Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : ASM3-A.ZIP
Filename : PRSWAP.ASM

Output of file : PRSWAP.ASM contained in archive : ASM3-A.ZIP
; Program to swap IBM PC text graphics
; characters for something more printable.
VECTORS segment at 0h ; Interrupt Vector Area
org 17h*4 ; IBM PC Printer is Int 17H
PR_INT_VECTOR label dword ; Double Word Offset:Segment pointer
VECTORS ends ; to Int 17H
CODE_SEG segment para public 'code'
assume ds:CODE_SEG, cs:CODE_SEG, es:CODE_SEG, ss:NOTHING
org 100h ; COM program format
BEGIN: jmp SWAP_VECTORS ; Initialize vectors and
; attach PRSWAP to DOS
ROM_PR_INT dd 0 ; Double word to save address of
; ROM-BIOS printer interrupt
; Swap table to translate (XLAT) characters to be printed
SWAP_TABLE db '&' ; Char 176 Graphic Fill
db '%' ; Char 177 Graphic Fill
db '@' ; Char 178 Graphic Fill
db 4 dup ('|') ; Char 179-182 Vertical
db 2 dup ('*') ; Char 183-184 Corner
db 2 dup ('|') ; Char 185-186 Vertical
db 6 dup ('*') ; Char 187-192 Corner
db 2 dup ('-') ; Char 193-194 Horizontal
db '|' ; Char 195 Vertical
db '-' ; Char 196 Horizontal
db '+' ; Char 197 Intersection
db 2 dup ('|') ; Char 198-199 Vertical
db 2 dup ('*') ; Char 200-201 Corner
db 2 dup ('-') ; Char 202-203 Horizontal
db '|' ; Char 204 Vertical
db '-' ; Char 205 Horizontal
db '+' ; Char 206 Intersection
db 4 dup ('-') ; Char 207-210 Horizontal
db 4 dup ('*') ; Char 211-214 Corner
db 2 dup ('+') ; Char 215-216 Intersection
db 2 dup ('*') ; Char 217-218 Corner
db '#' ; Char 219 Graphic Fill
db '.' ; Char 220 Graphic Fill
db '{' ; Char 221 Graphic Fill
db '}' ; Char 222 Graphic Fill
db '^' ; Char 223 Graphic Fill
; Miscellaneous equates
PRINT_CHAR equ 0 ; Int 17H print char function number
LOWEST_CHAR equ 176 ; Lowest graphic char in table
HIGHEST_CHAR equ 223 ; Highest graphic char in table
LOZENGE equ 254 ; Lozenge character position
PRSWAP proc near ; Work begins here
push cx ; Save CX on stack
xor cx,cx ; Clear CX so flag works
push ds ; Save caller's DS on stack
push cs ; Push CS, then pop it as DS
pop ds ; to establish addressability
; of PRSWAP's data
cmp ah,PRINT_CHAR ; Is call for printing a char?
ja CALL_INT_17H ; No, go to normal interrupt 17H
cmp al,LOWEST_CHAR ; Is char to print below table range?
jb CALL_INT_17H ; Yes, go to normal interrupt 17H
cmp al,HIGHEST_CHAR ; Is char to print above table range
ja CHECK_LOZENGE ; Yes, check for lozenge char
mov cl,al ; Save char in AL register in CL
push bx ; Save BX on stack
mov bx,offset SWAP_TABLE ; Point to translate table with BX
sub al,LOWEST_CHAR ; Adjust AL for bias into table
xlat ; Translate to PRSWAP's character
pop bx ; Restore BX
jmp CALL_INT_17H ; Go call interrupt 17H
CHECK_LOZENGE: ; Check for char 254
cmp al,LOZENGE ; Is char to print the lozenge?
jne CALL_INT_17H ; No, go to normal interrupt 17H
mov cl,al ; Save char in AL register in CL
mov al,'=' ; Make it a '='
CALL_INT_17H: ; Go call Int 17H as subroutine
pushf ; Push flags for fake interrupt 17H
call ROM_PR_INT ; Call interrupt 17H as subroutine
cmp cl,0 ; Check to see if PRSWAP did anything
je RETURN ; If not, just return
mov al,cl ; Restore original char to AL
RETURN: ; Return to caller
pop ds ; Restore caller's DS register
pop cx ; Restore caller's CX register
iret ; Interrupt return to caller
PRSWAP endp ; That's all for resident routine
INITIAL_DATA: ; Messages for initialization code
COPYRIGHT db 'PRSWAP (C) 1985, Dickinson Associates Inc.',13,10,'$'
FINISH_MSG db 13,10,'Resident Portion of PRSWAP Loaded',13,10,10,'$'
SWAP_VECTORS: ; Initialization Code
assume ds:CODE_SEG ; Address into this segment
mov dx,offset COPYRIGHT ; Set up to print copyright notice
mov ah,9h ; Request DOS to display string
int 21h ; Call DOS
push ds ; Save this segment
assume ds:VECTORS ; Address into VECTORS segment
mov ax,VECTORS ; Establish DS as VECTORS
mov ds,ax
cli ; Disable interrupts
mov ax,word ptr PR_INT_VECTOR ; Store addresses
mov word ptr es:ROM_PR_INT,ax ; of BIOS Int 17H program
mov ax,word ptr PR_INT_VECTOR[2]
mov word ptr es:ROM_PR_INT[2],ax
mov word ptr PR_INT_VECTOR, offset PRSWAP ; Substitute PRSWAP
mov word ptr PR_INT_VECTOR[2],cs ; and this segment
sti ; Enable interrupts
pop ds ; Re-establish this segment
assume ds:CODE_SEG ; as DS
mov dx,offset FINISH_MSG ; Set up to display finish message
mov ah,9h ; Request DOS to display string
int 21h ; Call DOS
mov dx,offset INITIAL_DATA ; End of PRSWAP program
int 27h ; Terminate, stay resident
CODE_SEG ends ; End of Segment
end BEGIN ; End of Everything

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : ASM3-A.ZIP
Filename : PRSWAP.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: