Dec 082017
This is an experimental public domain one-pass assembler for the 8051 processor that uses skip lists for its symbol table.
File CAS8051.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Assembly Language
This is an experimental public domain one-pass assembler for the 8051 processor that uses skip lists for its symbol table.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
A51GRIND 450 273 deflated
ASSEM 0 0 stored
CAS.C 2390 800 deflated
CAS.DOC 25821 8880 deflated
CAS.EXE 53213 25717 deflated
DAS.C 14361 3330 deflated
DAS.DOC 6814 2673 deflated
DAS.EXE 16579 8541 deflated
DATA 0 0 stored
8051FA.H 1632 654 deflated
DATA.H 239 126 deflated
DATA.HEX 3838 1633 deflated
DATA.S 13067 3227 deflated
KERNEL.H 399 214 deflated
KERNEL.S 6452 1984 deflated
MAKEFILE 328 121 deflated
MATH.H 121 90 deflated
MATH.S 1460 490 deflated
STDIO.H 39 37 deflated
STDIO.S 1025 494 deflated
DS.C 5501 1553 deflated
DS.DOC 11454 3044 deflated
DS.EXE 11865 7474 deflated
ERR.DOC 23692 7174 deflated
EX.C 13644 3349 deflated
EX.H 834 370 deflated
HEXS 0 0 stored
ENTRIES 24 20 deflated
R.A 4949 1758 deflated
R.HEX 875 385 deflated
R.S 2745 725 deflated
INTRO 1930 897 deflated
IO.C 21159 5346 deflated
IO.H 2208 904 deflated
LINK.C 15435 3892 deflated
LINK.H 243 156 deflated
MAKEFILE 672 256 deflated
MAKEFILE.DOS 904 329 deflated
NL.C 291 202 deflated
NL.DOC 322 206 deflated
NL.EXE 7271 4884 deflated
NOTES 3169 1228 deflated
OP.C 8816 2439 deflated
OP.H 202 137 deflated
RELOC.C 3008 1088 deflated
RELOC.DOC 961 516 deflated
RELOC.EXE 9661 6074 deflated
RES.C 4120 1244 deflated
RES.H 260 166 deflated
SEMI.C 145 107 deflated
SEMI.DOC 347 226 deflated
SEMI.EXE 4789 3095 deflated
ST.C 13064 3228 deflated
ST.H 216 153 deflated
CLIENT 0 0 stored
CLIENT.C 1642 608 deflated
CLIENT.DOC 1091 608 deflated
CLIENT.EXE 9949 6430 deflated
COM.C 2881 1023 deflated
COM.H 387 197 deflated
CONSOLE.C 1049 503 deflated
CONSOLE.H 782 339 deflated
DEMO.C 1691 632 deflated
DEMO.EXE 9981 6443 deflated
MAKEFILE 661 247 deflated
MICRONET.C 2619 757 deflated
MICRONET.DOC 3342 1342 deflated
MICRONET.H 435 213 deflated
PORT.H 2035 707 deflated
SERIAL.C 12501 2670 deflated
SERIAL.DOC 3058 1292 deflated
SERIAL.EXE 50666 31502 deflated
CRC 0 0 stored
8052.H 429 211 deflated
CRC.ASM 6660 2252 deflated
CRC.C 2150 953 deflated
CRC.DOC 1540 725 deflated
CRC.HEX 1638 754 deflated
SAMPLE.HEX 23053 10101 deflated
CREED 228 169 deflated
DATA 0 0 stored
8051FA.H 1525 613 deflated
DATA.ASM 13219 3320 deflated
DATA.DOC 20944 6765 deflated
DATA.HEX 3838 1637 deflated
KERNEL.LIB 6290 1935 deflated
MATH.LIB 1549 511 deflated
STDIO.LIB 946 462 deflated
DEBUG 0 0 stored
8052.H 429 212 deflated
DEBUG.ASM 19181 3670 deflated
DEBUG.DOC 6324 2429 deflated
DEBUG.HEX 4373 1402 deflated
DEBUG.O 1624 947 deflated
ENTRIES 12 11 deflated
DRIVE 0 0 stored
DRIVE.ASM 8639 2703 deflated
DRIVE.DOC 17282 6126 deflated
DRIVE.HEX 3321 1382 deflated
KC.LIB 2309 819 deflated
MATH.LIB 2640 630 deflated
RX9.LIB 1174 534 deflated
TIMER.LIB 296 174 deflated
INTRO 2463 1134 deflated
KERNEL 0 0 stored
8051FA.H 1525 613 deflated
8052.H 429 212 deflated
INT.ASM 5979 1522 deflated
INT.DOC 4183 1552 deflated
INT.HEX 1809 754 deflated
IO.DOC 4353 1613 deflated
IO.LIB 2429 794 deflated
KERNEL.DOC 8983 3368 deflated
KERNEL.LIB 3747 1368 deflated
LCD.ASM 1166 388 deflated
LCD.DOC 2066 861 deflated
LCD.HEX 1403 579 deflated
MATH.DOC 7170 2522 deflated
MATH.LIB 5780 1379 deflated
MANIFEST 8462 2939 deflated
README 1930 965 deflated
REGS 3261 1299 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

Download File CAS8051.ZIP Here

Contents of the README file

I've packaged the following items:

C source for an 8051 assembler and disassembler. The assembler generates
Intel Hex Format output, and the disassembler reads files in Intel Hex
Arbitrary Precision Arithmetic library for unsigned integers
including Multiplication, Division, Square Root
Rudimentary Debugger
needs client software at the host in order to be useable.
A stripped-down Multitasking Kernel, with 8051 demo software for:
Serial Communications
client software for a PC host at 57600,N,9,1 available.
Intel Hex download
CRC Check Summing Demo
also needs client software running at the host.
Interrupt Input Processing, for the 8051FA.
Open-loop Stepper Motor Driver
LCD Display/Keypad Input library
Pulse Counting/Data Collection
elaborate multi-tasking control used to concurrently
process the 6 timer-capture interrupts of the 8051FA

Consider this software your development kit. You can use it in your
projects any way you like with no licensing or copyright restrictions. If
you'd like to try your hand at hacking it I encourage you to do so and to
distribute any substantial improvements you may come up in the same spirit
that this is being distributed: free of any restrictions. Everything here is
new and original (as far as I can determine) and was generated over a one
year period 4/91 to 4/92 (except for the assembler) within a total of 300
hours paid development time. The assembler was developed in 7/92.

Send comments and feedback to [email protected]. Direct correspondence
can also be sent to:

Mark Hopkins Consulting
2619 North Oakland Avenue, Suite 204
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211-3523

 December 8, 2017  Add comments

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