Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : EMAC15ES.ZIP

Output of file : MINTLAST.ASM contained in archive : EMAC15ES.ZIP
include memory.def

code segment public
public lastcode
lastcode label byte
code ends

_DATA segment public
_DATA ends

data segment public

db -1 ;any non-zero value will do here.

public OUTPATSIZE, outpat
outpat db OUTPATSIZE dup(?)

public stackp
db 256 dup(?)
stackp label byte

public lomem, lomem_end
lomem label byte
db '#(rd)#(ow,(',CR,LF
db 'Freemacs, a programmable editor - Version )##(lv,vn)(',CR,LF
db 'Copyright (C) Russell Nelson 1986-1989',CR,LF
db '))'
db '#(ds,Farglist,(SELF,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5,arg6,arg7,arg8,arg9))'
db '#(ds,Fsearch-path,(#(SELF-do,##(fm,env.PATH,;,(##(gn,env.PATH,1000))))'
db '#(rs,env.PATH)))'
db '#(mp,Fsearch-path,#(Farglist))'
db '#(ds,Fsearch-path-do,(#(==,arg1,,,('
db ' #(==,#(ff,arg1\emacs.ed,;),,('
db ' #(SELF,##(fm,env.PATH,;,(##(gn,env.PATH,1000))))'
db ' ),(#(ds,env.EMACS,arg1\)))'
db '))))'
db '#(mp,Fsearch-path-do,#(Farglist))'
db '#(ev)'
db '#(n?,env.EMACS,('
db ' #(gn,env.EMACS,#(--,#(nc,##(env.EMACS)),1))'
db ' #(==,##(go,env.EMACS),\,,('
db ' #(ow,(',CR,LF
db 'The EMACS environment variable must end with \ - Press any key to return to DOS',CR,LF
db '))'
db ' #(it,10000)#(hl,1)'
db ' ))'
db ' #(rs,env.EMACS)'
db '))'
db '#(n?,env.EMACS,,(#(Fsearch-path)))'
db '#(n?,env.EMACS,,(#(==,#(ff,\emacs15\emacs.ed,;),,,(#(ds,env.EMACS,\emacs15\)))))'
db '#(n?,env.EMACS,,(#(==,#(ff,\emacs\emacs.ed,;),,,(#(ds,env.EMACS,\emacs\)))))'
db '#(an,Loading #(env.EMACS)emacs.ed...)'
db '#(==,#(ll,#(env.EMACS)emacs.ed),,('
db ' #(an,Starting editor...)'
db ' #(rf,#(env.EMACS)emacs.min)'
db ' #(sp,[)#(rm,])#(dm,])'
db ' #(##(lib-name)&setup)'
db '),('
db ' #(an)'
db ' #(ow,(',CR,LF
db 'Cannot find emacs.ed - Set the environment string EMACS to the subdirectory',CR,LF
db 'containing the Freemacs .ed files. For example, EMACS=c:\freemacs\',CR,LF
db 'Press any key to return to DOS...))'
db ' #(it,10000)#(hl,1)'
db '))'
db ')' ;this is the sentinel that marks the end of the active string.
lomem_end label byte

data ends

bufseg segment public

public bufseg_size
bufseg_size equ $

bufseg ends


  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : EMAC15ES.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: