Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : ASM-SUBR.ZIP
Filename : SCHAR

Output of file : SCHAR contained in archive : ASM-SUBR.ZIP
;-------------------------schar routine begins--------------------------+
; page : 148
; FUNCTION: This routine plots a stroke character. It uses a stroke
; character table in which each character is stored as a series of
; strokes. The user must create the stroke character table according
; to specific rules. Each stroke is stored as three bytes. The first
; byte contains a code as follows:
; 1Ah = end of strokes
; 'U' = pen Up; move to new posn but don't draw
; 'D' = pen Down; draw a stroke from old to new posn
; The second byte contains the local x-coordinate of the new current
; position, and the third byte contains the local y-coordinate of the
; new current position. These local coordinates are relative to the
; upper left corner of the character cell. At the beginning of the
; stroke table is a table of addresses for the locations of the strokes
; for each of the characters.
; INPUT: Upon entry:
; ACSII code character is in AL
; x-coordinate of upper left corner of character cell is in x0
; y-coordinate of upper left corner of character cell is in y0
; horizontal magnitude is in xmagn
; vertical magnitude is in ymagn
; color of character is in color
; OUTPUT: Just to the screen.
; REGISTERS USED: No registers are modified.
; SEGMENTS REFERENCED: Upon entry ES must point to the video RAM at
; B8000h and DS must point to the data segment used by the point and
; line drawing routines. This data segment must also contain the table
; of stroke characters.
; SPECIAL NOTES: No bounds checking is performed. Unpredictable results
; will be displayed if the horizontal or vertical magnitude is too large.
; A string of raster characters can be displayed using the GMESSOUT
; routine available on this disk.
schar proc far
push si ; save registers
push cx
push ax
cbw ; make the ASCII code into 16-bit
sal ax,1 ; times 2
mov si,ax ; into the index
mov si,ptable[si] ; look up the particular character
mov ax,x0 ; x-coord of upper left char
mov x2,ax
mov ax,y0 ; y-coord of upper left corner
mov y2,ax
; run through the strokes
lodsb ; get the code byte
cmp al,1Ah ; end of strokes ?
jz scharexit
mov dl,al ; save code
; update x-coord of current position
mov ax,x2 ; old x-coord
mov x1,ax ; gets pushed back
lodsb ; new x-coord
mov cl,xmagn ; times xmagn
mul cl l multiply
add ax,x0 ; add to upper left corner
mov x2,ax ; and put into current position
; update y-coordinate of current position
mov ax,y2 ; old y-coord
mov y1,ax ; gets pushed back
lodsb ; new y-coord
mov cl,ymagn ; times ymagn
mul cl l multiply
add ax,y0 ; add to upper left corner
mov y2,ax ; and put into current position
cmp dl,'U' ; pen up ?
je newstroke ; skip if so
call setline ; draw the stroke
jmp newstroke ; next stroke
pop ax ; restore registers
pop cx
pop si
ret ; return
schar endp
;-------------------------schar routine ends---------------------------+

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : ASM-SUBR.ZIP
Filename : SCHAR

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: