the free block list.
mov cs:FreeSpace, ax ;Note: AX may be NIL if case (4).
; See if there is another block after this one. If not (case 4) then jump
; off to FixThisBlk.
or ax, ax ;Is there another free blk?
jz FixThisBlk ;If not, don't patch next adrs.
; Case (1), only, down here. The current block is the one we want and
; there is another free block after this one. AX Points at the next free
; block. DS points at the current block.
mov es, ax ;Point ES at next free block.
mov esptr.freebwdptr, NIL ;Set next guy's back link to NIL.
jmp short FixThisBlk
; If the current block is not the first free block in the free block list
; handle it down here. This corresponds to cases 2 or 3. On entry, DS
; points at the current block, AX points at the next free block (if present).
NotFirst: mov es, dsptr.freebwdptr ;Get ptr to prev blk.
mov esptr.freefwdptr, ax ;Skip over current blk.
mov ax, es ;Load AX with prev blk adrs.
; Now we need to figure out if there is a next free block (is this case 2?).
cmp dsptr.freefwdptr, NIL
jz FixThisBlk
; Definitely Case (2) here. Patch the next free block's prev field with
; the address of the previous block.
mov es, dsptr.freefwdptr ;Point ES at next block.
mov esptr.freebwdptr, ax ;Save link to prior block.
; All four cases converge down here to clean up things and store the
; overhead info for the newly allocated block.
FixThisBlk: mov dsptr.blksize, cx ;Save its size.
mov dsptr.refcnt, 1 ;Reference count = 1.
mov di, 8 ;Pointer to data area.
mov ax, ds
mov es, ax
shl cx, 1 ;Convert paragraph size to
shl cx, 1 ; bytes.
shl cx, 1
shl cx, 1
pop ds
pop si
pop ax
; The current free block is bigger than we need, SPLIT it in half down here.
; If allocating this block splits a free block in half, we handle that
; down here.
SplitBlock: mov ax, ds ;Get start of block.
add ax, dsptr.blksize ;Add in size of block.
sub ax, cx ;Subtract part we're keeping.
mov es, ax ;Point at data block.
mov esptr.blksize, cx ;Save size of block
mov esptr.bwdptr, ds ;Save back pointer.
mov esptr.refcnt, 1 ;Init reference count.
mov ax, dsptr.fwdptr ;Get prev fwd ptr.
mov dsptr.fwdptr, es ;Save new fwd point in free blk.
mov esptr.fwdptr, ax ;New forward pointer for us.
mov si, es ;Save ptr to this blk.
mov es, ax ;Point es at last blk.
mov esptr.bwdptr, si ;Chain it in properly.
mov es, si ;Restore so we can return it.
mov ax, dsptr.blksize ;Compute new size of free blk.
sub ax, cx
mov dsptr.blksize, ax
mov di, 8 ;Init pointer to data.
shl cx, 1 ;Convert paragraph size to
shl cx, 1 ; bytes.
shl cx, 1
shl cx, 1
pop ds
pop si
pop ax
sl_malloc endp
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; Free- Returns a block of storage to the free list.
; On Entry- ES:DI points at the block to free.
; On Exit- Carry is clear if free was okay, set if invalid pointer.
public sl_free
sl_free proc far
push ax
push si
push ds
push es
mov si, di
; See if this is a valid pointer:
cmp si, 8
jne BadPointer
mov si, es ;Make seg ptr convenient.
mov ds, cs:StartOfHeap
cmp si, cs:StartOfHeap ;Special case if first block.
jne Not1stBlock
; The block the user wants to free up is the very first block. Handle that
; right here.
cmp dsptr.refcnt, 0
je BadPointer
dec dsptr.refcnt ;Decrement reference count.
jnz QuitFree ;Done if other references.
; Call coalesce to possibly join this block with the next block. We do not
; have to check to see if this call joins the current block with the prev
; block because the current block is the very first block in the memory
; space.
call Coalesce
; Adjust all the pointers as appropriate:
mov dsptr.freebwdptr, NIL
mov ax, cs:FreeSpace ;Get and set up the fwd ptr.
mov dsptr.freefwdptr, ax
mov es, cs:FreeSpace
mov esptr.freebwdptr, ds ;Set up other back pointer.
mov cs:FreeSpace, ds ;Fix FreeSpace.
jmp short QuitFree
BadPointer: stc
jmp short Quit2
QuitFree: clc
Quit2: pop es
pop ds
pop si
pop ax
; If this is not the first block in the list, see if we can coalesce any
; free blocks immediately around this guy.
Not1stBlock: cmp esptr.refcnt, 0
je BadPointer
dec esptr.refcnt ;Decrement reference count.
jnz QuitFree ;Done if other references.
call Coalesce
jc QuitFree
; Okay, let's put this free block back into the free list.
mov ax, cs:FreeSpace
mov esptr.freefwdptr, ax ;Set as pointer to next item.
mov esptr.freebwdptr, NIL ;NIL back pointer.
mov cs:FreeSpace, es
jmp QuitFree
sl_free endp
; Coalesce routine: On entry, ES points at the block we're going to free.
; This routine coalesces the current block with any free blocks immediately
; around it and then returns ES pointing at the new free block.
; This routine returns the carry flag set if it was able to coalesce the
; current free block with a block immediately in front of it.
; It returns the carry clear if this was not the case.
Coalesce proc near
push ds
push es
mov ds, esptr.fwdptr ;Get next contiguous block.
cmp dsptr.refcnt, 0 ;Is that block free?
jnz NextBlkNotFree
; If the next block is free, merge it into the current block here.
; Memory arrangement is currently something like this:
; +------------------------+ +---------+ <-These are dbl links.
; | | | |
; |prevfree| |CurFreeBlk| |FollowingBlk| |NextFreeBlk|
; We want to wind up with:
; +------------------------------------------+ <-These are dbl links.
; | |
; |prevfree| |CurFreeBlk| |FollowingBlk| |NextFreeBlk|
; First, merge the current free block and the following block together.
mov ax, dsptr.blksize ;Get size of next block.
add esptr.blksize, ax ; Join the blocks together.
mov ax, dsptr.fwdptr
mov esptr.fwdptr, ax
or ax, ax
jz DontSetBwd
push ds
mov ds, ax
mov dsptr.bwdptr, es
pop ds
; Make sure that there is a |prevfree| block.
DontSetBwd: mov ax, dsptr.freebwdptr
or ax, ax
jz SetFreeSpcPtr
; prevfree.fwd := following.fwd;
mov es, dsptr.freebwdptr ;Point ES at previous guy.
mov ax, dsptr.freefwdptr
mov esptr.freefwdptr, ax ;Skip over current guy.
; If the fwd pointer is NIL, no need to continue.
or ax, ax ;See if end of list.
jz NextBlkNotFree
; nextfree.bwd := following.bwd (prevfree).
mov ax, es ;Save ptr to this guy.
mov es, dsptr.freefwdptr
mov esptr.freebwdptr, ax
jmp short NextBlkNotFree
; If FollowingBlk is the first free block in the free list, we have to
; execute the following code.
SetFreeSpcPtr: mov es, dsptr.freefwdptr
mov esptr.freebwdptr, NIL
mov cs:FreeSpace, es
; After processing the block following this block, or if the next block
; was not free, come down here and check to see if the previous block
; was free.
NextBlkNotFree: pop es ;Restore pointer to current block.
push es
mov ax, esptr.bwdptr
or ax, ax ;Is it a NIL pointer
jz NoPrevBlock
mov ds, ax
cmp dsptr.refcnt, 0 ;Is that block free?
jnz NoPrevBlock
; Okay, the block in front is free. Merge the current block into that one.
mov ax, esptr.blksize
add dsptr.blksize, ax
mov ax, esptr.fwdptr
mov dsptr.fwdptr, ax
or ax, ax ;See if there is a next blk.
jz NoNextBlk
mov es, ax
mov esptr.bwdptr, ds
NoNextBlk: stc
pop es
pop ds
NoPrevBlock: clc
pop es
pop ds
Coalesce endp
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; REALLOC - This routine expects a pointer in ES:DI and a new size in CX.
; If the specified block is larger than the value in CX then
; realloc shrinks the size of the block and returns the left over
; information to the system heap. If CX is larger than the speci-
; fied block then realloc allocates a new block and copies the
; data from the old block to the new block and then frees the
; old block. In any case, realloc returns a pointer to the
; (possibly new) block in ES:DI. Carry=0 on return if no error,
; carry=1 on return if there wasn't enough room on the heap to
; reallocate a larger block.
public sl_realloc
sl_realloc proc far
cmp di, 8 ;Is this a realistic pointer?
stc ;Return with error, if not.
DoREALLOC: push ax
push cx
push ds
push si
; Convert byte count to paragraph count, since we always allocate whole
; paragraphs.
add cx, 8 ;We have eight bytes of overhead!
rcr cx, 1 ;Use rcr because of add above.
adc cx, 0
shr cx, 1
adc cx, 0
shr cx, 1
adc cx, 0
shr cx, 1
adc cx, 0
; See if the new block size is larger or smaller than the old block size.
cmp cx, esptr.BlkSize
ja MakeBigger
; New desired size is less than or equal to the current size. If no more
; than 32 bytes larger, don't even bother with the operation.
inc cx
inc cx
cmp cx, esptr.BlkSize
jae ReallocDone
dec cx
dec cx
; Okay, the new block size is seriously smaller here. Turn the last group
; of bytes into a free block.
mov ax, es ;Get ptr to block
add ax, cx ;Add in new length
mov ds, ax ;Point at new block.
mov ax, esptr.BlkSize ;Compute the size of the
sub ax, cx ; new block.
mov dsptr.BlkSize, ax ;Save away the link.
mov dsptr.bwdptr, es ;Set up back pointer.
mov ax, esptr.fwdptr ;Copy old fwd ptr to new
mov dsptr.fwdptr, ax ; fwd ptr.
mov dsptr.refcnt, 1 ;Init reference count to 1.
mov esptr.fwdptr, ds ;Set up new fwd ptr.
mov esptr.BlkSize, cx ;Set up new length.
push es
mov di, 8
mov ax, ds
mov es, ax
call sl_free ;Free the new block.
mov di, 8
pop es ;Get pointer to original blk
ReAllocDone: pop si
pop ds
pop cx
pop ax
; If they had the nerve to want this block larger, come down here and allocate
; a new block, copy the old data to the new block, and then free the old block.
MakeBigger: mov ax, es ;Preserve pointer to old blk.
mov ds, ax
mov si, di ;Contains "8".
call sl_malloc ;Allocate new block.
jc BadRealloc
; Okay, copy the old block to the new block. Note that both SI and DI
; contain 8 at this point. We can make this assumption here because,
; after all, this is the memory manager code and it knows the internal
; representation.
mov cx, dsptr.BlkSize ;Get original block size
shl cx, 1 ;Convert from paragraphs
shl cx, 1 ; to word count.
shl cx, 1
rep movsw ;Note we're moving words!
; Okay, free up the old block and we're done.
mov di, 8
push es ;Save ptr to new block.
mov ax, ds
mov es, ax
call sl_free
mov di, 8 ;Restore new block ptr.
pop es
pop si
pop ds
pop cx
pop ax
BadRealloc: stc
pop si
pop ds
pop cx
pop ax
sl_realloc endp
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; Dupptr - Bumps up the reference count for a particular pointer by one.
; Returns carry = 1 if initial pointer is illegal, returns carry=0
; if no error. Returns pointer in ES:DI. You must pass the pointer
; to increment in ES:DI.
public sl_DupPtr
sl_DupPtr proc far
cmp di, 8 ;See if this is a valid ptr.
je GoodPtr
GoodPtr: inc esptr.refcnt ;Bump up the reference cnt.
sl_DupPtr endp
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; IsInHeap- Returns carry clear if the pointer passed in es:di is within
; the heap. Returns carry set if this pointer is outside the
; heap.
public sl_IsInHeap
sl_IsInHeap proc far
push ax
push bx
mov bx, es
mov ax, cs:StartOfHeap
cmp bx, ax
jb Outside
add ax, cs:SizeOfHeap
mov bx, es
cmp bx, ax
ja Outside
pop bx
pop ax
Outside: stc
pop bx
pop ax
sl_IsInHeap endp
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; IsPtr- Returns the carry flag clear if es:di points at the beginning
; of an allocated block in the heap. Returns with the carry
; flag clear if es:di points at a deallocated block.
public sl_IsPtr
sl_IsPtr proc far
cmp di, 8 ;All of our ptrs have an offset of 8.
jne NotPtr2
push ax
push bx
push es
mov ax, es
mov bx, cs:StartOfHeap
CmpLoop: cmp bx, ax
je MightBe
ja NotPtr
mov es, bx
mov bx, esptr.fwdptr
or bx, bx ;See if NIL link.
jnz CmpLoop
NotPtr: pop es
pop bx
pop ax
NotPtr2: stc
; Might be the pointer, let's see if this guy's allocation count is greater
; than zero.
MightBe: mov es, bx
cmp esptr.blksize, 0
je NotPtr
pop es
pop bx
pop ax
sl_IsPtr endp
stdlib ends
zzzzzzseg segment para public 'zzzzzz'
LastBytes db 16 dup (?)
zzzzzzseg ends
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: