Dec 122017
Language Window 86. Pop-up 8086 instruction set.
File LW-86.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Assembly Language
Language Window 86. Pop-up 8086 instruction set.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
LW86.COM 25640 9285 deflated
LW86.DOC 16769 4649 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

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Contents of the LW86.DOC file


Edition: Intel 8086/88,186/188 Instruction Set

A User-Supported Programming Tool

Produced By BLR Software Engineering

Revision 1.10 11/16/86

(C) Copyright 1986, BLR Software Engineering, All Rights Reserved


This edition of Language Window is distributed as
user-supported software. This means that it is the user of
the program, you, who is solely responsible for the
developer, us, being able to continue to develop useful
software. It means that you can "test drive" this program and
decide whether it is of value to you. As with all
user-supported software, it is imperative that you help us to
help you. If you have received this program from another user
or from a bulletin board and find it useful, please send a
$16 contribution to:

BLR Software Engineering
P.O. Box 52023
Palo Alto, CA 94303

You are granted a limited license to use, copy and distribute
the program and documentation as long as you do not:

1. Charge for any copy of the program or documentation.
2. Distribute the program in a modified form.

Your cooperation is not only greatly appreciated but it
ensures that more quality programs will be available to you
at very low cost in the future.

Thank you,
Baron L. Roberts
BLR Software Engineering

--- Page i LW86 ---


Edition: Intel 8086/88,186/188 Instruction Set


A Note About User-Supported Software i

1. Introduction 1

2. Getting Started 1
2.1 Loading Language Window
(non-IBM CGA systems) 1
2.2 Loading Language Window
(IBM CGA systems) 2
2.3 Language Window with
Other Memory Resident Utilities 2

3. Equipment Requirements 2

4. Using Language Window 2
4.1 Opening the Language Window 2
4.2 The Language Window Layout 3
4.3 Instruction Selection Using the Cursor 3
4.4 Browsing Through Instructions 4
4.5 Instruction Searching 4
4.6 Closeing the Language Window 4

5. Places to Use Language Window 5

Notices and Acknowledgements 6

--- Page ii LW86 ---


Edition: Intel 8086/88,186/188 Instruction Set

1. Introduction

Language Window is a pop-up quick reference guide for
computer programming languages. This edition of Language
Window is for the Intel 8086/88, 80186/188 instruction sets.
Because Language Window is memory resident, language
reference information such as coding syntax and execution
speed is available instantly from within any application.
With Language Window there is no longer any need to search
for the manual or printed quick reference guide. Instead,
the information is available simply by pressing two keys. To
provide quick access to the reference information there are
three easy lookup methods and once the information is found,
it remains in the window allowing flipping back and forth
between the application and the reference. With Language
Window printed quick reference guides can remain lost.

2. Getting Started

On the Language Window distribution disk you will find
the program


This is the Language Window program edition for the Intel
8086/88, 80186/188 Instruction Set. When this program is
first run, the Language Window is installed as part of the
DOS operating system. The program will remain resident in
memory until the computer is reset or until the power is
turned off.

LW86.COM is not copy-protected and may be run from the
distribution disk or copied to a hard disk for execution.
The program can also be loaded by a batch file. If loaded
under DOS 2.00 or higher, LW86 will return an error return
code of five if already installed.

There are two ways to run the Language Window program
depending upon your computer's video display board.

2.1 Loading Language Window (non-IBM CGA systems)

Users with computers that do not contain the IBM CGA
(Color Graphics Adapter) board may run the Language
Window program by simply entering


at the DOS prompt. Be sure that you use any drive or
pathname required to find the LW86.COM program.

--- Page 1 LW86 ---

Examples of computers that fall into this category are:

IBM PC/XT/AT - Monochrome Adapter or EGA Adapter
IBM PC 3270
Compaq - all models
Texas Instruments Business Pro (PCAT Mode)
IBM Compatible with Hercules Monochrome Graphics Board

2.2 Loading Language Window (IBM CGA systems)

A computer that contains an IBM CGA board should have the
Language Window program run by entering


at the DOS prompt. Be sure that you use any drive or
pathname required to find the LW86.COM program. If you
are not sure whether your computer has an IBM CGA board,
first try running Language Window without the /F. If,
when you use the BROWSE feature (see section 4.4), you
observe flicker of the video display or snowy
interference on the screen, then you do have an IBM CGA
and must run LW86 with the /F switch.

2.3 Language Window with Other Memory Resident Utilities

While it is not possible to test Language Window's
compatibility with every memory resident program, care
has been taken to ensure a maximum likelihood of
co-resident compatibility. For example, Language Window
is compatible with Borland International's SIDEKICK
program. However, the Language Window program must be
loaded before the SIDEKICK program.

3. Equipment Requirements

Language Window can be run on any IBM PC/XT/AT or strict
compatible. When resident the program takes up approximately
26K bytes of memory. The program can be loaded in systems
using DOS 1.00 or higher.

4. Using Language Window

4.1 Opening the Language Window

Once it has been made resident, the Language Window is
always just two keystrokes away. Simply press the


keys simultaneously and the Language Window will pop-up.
Language Window has been designed for use in text oriented
applications such as word processors. Consequently, the
Language Window cannot be opened while in a graphics mode.
Attempts to open the window in a graphics mode will only
produce a beep.

--- Page 2 LW86 ---

4.2 The Language Window Layout

The Language Window is divided into three distinct
sections. In the upper left corner is the Processor
Window. This window shows the microprocessor of the
computer currently running Language Window. Language
Window will identify the Intel 8086/88, 80186/188 and
80286 microprocessors.

Below the Processor Window is the Instruction Window. This
window displays the entire mnemonic instruction set of the
Intel 8086/88, 80186/188 microprocessors. Certain
instructions are available only on the 80186/188
microprocessors. These instructions are identified using a
symbol. The instructions are arranged in alphabetical
order with the exception of the two INFO pages at the top
of the list. The "1 INFO" and "2 INFO" items provide
general information on the microprocessors covered by this
edition of Language Window. Information such as the use of
the segment override prefix and the time required for
effective address calculation is displayed by these first
two items. The Instruction Window also contains the
hilighting bar which is used to indicate the current
instruction to be referenced.

The largest section of Language Window is the Information
Window. Here the reference information about a given
instruction is displayed. The format of this window
closely resembles the layout of the Intel Programmer
Reference manuals. Hilighted at the top of the window is
the mnemonic instruction along with a short explanatory
phrase. Below this is the instruction calling syntax and
the status flags effected by the instruction.
Identification of the flags is provided on the "2 INFO"
page. A flag in parenthesis indicates that the setting of
that flag is undefined following execution of the
instruction. Below the syntax and flag lines is an
explanation of the functions performed by the instruction.
The lower portion of the Information Window lists all

allowable operand codings for the instruction. Along with
each operand coding is listed the execution time in clock
periods, number of internal transfers and instruction

4.3 Instruction Selection Using the Cursor

There are three ways to look up an instruction reference
information. The first method is to use the


keys to move the hilighting bar in the Instruction Window
over the desired instruction. After pressing RETURN the
instruction's reference information will be displayed in
the Information Window. In addition to the cursor up/down

--- Page 3 LW86 ---

keys, the HOME and END keys may be used to position the
hilighting bar at the top or bottom of the instruction list

4.4 Browsing Through Instructions

A second method for looking up instruction reference
information is to use the


keys. These keys allow browsing through the instruction
information pages. For example, pressing PgDn will move
the hilighting bar down one instruction and show the
information about that instruction. These keys simulate
thumbing through a reference manual.

4.5 Instruction Searching

Many times you will already know the instruction you wish
to look up. At the bottom of the Language Window are the
words "ALPHA KEY lookup". If


is pressed, this portion of the Language Window is
replaced with the word "FIND:" followed by the letters or
numbers that you type. By simply typing the instruction
you wish to find and pressing RETURN the Language Window
will automatically search the instruction list for the
desired instruction and, if found, display the reference
information. If the information is not found, a message
to that effect is printed next to "FIND:" and after a few
seconds the hilighting bar is returned to its location
before the search. If you have activated "FIND:" in
error, pressing ESC will return you to normal program
operation. This method of instruction lookup is also
useful for moving to a particular alphabetic location in
the Instruction Window. For example, to move the
hilighting bar to the "M"s in the Instruction Window
simply type an "M" and press RETURN.

4.6 Closing the Language Window

To return to your application press


Your application screen will be returned to you with the
cursor size and location exactly as it was before
Language Window was opened. If you now re-open Language
Window, the reference information last displayed will
still be there. This way you do not need to memorize or
re-find the instruction information.

--- Page 4 LW86 ---

5. Places to Use Language Window

Language Window was designed to provide quick access to
computer language reference information from within any
application. You will find that Language Window is most
useful while you are working in language interpreters,
writing programs in word processors, working within a
debugger or writing detailed coding specifications.

The best of luck to you in your use of Language Window and
in your programming endeavors.

--- Page 5 LW86 ---


The Language Window program is a quick reference guide intended
to supplement and not replace existing manufacturer's reference
literature. The program is offered as is and no warranties,
either express or implied, are made as to the complete accuracy
of the data contained within the program or within this manual.
The information in this program and in this users guide is
subject to change without notice.


IBM, PC/XT, PC/AT, and PC 3270 are registered trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation. Compaq is a
registered trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation. Business
Pro is a registered trademark of Texas Instruments. Hercules is
a trademark owned by Hercules. Intel is a registered trademark
of Intel Corporation.

The mnemonics for the Intel 8086/88, 186/188 microprocessors are
copyright Intel corporation and are reproduced by permission.

--- Page 6 LW86 ---

 December 12, 2017  Add comments

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