Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : ASMWIZ20.ZIP
Filename : ASMWIZ.DOC

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The Assembly Wizard's Library page 1
Version 2.0

AsmWiz Copyright (c) 1990-1994 Thomas G. Hanlin III

This is AsmWiz, a library of assembly language routines for
assembly language programmers. It is copyrighted and may be
distributed only under the following conditions:

All AsmWiz files must be distributed together as a unit in
unmodified form. No files may be left out or added.

own computer, but I will not assume responsibility for any
problems which AsmWiz may cause you.

It is expected that if you find AsmWiz useful, you will register
your copy. You may not use AsmWiz routines in programs intended
for distribution unless you have registered.

Registration gets you the latest version of AsmWiz, complete
with full source code. The source code is designed for the MASM
6.0 and may require modifications to work with other assemblers.

The AsmWiz library was designed for use with small assembly
programs and is compatible with the creation of COM files. All
CALLs are of the NEAR variety. A FAR model will be created if
there is sufficient interest.

For an example of how to set up your program to access the
AsmWiz library, how to LINK the routines, and so forth, see the
PACKING.LST tells you which ?CREATE batch file to use with which
assembler. There are versions for A86, MASM, OPTASM, QuickASM,
and TASM.

Note that DOS-dependent services expect DOS 2.0 or higher
versions unless otherwise specified.

Table of Contents page 2

Overview and Legal Info ................................... 1

Base Conversions .......................................... 3

Exception Handling ........................................ 4

Delays and Countdowns ..................................... 5

File Handling ............................................. 6

Filename Manipulation ..................................... 8

Keyboard Services ......................................... 9

Long Integer Math ........................................ 10

Memory Services .......................................... 11

Mouse Services ........................................... 12

Sound and Music .......................................... 13

String Services .......................................... 14

Telecommunications ....................................... 16

Time and Date ............................................ 17

Video Services ........................................... 18

Miscellaneous Services ................................... 27

Error Codes .............................................. 28

Base Conversions page 3

The Base Conversion Services provide the ability to convert back
and forth between a number and its ASCIIZ representation. Any
base from 2-36 may be employed, so these routines encompass
binary, decimal, hex and octal conversions. Services are
provided for integers and long integers, both signed and

The following services are available:

BC_ASC2INT convert ASCIIZ string to unsigned integer
BL <-- base from which to convert
DS:SI <-- ptr to string
AX = unsigned integer

BC_ASC2LONG convert ASCIIZ string to unsigned long int
BL <-- base from which to convert
DS:SI <-- ptr to string
DX,AX = unsigned long integer

BC_ASC2SINT convert ASCIIZ string to signed integer
BL <-- base from which to convert
DS:SI <-- ptr to string
AX = signed integer

BC_ASC2SLONG convert ASCIIZ string to signed long integer
BL <-- base from which to convert
DS:SI <-- ptr to string
DX,AX = signed long integer

BC_INT2ASC convert unsigned integer to ASCIIZ string
AX <-- unsigned integer
BL <-- base to which to convert
ES:DI <-- ptr to string buffer (17 bytes)

BC_LONG2ASC convert unsigned long int to ASCIIZ string
DX,AX <-- unsigned long integer
BL <-- base to which to convert
ES:DI <-- ptr to string buffer (33 bytes)

BC_SINT2ASC convert signed integer to ASCIIZ string
AX <-- signed integer
BL <-- base to which to convert
ES:DI <-- ptr to string buffer (18 bytes)

BC_SLONG2ASC convert signed long integer to ASCIIZ string
DX,AX <-- signed long integer
BL <-- base to which to convert
ES:DI <-- ptr to string buffer (34 bytes)

Exception Handling page 4

The Exception Handling Services allow your program to take
control over exception conditions. This covers critical errors
and Control-Break / Control-C handling.

The critical error handler gives you the ability to recover from
critical errors, which would otherwise cause the infamous
"R>etry, I>gnore, F>ail, A>bort?" prompt.

The break handler allows your program to ignore the Control-C
and Control-Break keys or to process them in an orderly manner.
This is vital if you are using any of the AsmWiz services which
need to be shut down before the program terminates. Up to eight
procedures can be called when ^Break or ^C are used (they will
be ignored if you turn off ^Break / ^C).

The following services are available:

EH_INITCRIT initialize the critical error handler

EH_CRITERR check for a critical error

EH_CRITDONE terminates the critical error handler

EH_INITBREAK initialize the ^C / ^Break handler

EH_ADDBREAK add a procedure to be called on ^C / ^Break
DX <-- procedure offset (CS-relative)

EH_SETBREAK allow or ignore ^C and ^Break
AL <-- 0 to ignore, 1 to allow

EH_SUBBREAK remove a procedure to be called on ^C / ^Break
DX <-- procedure offset (CS-relative)

Delays and Countdowns page 5

The Delay Services are for those times when you want the
computer to sit around doing nothing for a while. Delays of
various timing resolution are available for anything from small
to large waits.

Notes on the 100th-second delay and countdown services:

Since MD_DONE must be called before the program terminates, you
should use the EH_ADDBREAK service to insure that MD_DONE is
called if Control-Break or Control-C are permitted to abort the

Timers 0-1 may be used by AsmWiz itself for various services.

See ASMWIZ.MAN for more details on the 100th-second delay

The following services are available:

MD_DELAY delay for a number of 100ths of seconds
CX <-- delay (0-32767)

MD_DONE terminate 100th-second delay handler

MD_GETTIMER get a delay count
AL <-- timer number (0-7)
CX = delay * 2 (0-65534)

MD_INIT initialize 100th-second delay handler

MD_SETTIMER set a delay count
AL <-- timer number (0-7)
CX <-- delay (0-32767)

MD_TICK delay for a number of clock ticks (18ths of seconds)
CX <-- delay (0-65535)

File Handling page 6

The File Handling Services provide a comprehensive and powerful
set of routines for file handling. The usual open file,
read/write, file pointer manipulation, and close file operations
are supported, of course. New conveniences include automatic
network support (file sharing is used if the DOS version is high
enough), optional input buffering for extra speed, and special
support for text files. Critical error handling is supported via
the Exception Handling Services.

These services return with the carry flag set if there is an
error. In that case, the AX register returns the error code.
Note that, unlike most other services, the file services are
allowed to change the AX register regardless of whether an error

The following services are available:

DF_CLOSE close a file
BX <-- (virtual) file handle

DF_DONE terminate the File Handling Services
(closes all open files)

DF_FLUSH flush a file to disk (updates disk directory)
BX <-- (virtual) file handle

DF_GETTIME get file time/date stamp
BX <-- (virtual) file handle
AX = time
DX = date

DF_HANDLE get DOS file handle given virtual file handle
BX <-- (virtual) file handle
BX = (DOS) file handle

DF_INIT initialize the File Handling Services
DX <-- 0

DF_LOCATE set file read/write pointer
BX <-- (virtual) file handle
CL <-- 0 for offset from start
1 for offset from current posn
2 for offset from end of file
DX,AX <-- offset

File Handling page 7

DF_OPEN open a file for access
AX <-- set bit 0 for read
bit 1 for write
bit 2 for create
bit 3 for text file
bits 4-15 zero
DS:DX <-- pointer to ASCIIZ filename
CX <-- length of input buffer (0: none)
ES:SI <-- pointer to input buffer, if any
BX = (virtual) file handle

DF_READ read from a file
BX <-- (virtual) file handle
CX <-- bytes to read
(for text files, is max bytes)
DS:DX <-- pointer to read buffer
AX = bytes actually read
(if NC and not text mode)

DF_TIME set file time/date stamp
BX <-- (virtual) file handle
AX <-- time
DX <-- date

DF_WHERE get file read/write pointer
BX <-- (virtual) file handle
DX,AX = offset

DF_WRITE write to a file
BX <-- (virtual) file handle
CX <-- bytes to write
(for text files, is ignored)
DS:DX <-- pointer to write buffer

Filename Manipulation page 8

The Filename Manipulation Services allow various operations on
filenames which make it possible to duplicate the capabilities
of the DOS command shell. This includes finding a file which
matches a specified pattern, forcing a filename to match a given
pattern, splitting a filespec into its component parts, and
completing a (possibly partial) filespec.

The following services are available:

FI_COMPLETE complete a filespec from a partial spec
DS:SI <-- filename (may have drive,
dir, "." or "..", etc)
DS:BX <-- default extension to be added
(without ".")
ES:DI <-- 80-byte buffer for result
Flags = CY if the filespec is not valid
NC if it went ok

FI_MATCH see if a filename matches a specified pattern
DS:SI <-- pattern (may contain wildcards)
ES:DI <-- filename (may not contain drive
or path specs)
Flags = ZF if the filename matches
NZ if the filename doesn't match

FI_PATTERN push a filename through a pattern spec
DS:SI <-- filename (no drive or
directory allowed)
DS:BX <-- pattern
ES:DI <-- 13-byte buffer for results
Flags = CY for some filename/pattern errors
NC if it went ok

FI_SPLIT split a path specification into drive,
directory, filename
DS:SI <-- path spec
ES:DI <-- 80-byte buffer for results

Keyboard Services page 9

The Keyboard Services provide access to the keyboard. They let
you get and set the Caps Lock and Num Lock states, or get a key
in a variety of ways. Both DOS and BIOS keyboard access is
provided, so support for input redirection is optional.

Microsoft and IBM seemed to find it curiously difficult to
provide a simple set of keyboard functions. These routines hide
most of the quirks from you. However, there are still things to
keep in mind. There is no BIOS or DOS support for setting Caps
Lock or Num Lock, so it is done directly. This means that the
keyboard status lights for these keys may be incorrect on older
machines if you set the key states from your program. DOS does
not usually support "enhanced" keyboards (101-key or more), so
if you need to access enhanced keys (like F11 and F12), you
can't use the DOS services or support input redirection. With
the BIOS services, you must choose between compatibility (old
keyboard handling, ignores F11, F12, etc if present) and full
enhanced mode support (doesn't work on older machines).

The prefix for the keyboard routine is based on the way keyboard
access is done:

MK_ machine-level keyboard access (direct to hardware)
BKO_ old BIOS keyboard access (compatible with everything)
BK_ new BIOS keyboard access (only for "enhanced" kbd)
DK_ DOS keyboard access (supports input redirection)

Background info aside, these routines are really quite simple:

BKO_GETKEY get a key from the keyboard (bit flags: set
BK_GETKEY bit 0 to wait for key, 1 to screen extended
DK_GETKEY keys, 2 to capitalize, 3 to clear kbd buffer)
AL <-- bit flags
AX = key (- ext'ded., 0 none, + ASCII)
Flags = NZ if got a key, ZF if no key

BKO_GETCAPS get state of Caps Lock (compatible)
BK_GETCAPS get state of Caps Lock (enhanced kbd only)
AX = 0 if off, 0FFFFh if on

BKO_GETNUM get state of Num Lock (compatible)
BK_GETNUM get state of Num Lock (enhanced kbd only)
AX = 0 if off, 0FFFFh if on

MK_SETCAPS set state of Caps Lock
AX <-- 0 to turn off, non-0 to turn on

MK_SETNUM set state of Num Lock
AX <-- 0 to turn off, non-0 to turn on

Long Integer Math page 10

The Long Integer Math Services provide support for the basic
arithmetic operations on unsigned long integers. They allow you
to add two 32-bit integers, subtract one 32-bit integer from
another, multiply two 32-bit integers (giving a 64-bit result),
and divide a 63-bit integer by a 32-bit integer (giving a 32-bit
result and 32-bit remainder).

Since 32-bit integers are rather unwieldy unless you're using an
80386 or above (in which case you don't need these services
anyway), the numbers are passed back and forth through a buffer
in memory.

The following services are available:

MA_ADD32 add two unsigned long integers
DS:SI <-- first operand
DS:SI+4 <-- second operand
DS:SI+8 = result

MA_DIV32 divide an unsigned 63-bit integer by an
unsigned long integer
DS:SI <-- dividend (64 bits: high bit=0)
DS:SI+8 <-- divisor (unsigned long int)
DS:SI+12 = quotient (unsigned long int)
DS:SI+16 = remainder (unsigned long int)

MA_MUL32 multiply two unsigned long integers
DS:SI <-- first operand
DS:SI+4 <-- second operand
DS:SI+8 = result (unsigned very long
integer: 64 bits)

MA_SUB32 subtract one unsigned long int from another
DS:SI <-- first operand
DS:SI+4 <-- second operand
DS:SI+8 = result

Memory Services page 11

The Memory Services provide low-level routines for memory
manipulation. They allow you to manipulate addresses, provide a
"smart" block move service that automatically handles overlaps
between source and destination areas, and allows you to save or
restore blocks of memory in BASIC's BSAVE format.

Among the address manipulation services are routines to convert
an address to have the smallest possible segment and highest
possible offset (or vice versa) to allow REP operations to
always handle up to 65,519 bytes without wrapping within the
segment. This can also be useful in file operations.

The following services are available:

ME_BINFO get information about a BSAVE-format file
DS:DX <-- pointer to ASCIIZ filename
ES:SI = segment:offset
CX = image size (bytes)
Flags = CY if unable to load file
if CY, AX is error code

ME_BLOAD load a BSAVE-format file into memory
DS:DX <-- pointer to ASCIIZ filename
Flags = CY if unable to load file
if CY, AX is error code

ME_BSAVE save a block of memory to a BSAVE-format file
DS:DX <-- pointer to ASCIIZ filename
ES:SI = segment:offset
CX = image size (bytes)
Flags = CY if unable to save memory
if CY, AX is error code

ME_HIGHOFS convert an address to have the lowest segment
& highest offset
DX:AX <-- segment:offset
DX:AX = converted segment:offset

ME_LOWOFS convert an address to have the highest segment
& lowest offset
DX:AX <-- segment:offset
DX:AX = converted segment:offset

ME_MOVE move a block of memory w/o overlap conflicts
DS:SI <-- source segment:offset
ES:DI <-- destination segment:offset
CX <-- bytes to move (0 - 65,519)

Mouse Services page 12

The Mouse Services provide a simple set of functions for dealing
with Microsoft-compatible mouse devices. You may see if a mouse
exists, control the mouse cursor, and get information about the
mouse buttons.

The following services are available:

MO_GLOCATE set the mouse cursor location (graphics)
CX = X coordinate (0-MaxX)
DX = Y coordinate (0-MaxY)

MO_GWHERE get the mouse cursor location & button states
AL = left button (1: pressed, 0: not)
AH = right button (1: pressed, 0: not)
CX = X coordinate (0-MaxX)
DX = Y coordinate (0-MaxY)

MO_HIDECURSOR hide the mouse cursor

MO_INIT see if a mouse is installed
AL = number of mouse buttons
(0 if no mouse)

MO_LOCATE set the mouse cursor location (text)
DH <-- row (1-25)
DL <-- column (1-80)

MO_RANGE set the mouse cursor range (text)
CH <-- top row (1-25)
CL <-- leftmost column (1-80)
DH <-- bottom row (1-25)
DL <-- rightmost column (1-80)

MO_SHOWCURSOR show the mouse cursor

MO_WHERE get the mouse cursor location & button states
AL = left button (1: pressed, 0: not)
AH = right button (1: pressed, 0: not)
DH = row (1-25)
DL = column (1-80)

Sound and Music page 13

The Sound and Music Services provide the ability to generate
sound effects and music. The current service is rather on the
primitive side. It will be supplemented by a background
(interrupt-driven) music command language in a future version of

The following services are available:

MU_SOUND produce a sound of a specified duration
and frequency
AX <-- frequency (Hertz or cycles/second:
about 50-4000 is useful)
DX <-- duration (18ths of seconds)

String Services (ASCIIZ) page 14

The ASCIIZ String Services provide an assortment of services for
dealing with NUL-terminated strings.

Note that, although many of the string services are designed to
place the result of processing a first string into a second
string, it is not actually necessary to use two string buffers.
The services are designed so that you can place the results back
into the original string buffer by using the same address for
both strings.

The following routines are included amongst the ASCIIZ String

S0_COMPARE compare two strings
DS:SI <-- first string
ES:DI <-- second string
Flags = ZF if equal, NZ if not equal
CY if first < second
NC if first >= second

S0_DUPE form a string by duplicating a character
ES:DI <-- result string

AL <-- character to duplicate
CX <-- number of times to repeat

S0_FIND search for a substring within a string
DS:SI <-- substring
ES:DI <-- string
AX = position of substring in string
(0 if not found; ZF set accordingly)

S0_LEFT copy a specified section from the left of
a string
DS:SI <-- source string
CX <-- number of characters to copy
ES:DI <-- result string

S0_LENGTH get the length of a string (excluding the
null terminator)
DS:SI <-- string
CX = string length

S0_LOCASE convert a string to lowercase (international)
DS:SI <-- source string
ES:DI <-- result string

S0_LOCASES convert a string to lowercase (American)
DS:SI <-- source string
ES:DI <-- result string

String Services (ASCIIZ) page 15

S0_MID copy a specified section of a string
DS:SI <-- source string
DX <-- where to start copying from (1-xx)
CX <-- how many characters to copy
ES:DI <-- result string

S0_RIGHT copy a specified section from the right side
of a string
DS:SI <-- source string
CX <-- number of characters to copy
ES:DI <-- result string

S0_TRIM trim the "white space" (blanks and control
codes) from either or both sides of a string
DS:SI <-- source string
AL <-- set bit 0 to trim the left
bit 1 to trim the right
ES:DI <-- result string

S0_UPCASE convert a string to uppercase (international)
DS:SI <-- source string
ES:DI <-- result string

S0_UPCASES convert a string to uppercase (American)
DS:SI <-- source string
ES:DI <-- result string

Telecommunications page 16

The Telecommunications Services provide functions that are
useful for telecommunications. At the moment, this is limited to
services that aid in performing file transfers and similar

The following routines are included amongst the
Telecommunications Services:

TC_CHKSUM calculate the checksum for a block of data
DS:SI <-- pointer to a data block
CX <-- length of data block (in bytes)
AX = checksum

TC_CRC calculate the 16-bit CRC of a block of data
DS:SI <-- pointer to a data block
CX <-- length of data block (in bytes)
AX = resulting CRC

Time and Date Services page 17

The Time and Date Services provide international time and date
handling. Based on the country code given it by DOS, these
services return strings that represent the current time or date
in the appropriate format for that country.

These services provide a simple way to make your software work
properly on any computer anywhere, across the world.

See the COUNTRY entry under CONFIG.SYS in your DOS manual for
more details. Note that DOS version 3.0 or greater is required
to ensure that the date and time delimiters are appropriate.
Otherwise, the date and time formats will still be correct, but
the delimiters used will be assumed to be "-" for the date and
":" for the time. With DOS versions before 3.0, the time will be
presented in 12-hour (am/pm) format.

The following routines are included amongst the Time and Date

TD_GETDATE get the current date as an ASCIIZ string
DS:DX <-- pointer to a buffer (11 bytes)
AL <-- 0 for 2-digit year
1 for 4-digit year

TD_GETTIME get the current time as an ASCIIZ string
DS:DX <-- pointer to a buffer (8 bytes)

Video Services page 18

Displaying text is something that almost every program will do.
The AsmWiz library contains numerous sets of video services
which make it easy to use the display in a consistent manner.

The display services are divided into five sets of routines,
each of which provides similar capabilities:

DV DOS-level services
BV BIOS-level services
MV Machine-level services for text modes
CG Machine-level services for CGA graphics modes
HG Machine-level services for Hercules graphics mode

The DOS services provide the maximum level of compatibility.
They are also the slowest of the video services and the least
flexible. The main practical advantage of using DOS services is
that they allow redirection, so the output of your program can
be sent to a file, a printer, or a serial port as well as to the
display. Since DOS itself has only minimal video support, you
will need to make sure an ANSI driver is installed before using
these services. See your DOS manual on ANSI.SYS for more
information if you need it.

The BIOS services provide a very good level of compatibility.
They are faster and more flexible than the DOS services. Like
the DOS services, these routines are quite likely to work on
nonstandard displays.

The machine-level services are the least compatible. They will
work on any standard PC clone, but not on semi-compatible
hardware or with nonstandard display devices. In return for this
disadvantage, these services are much faster than the other
services and provide a great deal more flexibility. Only the
machine-level services support Hercules graphics mode.

Video Services page 19
Text Display Speeds

Speed tests were conducted on an 8088 machine with a Phoenix
BIOS, running MS-DOS 3.30. "Your mileage may differ". The tests
were conducted on how quickly strings could be printed to the

Speeds are listed relative to the slowest display method (DOS

| Mode 3 | | | | |
| text mode | 100% | 162% | 572% | n/a |
| Mode 4 | | | | |
| CGA lo-res | 100% | 114% | n/a | 180% |
| Mode 6 | | | | |
| CGA hi-res | 100% | 122% | n/a | 204% |

From this chart, you can see that using BIOS display services is
14% - 62% faster than using DOS services. Using machine-level
services is 80% - 472% faster than using DOS services, and about
60% - 250% faster than using BIOS services.

If system compatibility is a major concern, then note that the
DOS services are most compatible, followed by the BIOS services
and then the machine-level services. The price you pay for
compatibility is speed and flexibility. The machine-level
services are the fastest and most flexible, followed by the BIOS
services and then the DOS services.

It must be noted that almost all machines these days are 100%
compatible and will run any of these routines with no problem.

Video Services page 20
General Video Information
(not applicable to Hercules graphics mode)

For all text routines, color/attributes are encoded as a single
byte value:

bit: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
| B | backgnd | I | foregnd |

B: "blink". Set if the color is blinking.

I: "intense". Set if the foreground color is intense
(bright or light).

backgnd, foregnd: the actual foreground and background
colors. The bits specify the red, green, and blue
components of the color, giving the following color list:

0 black (if intense, usually displayed as gray)
1 blue
2 green
3 cyan
4 red
5 magenta
6 brown (if intense, usually displayed as yellow)
7 white

Text in CGA graphics modes is different. If you use BIOS or DOS
services, you may only specify a foreground color, which may be
0-3. If you use the CGA machine-level services, you may specify
a background color as well as a foreground color. Color encoding
is the same as for text mode, with the exception that there are
no "blinking" or "intense" bits, and the color range is 0-3
instead of 0-7. The 0-3 range does not follow the above color
list; instead, the colors depend on which CGA palette is in use.

Video Services page 21
General Video Information

Screen modes are specified as a single byte, as follows:

Mode Resolu. Type Colr Use Adapter Services

0 40x25 b&w 16 text CGA MV, BV, DV
1 40x25 color 16 text CGA MV, BV, DV
2 80x25 b&w 16 text CGA MV, BV, DV
def- 3 80x25 color 16 text CGA MV, BV, DV
4 320x200 color 4 graphics CGA CG, BV, DV
5 320x200 b&w 4 graphics CGA CG, BV, DV
6 640x200 color 2 graphics CGA CG, BV, DV
mda- 7 80x25 b&w - text MDA BV
13 320x200 color 16 graphics EGA BV
14 640x200 color 16 graphics EGA BV
15 640x350 mono - graphics EGA BV
16 640x350 color 16 graphics EGA BV
17 640x480 color 2 graphics VGA BV
18 640x480 color 16 graphics VGA BV
19 320x200 color 256 graphics VGA BV

BV = BIOS video services
DV = DOS video services
MV = Machine-level text services
CG = Machine-level CGA graphics services

Video Services page 22

All of the video services share a common nomenclature and
calling procedure. For many of the services, you will have a
choice of whether to use DOS, BIOS, Machine-level (text modes),
Machine-level (CGA graphics modes), or Machine-level (Hercules
graphics mode). The level is specified as a two-letter code
prefix to the routine name, where the codes are as follows:

DV DOS Video
MV Machine-level (text mode) Video
CG Machine-level (CGA graphics mode) Video
HG Machine-level (Hercules graphics mode) Video

For instance, the routine to display a string using DOS is
called DV_STROUT (DOS Video service, String Output). Note that
it usually isn't a good idea to "mix and match" video services
of different types at the same time.

The following services are available:

CHROUT display a character
AL <-- character

CLS clear the screen and home the cursor

COLOR set the text color
AL <-- color/attribute

CRLF display a carriage return and a linefeed

CLEOLN clear from the cursor to the end of the line

DELCHR delete the character at the cursor

DELLINE delete the current line

GETCOLOR get the text color
AL = color/attribute

Video Services page 23

GETMODE get the current screen mode
AL = mode

FIXCOLOR whether to convert colors to monochrome
AL <-- whether to convert (0 no, 1 yes)

FRAME display a window frame
CH,CL <-- upper left corner (row, column)
DH,DL <-- lower right corner (row, column)
DS:SI <-- frame char list (-1 to -9 special)

HIDECURSOR hide the cursor

INIT initialize the video service routines

INSCHR insert a space at the cursor

INSLINE insert a row at the current line

LOCATE set the cursor position
DH <-- row (1-25/43)
DL <-- column (1-40/80/90)

MODE set the screen mode
AL <-- mode (see General Video Info)

POPUP display a pop-up window
DS:DX <-- parameter pointer

SAVESIZE calculate bytes needed to save a screen area
AL = bytes

Video Services page 24

SCRREST restore a saved screen area from a buffer
DS:SI <-- buffer pointer
DH,DL <-- upper left corner (row, column)

SCRSAVE save a screen area into a buffer
ES:DI <-- buffer pointer
CH,CL <-- upper left corner (row, column)
DH,DL <-- lower right corner (row, column)
AX = bytes used to save screen area

SHOWCURSOR show the cursor

STROUT display a string
DS:DX <-- pointer to ASCIIZ string

WHERE get the current cursor position
DH <-- row (1-25/43)
DL <-- column (1-40/80/90)

Video Services page 25

The ability to display graphics was once limited and very
expensive, but this is no longer true. PC-class computers have a
wide variety of graphics standards to choose from. This is
useful whether you are interested in games, business charts,
computer-aided design, icon-based mouse interfaces, or any
number of other applications. The AsmWiz library provides
numerous sets of graphics services which allow easy access to
the capabilities of whatever display is installed.

The graphics services are divided into sets of routines, with
each set of routines handling a specific video mode or modes.
This makes it possible to support just the modes you want,
without extraneous code being linked in.

All graphics services are machine-level and demand hardware
compatibility of both your computer and video adapter. This is
necessary because DOS doesn't support graphics at all, and the
BIOS only supports very slow single-pixel handling. If you are
able to run standard graphics programs on your computer,
however, you should experience no problems with these services.

All of the graphics services share a common nomenclature and
calling procedure. The video mode is specified as a two-letter
code prefix to the routine name, where the codes are as follows:

Prefix Mode(s) Adapter Resolution(s) Colors
------ -------- ------- ---------------- ------
G13 13h VGA 320x200 256
G4 4, 5 CGA 320x200 4
G6 6 CGA 640x200 2
GD 0Dh EGA 320x200 16
GE 0Eh EGA 640x200 16
GE 10h EGA 640x350 16
GE 11h VGA 640x480 2
GE 12h VGA 640x480 16
GH Hercules HGA 720x348 2

The service to display a line in Mode 6, for example, is named
G6_LINE. Note that GE_ covers most EGA and VGA modes.

Video Services page 26

The following graphics services are available:

BOX draw a box
CX <-- left X coordinate
DX <-- top Y coordinate
SI <-- right X coordinate
DI <-- bottom Y coordinate
AH <-- whether to fill box (0 no, 1 yes)
AL <-- color

GETPEL get the current color of a point
CX <-- X coordinate
DX <-- Y coordinate
AL = color

LINE draw a line
CX <-- left X coordinate
DX <-- top Y coordinate
SI <-- right X coordinate
DI <-- bottom Y coordinate
AL <-- color

PLOT plot a point
CX <-- X coordinate
DX <-- Y coordinate
AL <-- color

Miscellaneous Services page 27

The Miscellaneous Services provide a number of services for
various purposes, such as parsing the command line, determining
the active video adapter, scanning the environment for a
parameter, and generating pseudo-random numbers. They eliminate
much of the tedium of these common chores.

The following services are available:

MI_BOOT reboot the computer (warm boot)

MI_GETSCREEN see what type of display is active
AH = adapter type (1-6:
AL = color flag (0 color, 1 mono)

MI_PARSE parse a command line into filespecs & options
DS:SI <-- ptr to command line
(for COM files, = CS:0080h)
ES:DI <-- ptr to filename buffer (128b)
ES:BX <-- ptr to option buffer (128 bytes)
AL <-- switch character (normally "/")
AH = number of options
AL = number of filenames

MI_RANDOM generate a pseudo-random number
DX <-- random number range (1-4000)
AX = random number (0 to DX - 1)

MI_RANDOMIZE initialize the pseudo-random number generator
AX <-- random number seed
(use 0FFFFh for auto-seeding)

MI_SCANENV scan the DOS environment for a parameter
DS:SI <-- ptr to the DOS environment
or similar table
ES:DI <-- ptr to the parm to search for
CY if not found
NC if match found
if NC, DS:SI points to parm value

Error Codes page 28

DOS error codes are returned by various of the DOS services,
particularly the file and disk services. The code is returned in
the AL register. This is a list of some of the possible errors.

2 file not found
3 path not found
4 too many open files (no handle available)
5 access denied
6 invalid handle
8 insufficient memory
15 invalid drive specified
16 tried to remove current directory
18 no more files

Critical error codes are returned by the EH_CRITERR service in
the AH register. This is a list of the possible errors.

0 no critical error (if CY, it was a DOS error)
1 write-protected disk
2 unknown unit
3 drive not ready
4 unknown command
5 data/CRC error
6 bad request structure length
7 seek error
8 unknown media type
9 sector not found
10 printer out of paper
11 write fault
12 read fault
13 general failure
16 invalid disk change (only used by DOS 3+)

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : ASMWIZ20.ZIP
Filename : ASMWIZ.DOC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: