Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : DIS86216.ZIP
Filename : OPV20.ASM

Output of file : OPV20.ASM contained in archive : DIS86216.ZIP
; opV20
; V20 instructions
; For disassembly in 16 bit mode
code2seg segment
farroutine proc far
mov ax,4c00H
int 21H ; if this file is executed, just terminate
farroutine endp
code2seg ends
dataseg segment
alpha dw 0
nearindirect dw beta
farindirect dd farroutine
dataseg ends
codeseg segment
assume ds:dataseg
assume es:nothing
assume ss:nothing
assume cs:codeseg
beta proc near
ret 3
beta endp
; ensure disassembler synchronization
; 80186 & V20 instructions
db 62h,0 ;bound
db 0c8h,33h,44h,5 ;enter procedure
db 69h,0,33h,44h ;imul immediate
db 69h,0c0h,33h,44h ;imul immediate
db 6bh,0,33h ;imul immediate
db 6bh,0c0h,33h ;imul immediate
db 6ch ;ins dx
db 0f2h,6ch ;ins dx repeated by count in cx
db 0c9h ;leave procedure
db 6eh ;outs dx
db 0f2h,6eh ;outs dx repeated by count in cx
db 61h ;popa
db 68h,33h,44h ;push immediate
db 6ah,33h ;push immediate
db 60h ;pusha
db 0c0h,00h,3 ;ROL memory by count
db 0c0h,08h,3 ;ROR memory by count
db 0c0h,10h,3 ;RCL memory by count
db 0c0h,18h,3 ;RCR memory by count
db 0c0h,20h,3 ;SHL/SAL memory by count
db 0c0h,28h,3 ;SHR memory by count
db 0c0h,38h,3 ;SAR memory by count
db 90H,90H,90H,90H,90H,90H,90H,90H,90H ; alignment

; V20 unique instructions
db 0fh,20h ;add4s
db 0fh,12h,0c0h ;clr1 reg8,cl
db 0fh,12h,000h ;clr1 mem8,cl
db 0fh,13h,0c0h ;clr1 reg16,cl
db 0fh,13h,000h ;clr1 mem16,cl
db 0fh,1ah,0c0h,3 ;clr1 reg8,imm3
db 0fh,1ah,000h,3 ;clr1 mem8,imm3
db 0fh,1bh,0c0h,3 ;clr1 reg16,imm4
db 0fh,1bh,000h,3 ;clr1 mem16,imm4
db 0fh,26h ;cmp4s
db 0fh,33h,0c0h ;ext bit field
db 0fh,3bh,0c0h,3 ;ext bit field immediate
db 66h,0c0h ;fp02
db 66h,000h ;fp02
db 0fh,31h,0c0h ;insert bit field
db 0fh,39h,0c0h,3 ;insert bit field immediate
db 0fh,16h,0c0h ;not1 reg8,cl
db 0fh,16h,000h ;not1 mem8,cl
db 0fh,17h,0c0h ;not1 reg16,cl
db 0fh,17h,000h ;not1 mem16,cl
db 0fh,1eh,0c0h,3 ;not1 reg8,imm3
db 0fh,1eh,000h,3 ;not1 mem8,imm3
db 0fh,1fh,0c0h,3 ;not1 reg16,imm4
db 0fh,1fh,000h,3 ;not1 mem16,imm4
db 65h ;repc
db 64h ;repnc
db 0fh,28h,0c0h ;rol4
db 0fh,28h,000h ;rol4
db 0fh,2ah,0c0h ;ror4
db 0fh,2ah,000h ;ror4
db 0fh,14h,0c0h ;set1 reg8,cl
db 0fh,14h,000h ;set1 mem8,cl
db 0fh,15h,0c0h ;set1 reg16,cl
db 0fh,15h,000h ;set1 mem16,cl
db 0fh,1ch,0c0h,3 ;set1 reg8,imm3
db 0fh,1ch,000h,3 ;set1 mem8,imm3
db 0fh,1dh,0c0h,3 ;set1 reg16,imm4
db 0fh,1dh,000h,3 ;set1 mem16,imm4
db 0fh,22h ;sub4s
db 0fh,10h,0c0h ;test1 reg8,cl
db 0fh,10h,000h ;test1 mem8,cl
db 0fh,11h,0c0h ;test1 reg16,cl
db 0fh,11h,000h ;test1 mem16,cl
db 0fh,18h,0c0h,3 ;test1 reg8,imm3
db 0fh,18h,000h,3 ;test1 mem8,imm3
db 0fh,19h,0c0h,3 ;test1 reg16,imm4
db 0fh,19h,000h,3 ;test1 mem16,imm4
codeseg ends


  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : DIS86216.ZIP
Filename : OPV20.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: