Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : MISC_ASM.ZIP
Filename : MORE.ASM

Output of file : MORE.ASM contained in archive : MISC_ASM.ZIP
page ,132
Title MORE: reworked version of the DOS "more" utility

; by Tom Hanlin III February 18, 1987

Sseg segment byte stack 'prog' ; dummy stack segment
Sseg ends

Cseg segment byte public 'prog'
assume cs:Cseg, ds:Cseg, ss:Sseg

org 100h

MAIN proc far
mov ah,30h
int 21h ; get DOS version
cmp al,2 ; is it DOS 2.0 or higher?
jae GoodDOSversion ; yes, continue

mov dx,offset ErrorMsg1
mov ah,9
int 21h ; display error message
Done: int 20h ; exit

GoodDOSversion: mov ah,0Fh
int 10h ; get video mode
mov ScreenCols,ah ; store columns/screen

mov dx,offset CrLf
mov ah,9
int 21h ; print a

; The below twiddling sees that we get our text from the original standard
; input, but that we input from the keyboard at "-- More --" prompts.
xor bx,bx ; stdin device handle
mov ah,45h
int 21h ; duplicate handle
mov di,ax ; save new one
mov ah,3Eh
int 21h ; close old one
mov bx,2 ; stderr device handle
mov ah,45h
int 21h ; duplicate handle

MoreLoop: cld
mov dx,offset CrLf +3 ; for buffer, use 4K...
mov cx,4096 ; ...past the program end
mov bx,di ; old stdin file handle
mov ah,3Fh
int 21h ; read from file
jc Done ; exit on error
or ax,ax ; end of input?
jz Done ; yes, exit
mov cx,ax ; chars actually gotten
mov si,dx ; buffer ptr

GetChr: lodsb ; get a char from the buffer

mov dh,Column ; get column position

cmp al,13 ; check chr
ja NormalChr ; not control, so normal
jne NotCR ; not , keep checking
mov dh,1 ; reset column count
jmp short DisplayChr ; go display chr

NotCR: cmp al,10 ; linefeed?
jne NotLF ; no, keep checking
inc byte ptr Row ; increment row count
jmp short DisplayChr ; go display chr

NotLF: cmp al,8 ; backspace?
jne NotBS ; no, keep checking
cmp dh,1 ; can we backspace?
je NextChr ; no, ignore it
dec dh ; yes, do it
jmp short DisplayChr ; go display chr

NotBS: cmp al,9 ; tab?
jne NotHT ; no, keep checking
add dh,7 ; move to next tab position
and dh,0F8h ; keep in bounds
inc dh
jmp short DisplayChr ; go display chr

NotHT: cmp al,7 ; bell?
je DisplayChr ; yes, go "display" it

NormalChr: inc dh ; increment column
cmp dh,ScreenCols ; is it still on the screen?
jbe DisplayChr ; yes, display chr
inc byte ptr Row ; move to next line
mov dh,1 ; restart column count

DisplayChr: mov Column,dh ; save new column position

mov dl,al
mov ah,2
int 21h ; display chr to stdout

mov ah,Row ; get current row
cmp ah,ScreenRows ; is it still on the screen?
jb NextChr ; yes, move along...

mov dx,offset PromptMsg
mov ah,9
int 21h ; display prompt message

mov ax,0C01h
int 21h ; clear kbd and wait for key

mov dx,offset CrLf ; display a
mov ah,9
int 21h

mov byte ptr Column,1 ; reset column
mov byte ptr Row,1 ; reset row

dec si
inc cx
NextChr: loop GetChrVec ; go through buffer
jmp MoreLoop ; load another buffer
GetChrVec: jmp GetChr
MAIN endp

ScreenRows db 25 ; default to 25 lines per screen
ScreenCols db ? ; fill this in depending on screen mode

Column db 1 ; start at first column
Row db 1 ; ...and first row

PromptMsg db 13,"-- More --$"
ErrorMsg1 db "MORE: Wrong DOS version"
CrLf db 13,10,"$"

Cseg ends

end MAIN

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : MISC_ASM.ZIP
Filename : MORE.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: