Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : ASMWIZ20.ZIP
Filename : EXAMPLE.ASM
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| AsmWiz Copyright (c) 1990-1994 Thomas G. Hanlin III |
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| AsmWiz Demo Program |
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| assembled with MASM 6.0 |
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The code here has been designed to be easily understandable and is not as
efficient as the coding used in the actual library.
; the use of a dummy stack segment here eliminates the meaningless error
; message from LINK about there being no stack defined.
Sseg segment byte stack 'prog' ; dummy stack segment
Sseg ends
Cseg segment byte public 'prog'
assume cs:Cseg, ds:Cseg, ss:Sseg
org 100h
extrn BKO_GETKEY:near, MD_DONE:near, MD_DELAY:near, MD_INIT:near
extrn MV_INIT:near, MV_LOCATE:near, MV_MODE:near, MV_GETMODE:near
extrn MV_POPUP:near, MV_STROUT:near, MV_HIDECURSOR:near
extrn MV_INSCHR:near, MV_DELCHR:near, MV_COLOR:near, MV_CLS:near
extrn MV_FIXCOLOR:near, MV_FRAME:near, MI_GETSCREEN:near, MI_PARSE:near
extrn S0_LENGTH:near, S0_UPCASES:near
MAIN proc far ; AsmWiz example program
call Initialize ; initialize screen and colors
call ShowWelcome ; display welcome message
call SlideWelcome ; slide welcome message left
call ShowWindow ; display pop-up window w/ text
call ShowCopyright ; display copyright message
call WaitOnKey ; display "press any" and wait
call Terminate ; restore original screen mode, etc
mov ax,4C00h ;
int 21h ; exit program
MAIN endp ; AsmWiz example program
Initialize proc near ; initialize the screen
call MV_GETMODE ; get current screen mode
mov OldMode,al ; save it
call MV_INIT ; initialize display routines
mov al,3 ; mode 3: 80x25 color text
call MV_MODE ; set display mode
call MV_HIDECURSOR ; turn off the cursor
mov si,0080h ; pointer to the command line
lea di,FileBuf ; pointer to filename buffer
lea bx,OptBuf ; pointer to option buffer
mov al,"/" ; use normal DOS switch character
call MI_PARSE ; parse the command line
or ah,ah ; is there an option?
jz CheckCRT ; no, go check the CRT type
mov si,bx ; pointer to first option
mov di,bx ;
call S0_UPCASES ; convert it to uppercase
cmp byte ptr [bx],"B" ; is it /B for monochrome mode?
jne CheckCRT ; no, check CRT type
mov al,1 ; set to mono
jmp SetCRT ; go set type
CheckCRT: call MI_GETSCREEN ; see what the screen type is
SetCRT: call MV_FIXCOLOR ; set the color handler to suit
mov al,1Fh ; bright white on blue
call MV_COLOR ; set text color
call MV_CLS ; clear screen to new color
call MD_INIT ; initialize hi-res timer system
ret ;
Initialize endp ; initialize the screen
ShowWelcome proc near ; display welcome message
mov dx,0125h ; row 1, column 37
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
lea dx,WelcomeMsg ; ptr to "Welcome"
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov cx,8 ;
Welcome1: call MV_INSLINE ; scroll it down
push cx ;
mov cx,4 ;
call MD_DELAY ; delay 4/100ths of a second
pop cx ;
loop Welcome1 ; ...nine times
mov dx,0B25h ; row 11, column 37
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
lea dx,ToTheMsg ; ptr to "to the"
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov dx,0D01h ; row 13, column 1
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
lea dx,AsmMsg ; ptr to "Asm"
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov cx,37 ;
Welcome2: call MV_INSCHR ; scroll it right
push cx ;
mov cx,2 ;
call MD_DELAY ; delay 2/100ths of a second
pop cx ;
loop Welcome2 ; ...37 times
mov dx,0D4Dh ; row 13, column 73
call MV_LOCATE ;
lea dx,WizMsg ; ptr to "Wiz"
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov dx,0D29h ; row 13, column 41
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
mov cx,36 ;
Welcome3: call MV_DELCHR ; scroll it left
push cx ;
mov cx,2 ;
call MD_DELAY ; delay 2/100ths of a second
pop cx ;
loop Welcome3 ; ...36 times
mov dx,1925h ; row 25, column 37
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
lea dx,LibraryMsg ; ptr to "Library"
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov dx,0E01h ; row 14, column 1
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
mov cx,10 ;
Welcome4: call MV_DELLINE ; scroll it up
push cx ;
mov cx,4 ;
call MD_DELAY ; delay 4/100ths of a second
pop cx ;
loop Welcome4 ; ...10 times
mov cx,200 ; delay 200/100ths of a second
call MD_DELAY ;
ret ;
ShowWelcome endp ; display welcome message
SlideWelcome proc near ; slide welcome message left
mov dx,0901h ; row 9, column 1
mov ax,4 ;
ScrollAll: mov cx,20 ; columns to scroll
LineLeft: call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor position
call MV_DELCHR ; scroll it left
loop LineLeft ; go for all columns
add dh,2 ; move to next line
dec ax ; done yet?
jnz ScrollAll ; no, go for next row
mov al,15h ; magenta on white
call MV_COLOR ; set text color
mov cx,070Eh ; upper left row, col
mov dx,111Ah ; lower right row, col
mov si,-9 ; solid block frame
mov ax,4 ; frame loop count
WildFrame: call MV_FRAME ; display frame
sub cx,0101h ; move upper left corner out one
add dx,0101h ; move lower right corner out one
inc si ; set to next lighter frame type
dec ax ; are we still drawing frames?
jnz WildFrame ; yep, go draw that funky thang
ret ;
SlideWelcome endp ; slide welcome message left
ShowCopyright proc near ; display copyright message
mov dx,010Fh ; row 1, column 15
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor position
mov al,1Bh ; cyan on blue
call MV_COLOR ; set text color
lea dx,CopyrMsg ; copyright text
call MV_STROUT ; display it
ret ;
ShowCopyright endp ; display copyright message
ShowWindow proc near ; display pop-up window w/ text
lea dx,ScrWindow ;
call MV_POPUP ; pop up intro window
lea si,WindowText ; pointer to window text
mov dx,word ptr ScrWindow
xchg dl,dh ;
add dx,0102h ; starting text position
ShowText: call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor position
call S0_LENGTH ; determine length of text
jcxz ShoWindowXit ; if zero, we're done-- go exit
mov al,[si] ; get text color
call MV_COLOR ; set it
inc si ; skip over color to actual text
xchg dx,si ;
call MV_STROUT ; display the text
xchg dx,si ;
add si,cx ; move to next text line
inc dh ; move to next screen line
jmp ShowText ; go for all text
ShoWindowXit: ret ;
ShowWindow endp ; display pop-up window w/ text
WaitOnKey proc near ; display "press any key", wait for it
mov dx,191Bh ; row 25, column 26
call MV_LOCATE ; set cursor location
mov al,74h ; red on white
call MV_COLOR ;
lea dx,PressAnyMsg ; ptr to "Press any key..."
call MV_STROUT ; display it
mov al,07h ; normal video
call MV_COLOR ;
mov al,1 ; wait for key
call BKO_GETKEY ; get a key
ret ;
WaitOnKey endp ; display "press any key", wait for it
Terminate proc near ; restore original screen mode, etc
call MD_DONE ; shut down hi-res timer system
mov al,OldMode ; get old screen mode
call MV_MODE ; set video mode
call MV_SHOWCURSOR ; restore the cursor
ret ;
Terminate endp ; restore original screen mode, etc
WelcomeMsg db "Welcome",0
ToTheMsg db "to the",0
AsmMsg db "Asm",13,0
WizMsg db "Wiz",0
LibraryMsg db "Library",0
CopyrMsg db "AsmWiz Copyright 1990-1994 Thomas G. Hanlin III",0
PressAnyMsg db "Press any key to continue",0
ScrWindow db 3,40,23,79 ; window coordinates
db 1,4Eh ; frame type and color
dw offset ScrTitle ; pointer to title
ScrTitle db "The Assembly Wizard's Library",0 ; window title
WindowText db 4Ah,"Let's face it, asm programming can ",0
db 4Ah,"be slow. By the time you finish all",0
db 4Ah,"the low-level stuff, you forget what",0
db 4Ah,"you wanted to do in the first place!",0
db 4Ah,"AsmWiz takes care of all the little ",0
db 4Ah,"tedious details for you, so you can ",0
db 4Ah,"concentrate on the real work. ",0
db 4Ah,0
db 70h,"Extensive text and graphics support ",0
db 30h,"Base conversions and 32-bit math ",0
db 70h,"Delay and countdown services ",0
db 30h,"Random numbers, checksums, CRCs ",0
db 70h,"Parse input or the command line ",0
db 30h,"Scan DOS environment variables ",0
db 70h,"Intercept Break and Control-C ",0
db 30h,"String functions, sound effects ",0
db 70h,"Mouse and keyboard management ",0
db 30h,"File handling with buffers, sharing ",0
db 70h,"International time and date support ",0,0
FileBuf db 80 dup(?)
OptBuf db 80 dup(?)
OldMode db 3
Cseg ends
end MAIN
Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!
This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.
But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: