Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : ASMDEVEL.ZIP
Filename : PLAY.ASM

Output of file : PLAY.ASM contained in archive : ASMDEVEL.ZIP
;---------------------- external references begin ---------------------------
extrn delay:far,pitch:far,toneoff:far,toneon:far,toneset:far
extrn whole:word,acount:word,rcount:word,count:word
;---------------------- external references end -----------------------------
;---------------------- code segments starts --------------------------------
codes segment
;--------------------------- public declarations starts -----------------------
public play
;--------------------------- public declarations ends -------------------------
assume cs:codes
play proc far
push ds ;save registers
push si
push dx
push cx
push bx
push ax
; command pointer is in SI
; set the default tempo
mov whole,2000 ; 2000 millisecinds for a whole note
cld ; forward direction
; main loop starts here
; get the command code and go through the cases
lodsb ; get the byte
; End command
cmp al,'X' ; End command?
jne play3
jmp playexit
; Tempo command
cmp al,'T' ; Tempo command?
jne play4
lodsb ; get the tempo
mov cl,al ; set in CX
mov ch,0
mov ax,60000 ; number of milliseconds per second
mov dx,0 ; upper part is cleared
div cx ; divide into time
mov whole,ax ; number of milliseconds per whole note
jmp play1 ; back for more
; Note command
cmp al,'N' ; Pitch command?
jne play5
lodsb ; get the pitch
call pitch ; convert
mov cx,dx ; and move result tinto CX
call toneset ; set the frequency
call toneon ; turn on the tone
mov cx,whole ; number of milliseconds per whole note
lodsb ; get the duration
mov ah,al ; set up duration as multiplier
mov al,0
sal cx,1 ; scale factor 1
mul cx ; multiply
mov cx,dx ; total count for the note
lodsb ; get syle
mov ah,al ; set up style as multiplier
mov al,0
mul cx ; multiply by style
mov acount,dx ; store count for note
sub cx,dx ; count for rest
mov rcount,cx ; store count for rest
mov cx,acount ; audible part of note
call delay ; delay
call toneoff ; turn off the tone
mov cx,rcount ; inaudible part of note
call delay ; delay
jmp play1 ; back for more
; Rest command
cmp al,'R' ; Rest command?
jne play6
mov cx,whole ; number of milliseconds per whole note
lodsb ; get the duration
mov ah,al ; set up duration as multiplier
mov al,0
sal cx,1 ; scale factor of 1
mul cx ; multiply
mov cx,dx ; total count
call delay ; delay
jmp play1 ; back for more
; Anything else ends it
jmp playexit ; stay on exit command
pop ax ; restore registers
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop ds
play endp
codes ends
;---------------------- code segments ends ----------------------------------

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : ASMDEVEL.ZIP
Filename : PLAY.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: