Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : CUG292.ZIP
Filename : T6809L.ASM

Output of file : T6809L.ASM contained in archive : CUG292.ZIP
.sbttl Assembler Link Tests

.module t6809l

; This file and TCONST.ASM should be assembled and linked.
; AS6809 -XGOL T6809L
; -XMS
; T6809L
; -E
; The following tests verify the correct processing of
; external references for the direct page, index mode offsets,
; and branches.
; *L signifies an error will be reported at link time.

; branch test must be first

.area TEST (ABS,OVR)

.blkb 0x7E ;bra1:
bra bra1 ; 20 00 [20 80]
.blkb 0x7F ;bra2:
bra bra2 ;*L 20 00 [20 7F]
bra bra3 ; 20 00 [20 7F]
.blkb 0x7F
.blkb 0x00 ;bra3:
bra bra4 ;*L 20 00 [20 [80]
.blkb 0x80
.blkb 0x00 ;bra4:

.blkb 0x7E ;bra5:
bra bra5 ; 20 00 [20 80]
.blkb 0x7F ;bra6:
bra bra6 ;*L 20 00 [20 7F]
bra bra7 ; 20 00 [20 7F]
.blkb 0x7F
.blkb 0x00 ;bra7:
bra bra8 ;*L 20 00 [20 [80]
.blkb 0x80
.blkb 0x00 ;bra8:

; direct page test

.setdp 0,DIRECT

lda *minus1 ;*L 96 00 [96 FF]
lda *zero ; 96 00 [96 00]
lda *two55 ; 96 00 [96 FF]
lda *two56 ;*L 96 00 [96 00]

lda *lminus1 ;*L 96 00 [96 FF]
lda *lzero ; 96 00 [96 00]
lda *ltwo55 ; 96 00 [96 FF]
lda *ltwo56 ;*L 96 00 [96 00]

; indexed test

lda minus1,x ; A6 89 00 00 [A6 89 FF FF]
lda zero,x ; A6 89 00 00 [A6 89 00 00]
lda two55,x ; A6 89 00 00 [A6 89 00 FF]
lda two56,x ; A6 89 00 00 [A6 89 01 00]

; direct page boundary / length checking

.area A

.blkb 1

.area PAGE0 (PAG) ;*L Linker -- page boundary error

.setdp 0,PAGE0 ;*L Linker -- page definition boundary error

.blkb 0x101 ;*L Linker -- page length error

.area PAGE1 (ABS,OVR)

.setdp 0x100,PAGE1

.setdp boundary,PAGE1 ;*L Linker -- page definition boundary error

; Non page '0' paging

.area PAGE2 (ABS,OVR)

.setdp 0,PAGE2

lda *minus1 ;*L 96 00 [96 FF]
lda *zero ; 96 00 [96 00]
lda *two55 ; 96 00 [96 FF]
lda *two56 ;*L 96 00 [96 00]

.setdp 0x100,PAGE2

lda *minus1 ;*L 96 00 [96 FF]
lda *zero ;*L 96 00 [96 00]
lda *two55 ;*L 96 00 [96 FF]
lda *two56 ; 96 00 [96 00]
lda *five11 ; 96 00 [96 FF]
lda *five12 ;*L 96 00 [96 00]

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : CUG292.ZIP
Filename : T6809L.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: