Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : MISC_ASM.ZIP
Filename : SETKEY.ASM

Output of file : SETKEY.ASM contained in archive : MISC_ASM.ZIP
;name: setkey,asm ( by kevin m crenshaw
cseg segment
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
org 100h
;------ get typematic rate: a to z, [, \, ], ^, _, or '
start: mov si,81h ;point to command line
xor bx,bx ;set default
letter: lodsb ;get first non-space char
cmp al," "
je letter
jb send ;end of line, use default
dec al
and al,0dfh ;upper case
sub al,"@" ;valid letter or symbol?
jnb lettr1 ; maybe
dec si ; no, might be a digit
jmp short digit
lettr1: cmp al,31 ;valid letter or symbol
ja error2 ; no, error
xchg al,bl ; yes, save as typematic rate
;------ get delay value: 1 to 4
digit: lodsb ;get next non-space character
cmp al," "
je digit
jb send ;end of line, use what we have
sub al,"1" ;valid digit?
jb error2 ; no, error
cmp al,3 ;valid digit
ja error2 ; no, error
mov cl,5 ; yes, save as delay value
shl al,cl
or bl,al
;------ send values to keyboard
send: mov al,0f3h ;set typematic/delay
call xmit ;command accepted?
jcxz error1 ; no, error
xchg al,bl ;send typematic/delay values
call xmit ;values accepted?
jcxz error1 ; no, error
int 20h ;return to dos
;------ bad input
error1: mov dx,offset error1$ ;hardware error
jmp short error
error2: mov dx,offset error2$ ;bad input error
error: mov ah,9 ;print message
int 21h
int 20h
error1$ db "Hardware error",13,10,"$"
error2$ db "Valid parameters are A-Z, then 1-4",13,10,"$"
;xmit - send data to keyboard
;in: al - data to send
;out: ax - destroyed
; cx - zero if error, nonzero otherwise
xmit proc near
cli ;interrupts off
xchg al,ah ;save command
xor cx,cx
xmtwt1: in al,64h
test al,2 ;is data waiting for cntrlt?
loopnz xmtwt1 ; yes, wait
jcxz xmtret ;error, cntrlr not reading data
xchg al,ah ;get command back
out 60h,al ;send to keyboard
xor cx,cx
xmtwt2: in al,64h
test al,2 ;has controller read data yet?
loopnz xmtwt2 ; no wait
jcxz xmtret ;error, cntrlr not reading data
xor cx,cx
xmtwt3: in al,64h
test al,1 ;did keyboard send ACK yet?
loopz xmtwt3 ; no, wait for it
jcxz xmtret ; error, no response
in al,60h ;get response
cmp al,0fah ;was it ACK?
je xmtret ; yes
xor cx,cx ; no, error
xmtret: sti ;interrupts back on
xmit endp
cseg ends
end start

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : MISC_ASM.ZIP
Filename : SETKEY.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: