Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : CUG292.ZIP
Filename : README.ASM

Output of file : README.ASM contained in archive : CUG292.ZIP
; This file contains typical console input and
; output routines you must write, assemble and link with
; MOND09 or AST09.

.title Option File for Monitor - 09

.module monopt


.sbttl MONDEB - 09 Startup Entry Points

mond09: ldd #typswi ; check if settup
cmpd exswi
bne 1$
swi ; trap into MOND09

1$: ldd #typswi
std exswi ; swi interrupt vector
ldd #dspidta
std conin
std altin
ldd #dspodta
std conout
std altout
jsr mond09 ; start up MONDEB - 09

;* typical console i/o drivers

;* dspidta - return console input character
;* output: c=0 if no data ready, c=1 a=character

tst rcvrcsr ; a character ?
bmi 1$ ; yes - skip
clc ; no character
rts ; return to caller

1$: lda rcvrdata ; get character
cmpa #0o141 ; translate lower to upper
bcs 2$
cmpa #0o173
bcc 2$
suba #0o40
2$: sec ; character taken

;* dspodta - output character to console device
;* input: a=character to send
;* all registers transparent

tst xmtrcsr ; transmitter ready ?
bpl dspodta ; no - loop until ready
sta xmtrdata ; send character

.title Option File for Assist09

.module astopt

.sbttl Assist09 SWI Functions

;* assist09 monitor swi functions
;* the following equates define functions provided
;* by the assist09 monitor via the swi instruction.

inchnp = 0 ; input char in a reg - no parity
outch = 1 ; output char from a reg
pdata1 = 2 ; output string
pdata = 3 ; output cr/lf then string
out2hs = 4 ; output two hex and space
out4hs = 5 ; output four hex and space
pcrlf = 6 ; output cr/lf
space = 7 ; output a space
monitr = 8 ; enter assist09 monitor
vctrsw = 9 ; vector examine/switch
brkpt = 10 ; user program breakpoint
pause = 11 ; task pause function
numfun = 11 ; number of available functions

;* sub-codes for accessing the vector table.
;* they are equivalent to offsets in the table.
;* relative positioning must be maintained.

.avtbl = 0 ; address of vector table
.cmdl1 = 2 ; first command list
.rsvd = 4 ; reserved hardware vector
.swi3 = 6 ; swi3 routine
.swi2 = 8 ; swi2 routine
.firq = 10 ; firq routine
.irq = 12 ; irq routine
.swi = 14 ; swi routine
.nmi = 16 ; nmi routine
.reset = 18 ; reset routine
.cion = 20 ; console on
.cidta = 22 ; console input data
.cioff = 24 ; console input off
.coon = 26 ; console output on
.codta = 28 ; console output data
.cooff = 30 ; console output off
.hsdta = 32 ; high speed printdata
.bson = 34 ; punch/load on
.bsdta = 36 ; punch/load data
.bsoff = 38 ; punch/load off
.pause = 40 ; task pause routine
.expan = 42 ; expression analyzer
.cmdl2 = 44 ; second command list
.pad = 46 ; character pad and new line pad
.echo = 48 ; echo/load and null bkpt flag

.sbttl Assist09 Startup Entry Points

ast09: ldd exswi ; verify settup
cmpd #swi
bne 1$
lda #1
swi ; reenter monitor
.byte monitr
pshs cc
orcc #120 ; inhibit interrupts
puls cc,pc ; return to caller

1$: ldd #swi ; load swi vector
std exswi
leas astack,pcr ; stack pointer
jsr bldvtr ; build vector table
ldd #dspidta ; console input
std .cidta,u ; load vector table
ldd #dspodta ; console output
std .codta,u ; load vector table
clra ; announce
swi ; monitor fireup
.byte monitr ; to enter command processing
pshs cc
orcc #120 ; inhibit interrupts
jmp main ; restart caller

;* typical i/o drivers

;* dspidta - return console input character
;* output: c=0 if no data ready, c=1 a=character

tst rcvrcsr ; a character ?
bmi 1$ ; yes - skip
clc ; no character
rts ; return to caller

1$: lda rcvrdata ; get character
cmpa #0o141 ; translate lower to upper
bcs 2$
cmpa #0o173
bcc 2$
suba #0o40
2$: sec ; character taken

;* dspodta - output character to console device
;* input: a=character to send
;* all registers transparent

tst xmtrcsr ; transmitter ready ?
bpl dspodta ; no - loop until ready
sta xmtrdata ; send character

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : CUG292.ZIP
Filename : README.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: