Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : CUG292.ZIP
Filename : ASSYM.C

Output of file : ASSYM.C contained in archive : CUG292.ZIP
/* assym.c */

* (C) Copyright 1989,1990
* All Rights Reserved
* Alan R. Baldwin
* 721 Berkeley St.
* Kent, Ohio 44240

#include "asm.h"

* This routine is called early in the
* game to set up the hashtables. First
* all buckets in a table are cleared.
* Then a pass is made through the respective
* symbol lists, linking them into their hash
* buckets. Finally the area list and
* 'dca' are set up.
register struct mne *mp;
struct mne **mpp;
register struct sym *sp;
struct sym **spp;
register h;

mpp = &mnehash[0];
while (mpp < &mnehash[NHASH])
*mpp++ = NULL;
mp = &mne[0];
for (;;) {
h = hash(mp->m_id);
mp->m_mp = mnehash[h];
mnehash[h] = mp;
if (mp->m_flag&S_END)

spp = &symhash[0];
while (spp < &symhash[NHASH])
*spp++ = NULL;
sp = &sym[0];
for (;;) {
h = hash(sp->s_id);
sp->s_sp = symhash[h];
symhash[h] = sp;
if (sp->s_flag&S_END)

areap = &dca;

* Lookup the area `id'.
struct area *
char *id;
register struct area *ap;

ap = areap;
while (ap) {
if (symeq(id, ap->a_id)) {
return (ap);
ap = ap->a_ap;

* Lookup the mnemonic (or directive) `id' in the hashtable.
* If it is not found return a NULL.
struct mne *
char *id;
register struct mne *mp;
register h;

h = hash(id);
mp = mnehash[h];
while (mp) {
if (symeq(id, mp->m_id))
return (mp);
mp = mp->m_mp;
return (NULL);

* Lookup the label `id' in the hashtable.
* If it is not found return a
* pointer to a newly created hash table
* entry.
struct sym *
char *id;
register struct sym *sp;
register h;

h = hash(id);
sp = symhash[h];
while (sp) {
if (symeq(id, sp->s_id))
return (sp);
sp = sp->s_sp;
sp = (struct sym *) new (sizeof(struct sym));
sp->s_sp = symhash[h];
symhash[h] = sp;
sp->s_tsym = NULL;
strncpy(sp->s_id, id, NCPS);
sp->s_type = S_NEW;
sp->s_flag = 0;
sp->s_area = NULL;
sp->s_ref = 0;
sp->s_addr = 0;
return (sp);

* Mark all symbols of type `S_NEW' global.
* Called at the beginning of pass 1 if '-g'.
register struct sym *sp;
register i;

for (i=0; i sp = symhash[i];
while (sp != NULL) {
if (sp->s_type == S_NEW)
sp->s_flag |= S_GBL;
sp = sp->s_sp;

* Mark all symbols of type `S_USER' global.
* Called at the beginning of pass 1 if '-a'.
register struct sym *sp;
register i;

for (i=0; i sp = symhash[i];
while (sp != NULL) {
if (sp != &dot && sp->s_type == S_USER)
sp->s_flag |= S_GBL;
sp = sp->s_sp;

* Compare two symbol names.
symeq(p1, p2)
register char *p1, *p2;
register n;

n = NCPS;
do {

if (*p1++ != *p2++)
return (0);
if (ccase[*p1++] != ccase[*p2++])
return (0);

} while (--n);
return (1);

* Given a pointer to a symbol name
* compute and return the hash table
* bucket.
* The `sum of all the characters mod
* table size' algorithm is perhaps
* not the best.
register char *p;
register h, n;

h = 0;
n = NCPS;
do {

h += *p++;
h += ccase[*p++];

} while (--n);
return (h&HMASK);

* Allocate a block of space.
* Leave if there is no space left
* at all.
unsigned int n;
register VOID *p;

if ((p = (VOID *) malloc(n)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Out of space!\n");
return (p);

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : CUG292.ZIP
Filename : ASSYM.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: