Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : APL2EM.ZIP
Filename : TTY.ASM

Output of file : TTY.ASM contained in archive : APL2EM.ZIP
Page 58,132
Title TTY.ASM TTY Interface Routines
; Name: TTY.ASM TTY Interface Routines
; Group: Emulator
; Revision: 1.00
; Date: January 30, 1988
; Author: Randy W. Spurlock
; Module Functional Description:
; This module contains all the code for the TTY interface
; used by the Apple emulator.
; Changes:
; -------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
; 1/30/88 1.00 Original
; Public Declarations
Public TTY_Init ; Initialize TTY mode routine
Public TTY_Reset ; Reset TTY mode routine
Public Write_TTY ; Write TTY routine
Public Set_Position ; Set current position routine
Public Set_Row ; Set current row routine
Public Set_Column ; Set current column routine
Public Set_Attribute ; Set current attribute routine
Public Set_Foreground ; Set current foreground routine
Public Set_Background ; Set current background routine
Public Set_Cursor ; Set cursor position routine
Public Set_Type ; Set cursor type routine
Public Get_Position ; Get current position routine
Public Get_Row ; Get current row routine
Public Get_Column ; Get current column routine
Public Get_Attribute ; Get current attribute routine
Public Get_Foreground ; Get current foreground routine
Public Get_Background ; Get current background routine
Public Get_Cursor ; Get cursor position routine
Public Get_Type ; Get cursor type routine
Public Clear_Screen ; Clear screen routine
Public Current_Row ; Current screen row number
Public Current_Col ; Current screen column number
Public Current_Fore ; Current foreground color value
Public Current_Back ; Current background color value
; External Declarations
Extrn Clear_Window:Near ; Clear window routine (WINDOW)
Extrn Cursor_Off:Near ; Turn cursor off routine (VIDEO)
Extrn Cursor_On:Near ; Turn cursor on routine (VIDEO)
Extrn Blink_Off:Near ; Turn blink off routine (VIDEO)
Extrn Blink_On:Near ; Turn blink on routine (VIDEO)
Extrn CGA_Restore:Near ; CGA restore screen routine (CGA)
Extrn EGA_Restore:Near ; EGA restore screen routine (EGA)
Extrn System_Flag:Byte ; Apple emulator system flag byte(DATA)
Extrn Video_Flag:Byte ; Video system flag byte (DATA)
; LOCAL Equates
TEXT_MODE Equ 00h ; Text mode value (40 x 25)
GRAPH_MODE Equ 04h ; Graphics mode value (320 x 200)
BACK_SHIFT Equ 04h ; Background attribute shift value
MAX_ROW Equ 19h ; Maximum row number value (25)
MAX_COLUMN Equ 28h ; Maximum column number value (40)
CURSOR_MASK Equ 07h ; Cursor type mask value
ATTRIBUTE_MASK Equ 0Fh ; Foreground/background attribute mask
MAX_TAB Equ 24h ; Maximum horizontal tab position (36)
TAB_SIZE Equ 04h ; Tab stop size value (4)
TAB_MASK Equ 03h ; Tab count mask value
VIDEO_MEMORY Equ 0B800h ; Start of video memory segment
; Define any include files needed
Include ; Include the macro definitions
Include ; Include the equate definitions
.286c ; Include 80286 instructions
; Define the emulator code segment
Emulate Segment Word Public 'EMULATE' ; Emulator code segment
Assume cs:Emulate, ds:Nothing, es:Nothing
Subttl TTY_Init Initialize TTY Mode Routine
Page +
; TTY_Init()
; Save the required registers
; Set text mode 0 (40x25)
; Call routine to turn off cursor
; Call routine to disable blink (Intensity)
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
TTY_Init Proc Near ; Initialize TTY mode procedure
Save ax ; Save the required registers
mov ah,SET_MODE ; Get set mode video sub-function code
mov al,TEXT_MODE ; Get the 40x25 text mode value
int VIDEO ; Set video mode to 40x25 text mode
call Cursor_Off ; Call routine to turn cursor off
call Blink_Off ; Call routine to turn blink off
Restore ax ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
TTY_Init Endp ; End of the TTY_Init procedure
Subttl TTY_Reset Reset TTY Mode Routine
Page +
; TTY_Reset()
; If this is a CGA type video
; Call routine to restore CGA screen
; Else this is an EGA type video
; Call routine to restore EGA screen
; Endif for video type
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
TTY_Reset Proc Near ; Reset TTY mode procedure
test cs:[System_Flag],EGA_TYPE
jnz Reset_Ega ; Jump if this is an EGA type video
call CGA_Restore ; Call routine to restore CGA
jmp Short Reset_Exit ; Go return to the caller
call EGA_Restore ; Call routine to restore EGA
ret ; Return to the caller
TTY_Reset Endp ; End of the TTY_Reset procedure
Subttl Write_TTY Write TTY Routine
Page +
; Write_TTY(Character)
; Save the required registers
; If special character
; Call routine to handle special character
; Else
; Calculate the current screen position
; Get current screen colors (Foreground/Background)
; Put requested character on the screen
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AL - Character to write
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Write_TTY Proc Near ; Write TTY procedure
Save ax,bx,cx,dx,di,es ; Save the required registers
mov bx,cs ; Setup access to
mov es,bx ; character table
mov cx,SPECIAL_LENGTH ; Get length of special character table
lea di,cs:[Special_Table] ; Get pointer to character table
repne scasb ; Check for a special character
jne Write_Character ; Jump if NOT a special character
lea ax,cs:[Special_Table] ; Calculate
sub di,ax ; matching
dec di ; character value
shl di,1 ; Convert matching number to table index
call cs:[di + Special_Jump] ; Call correct special character routine
jmp Short Write_Exit ; Go return control to the caller
mov cx,cs:[Current_Row] ; Get the current row number
mov bx,cx ; Compute
shl bx,2 ; row number
add bx,cx ; times five (*80)
add bx,VIDEO_MEMORY ; Compute actual video memory segment
mov es,bx ; Setup to access video memory
mov di,cs:[Current_Col] ; Compute the actual
shl di,1 ; memory address
mov ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Back]
shl ah,BACK_SHIFT ; Shift background into position
or ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Fore]
stosw ; Store character into memory
mov ax,cs:[Current_Row] ; Get the current
mov bx,cs:[Current_Col] ; row/column values
inc bx ; Increment the column number
cmp bx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check against maximum column value
jb Write_Update ; Jump if column number valid
xor bx,bx ; Reset current column number
inc ax ; Increment the row number
cmp ax,MAX_ROW ; Check against maximum row value
jae Write_Exit ; Jump if invalid row/column values
mov cs:[Current_Row],ax ; Update the current
mov cs:[Current_Col],bx ; row/column values
Restore ax,bx,cx,dx,di,es ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Write_TTY Endp ; End of the Write_TTY procedure
Subttl Special_NULL Special NULL Character Routine
Page +
; Special_NULL()
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Special_NULL Proc Near ; Special NULL character procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Special_NULL Endp ; End of the Special_NULL procedure
Subttl Special_BELL Special BELL Character Routine
Page +
; Special_BELL()
; Save the required registers
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Special_BELL Proc Near ; Special BELL character procedure
Save ; Save the required registers

Restore ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Special_BELL Endp ; End of the Special_BELL procedure
Subttl Special_BS Special BS Character Routine
Page +
; Special_BS()
; Save the required registers
; If current column number greater than zero
; Decrement the current column number
; Calculate the current screen position
; Get current screen colors (Foreground/Background)
; Put space character on the screen
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Special_BS Proc Near ; Special BS character procedure
Save ax,bx,di,es ; Save the required registers
mov ax,cs:[Current_Col] ; Get the current column number
or ax,ax ; Check for in column zero
jz BS_Exit ; Jump if currently in column zero
dec cs:[Current_Col] ; Decrement the current column value
mov ax,cs:[Current_Row] ; Get the current row number
mov bx,ax ; Compute
shl bx,2 ; row number
add ax,bx ; times five (*80)
add ax,VIDEO_MEMORY ; Compute actual video memory segment
mov es,ax ; Setup to access video memory
mov di,cs:[Current_Col] ; Compute the actual
shl di,1 ; memory address
mov al,SPACE ; Setup to write a space character
mov ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Back]
shl ah,BACK_SHIFT ; Shift background into position
or ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Fore]
stosw ; Store character into memory
Restore ax,bx,di,es ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Special_BS Endp ; End of the Special_BS procedure
Subttl Special_HT Special HT Character Routine
Page +
; Special_HT()
; Save the required registers
; If current column less than maximum tab position
; Calculate number of pad characters required (Spaces)
; Calculate the current screen position
; Get current screen colors (Foreground/Background)
; Update the current column position
; While more pad characters to display
; Put pad character on the screen (Space)
; Decrement the pad counter
; EndWhile
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Special_HT Proc Near ; Special HT character procedure
Save ax,bx,cx,di,es ; Save the required registers
mov ax,cs:[Current_Col] ; Get the current column position
cmp ax,MAX_TAB ; Check against maximum tab position
jae HT_Exit ; Jump if past maximum tab position
and ax,TAB_MASK ; Compute
mov cx,TAB_SIZE ; the actual
sub cx,ax ; tab count value
mov ax,cs:[Current_Row] ; Get the current row number
mov bx,ax ; Compute
shl bx,2 ; row number
add ax,bx ; times five (*80)
add ax,VIDEO_MEMORY ; Compute actual video memory segment
mov es,ax ; Setup to access video memory
mov di,cs:[Current_Col] ; Compute the actual
shl di,1 ; memory address
mov al,SPACE ; Setup to write a space character
mov ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Back]
shl ah,BACK_SHIFT ; Shift background into position
or ah,Byte Ptr cs:[Current_Fore]
add cs:[Current_Col],cx ; Update the current column position
rep stosw ; Store the horizontal pad characters
Restore ax,bx,cx,di,es ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Special_HT Endp ; End of the Special_HT procedure
Subttl Special_LF Special LF Character Routine
Page +
; Special_LF()
; Save the required registers
; If not on the bottom row
; Increment the current row value
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Special_LF Proc Near ; Special LF character procedure
Save ax ; Save the required registers
mov ax,cs:[Current_Row] ; Get the current row position
cmp ax,MAX_ROW - 1 ; Check for on the bottom row
jae LF_Exit ; Jump if currently on the last row
inc cs:[Current_Row] ; Increment to the next row
Restore ax ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Special_LF Endp ; End of the Special_LF procedure
Subttl Special_VT Special VT Character Routine
Page +
; Special_VT()
; Save the required registers
; If not on the bottom row
; Increment the current row value
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Special_VT Proc Near ; Special VT character procedure
Save ax ; Save the required registers
mov ax,cs:[Current_Row] ; Get the current row position
cmp ax,MAX_ROW - 1 ; Check for on the bottom row
jae VT_Exit ; Jump if currently on the last row
inc cs:[Current_Row] ; Increment to the next row
Restore ax ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Special_VT Endp ; End of the Special_VT procedure
Subttl Special_FF Special FF Character Routine
Page +
; Special_FF()
; Save the required registers
; Call routine to clear the screen
; Set row position to zero
; Set column position to zero
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Special_FF Proc Near ; Special FF character procedure
Save ax ; Save the required registers
call Clear_Screen ; Call routine to clear the screen
xor ax,ax ; Setup to zero current position (Home)
mov cs:[Current_Row],ax ; Zero the current
mov cs:[Current_Col],ax ; row/column position
Restore ax ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Special_FF Endp ; End of the Special_FF procedure
Subttl Special_CR Special CR Character Routine
Page +
; Special_CR()
; Save the required registers
; Set current column position to zero
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Special_CR Proc Near ; Special CR character procedure
Save ax ; Save the required registers
xor ax,ax ; Setup to zero column position
mov cs:[Current_Col],ax ; Zero current column position value
Restore ax ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Special_CR Endp ; End of the Special_CR procedure
Subttl Set_Position Set Current Position Routine
Page +
; Set_Position(Row, Column)
; If new row position is valid
; If new column position is valid
; Set current row to new row
; Set current column to new column
; Endif
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - New row number
; BX - New column number
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Set_Position Proc Near ; Set current position procedure
cmp ax,MAX_ROW ; Check the new row number value
jae Position_Exit ; Jump if new row value is invalid
cmp bx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check the new column number value
jae Position_Exit ; Jump if new column value is invalid
mov cs:[Current_Row],ax ; Update the current
mov cs:[Current_Col],bx ; row/column values
ret ; Return to the caller
Set_Position Endp ; End of the Set_Position procedure
Subttl Set_Row Set Current Row Position Routine
Page +
; Set_Row(Row)
; If new row position is valid
; Set current row to new row
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - New row number
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Set_Row Proc Near ; Set current row position procedure
cmp ax,MAX_ROW ; Check the new row number value
jae Row_Exit ; Jump if new row value is invalid
mov cs:[Current_Row],ax ; Update the current row value
ret ; Return to the caller
Set_Row Endp ; End of the Set_Row procedure
Subttl Set_Column Set Current Column Position Routine
Page +
; Set_Column(Column)
; If new column position is valid
; Set current column to new column
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - New column number
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Set_Column Proc Near ; Set current column position procedure
cmp ax,MAX_COLUMN ; Check the new column number value
jae Column_Exit ; Jump if new column value is invalid
mov cs:[Current_Col],ax ; Update the current column value
ret ; Return to the caller
Set_Column Endp ; End of the Set_Column procedure
Subttl Set_Attribute Set Current Attribute Routine
Page +
; Set_Attribute(Foreground, Background)
; Set current foreground color to new value
; Set current background color to new value
; Mask off the foreground value
; Mask off the background value
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - New foreground color
; BX - New background color
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Set_Attribute Proc Near ; Set current attribute procedure
mov cs:[Current_Fore],ax ; Save new foreground
mov cs:[Current_Back],bx ; background colors
and cs:[Current_Fore],ATTRIBUTE_MASK
and cs:[Current_Back],ATTRIBUTE_MASK
ret ; Return to the caller
Set_Attribute Endp ; End of the Set_Attribute procedure
Subttl Set_Foreground Set Current Foreground Routine
Page +
; Set_Foreground(Foreground)
; Set current foreground color to new value
; Mask off the foreground value
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - New foreground color
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Set_Foreground Proc Near ; Set current foreground procedure
mov cs:[Current_Fore],ax ; Save new foreground color value
and cs:[Current_Fore],ATTRIBUTE_MASK
ret ; Return to the caller
Set_Foreground Endp ; End of the Set_Foreground procedure
Subttl Set_Background Set Current Background Routine
Page +
; Set_Background(Background)
; Set current background color to new value
; Mask off the background value
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - New background color
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Set_Background Proc Near ; Set current background procedure
mov cs:[Current_Back],ax ; Save new background color value
and cs:[Current_Back],ATTRIBUTE_MASK
ret ; Return to the caller
Set_Background Endp ; End of the Set_Background procedure
Subttl Set_Cursor Set Cursor Position Routine
Page +
; Set_Cursor(Row, Column)
; Save the required registers
; If new row position is valid
; If new column position is valid
; Set new cursor position
; Endif
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - Cursor row number
; BX - Cursor column number
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Set_Cursor Proc Near ; Set cursor position procedure
Save ax,bx,dx ; Save the required registers
cmp ax,MAX_ROW ; Check the new row number value
jae Cursor_Exit ; Jump if new row value is invalid
cmp bx,MAX_COLUMN ; Check the new column number value
jae Cursor_Exit ; Jump if new column value is invalid
mov dh,al ; Setup the cursor
mov dl,bl ; row and column values
xor bh,bh ; Setup for video page zero
mov ah,WRITE_CURSOR ; Get write cursor position function
int VIDEO ; Set the new cursor position
Restore ax,bx,dx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Set_Cursor Endp ; End of the Set_Cursor procedure
Subttl Set_Type Set Cursor Type Routine
Page +
; Set_Type(Start, End)
; Save the required registers
; Mask off the cursor start value
; Mask off the cursor end value
; Set the new cursor type value
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - Cursor start row number (0 - 7)
; BX - Cursor end row number (0 - 7)
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Set_Type Proc Near ; Set cursor type procedure
Save ax,cx ; Save the required registers
mov ch,al ; Get and mask
and ch,CURSOR_MASK ; cursor start value
mov cl,bl ; Get and mask
and cl,CURSOR_MASK ; cursor end value
mov ah,CURSOR_TYPE ; Get set cursor type function code
int VIDEO ; Set the new cursor type value
Restore ax,cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Set_Type Endp ; End of the Set_Type procedure
Subttl Get_Position Get Current Position Routine
Page +
; Get_Position()
; Get the current row value
; Get the current column vlaue
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Current row number
; BX - Current column number
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Get_Position Proc Near ; Get current position procedure
mov ax,cs:[Current_Row] ; Get the current
mov bx,cs:[Current_Col] ; row/column values
ret ; Return to the caller
Get_Position Endp ; End of the Get_Position procedure
Subttl Get_Row Get Current Row Position Routine
Page +
; Get_Row()
; Get the current row value
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Current row number
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Get_Row Proc Near ; Get current row position procedure
mov ax,cs:[Current_Row] ; Get the current row value
ret ; Return to the caller
Get_Row Endp ; End of the Get_Row procedure
Subttl Get_Column Get Current Column Position Routine
Page +
; Get_Column()
; Get the current column vlaue
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Current column number
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Get_Column Proc Near ; Get current column position procedure
mov ax,cs:[Current_Col] ; Get the current column value
ret ; Return to the caller
Get_Column Endp ; End of the Get_Column procedure
Subttl Get_Attribute Get Current Attribute Routine
Page +
; Get_Attribute()
; Get the current foreground color
; Get the current background color
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Current foreground color
; BX - Current background color
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Get_Attribute Proc Near ; Get current attribute procedure
mov ax,cs:[Current_Fore] ; Get foreground/
mov bx,cs:[Current_Back] ; background colors
ret ; Return to the caller
Get_Attribute Endp ; End of the Get_Attribute procedure
Subttl Get_Foreground Get Current Foreground Routine
Page +
; Get_Foreground()
; Get the current foreground color
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Current foreground color
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Get_Foreground Proc Near ; Get current foreground procedure
mov ax,cs:[Current_Fore] ; Get the current foreground color
ret ; Return to the caller
Get_Foreground Endp ; End of the Get_Foreground procedure
Subttl Get_Background Get Current Background Routine
Page +
; Get_Background()
; Get the current background color
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Current background color
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Get_Background Proc Near ; Get current background procedure
mov ax,cs:[Current_Back] ; Get the current background color
ret ; Return to the caller
Get_Background Endp ; End of the Get_Background procedure
Subttl Get_Cursor Get Cursor Position Routine
Page +
; Get_Cursor()
; Save the required registers
; Get current cursor position
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Cursor row number
; BX - Cursor column number
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Get_Cursor Proc Near ; Get cursor position procedure
Save cx,dx ; Save the required registers
xor bh,bh ; Setup for video page zero
mov ah,READ_CURSOR ; Get read cursor position function
int VIDEO ; Get the current cursor position
mov al,dh ; Get the current
xor ah,ah ; row position value
mov bl,dl ; Get the current
xor bh,bh ; column position value
Restore cx,dx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Get_Cursor Endp ; End of the Get_Cursor procedure
Subttl Get_Type Get Cursor Type Routine
Page +
; Get_Type()
; Save the required registers
; Get current cursor type
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AX - Cursor start row number (0 - 7)
; BX - Cursor end row number (0 - 7)
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Get_Type Proc Near ; Get cursor type procedure
Save cx,dx ; Save the required registers
xor bh,bh ; Setup for video page zero
mov ah,READ_CURSOR ; Get read cursor position function
int VIDEO ; Get the current cursor position
mov al,ch ; Get cursor start
xor ah,ah ; row position value
mov bl,cl ; Get cursor end
xor bh,bh ; row position value
Restore cx,dx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Get_Type Endp ; End of the Get_Type procedure
Subttl Clear_Screen Clear Screen Routine
Page +
; Clear_Screen()
; Save the required registers
; Set window to entire screen
; Call routine to clear window
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Clear_Screen Proc Near ; Clear screen procedure
Save ax,bx,cx,dx ; Save the required registers
xor ax,ax ; Setup
xor bx,bx ; window
mov cx,MAX_ROW - 1 ; to the
mov dx,MAX_COLUMN - 1 ; entire screen
call Clear_Window ; Call routine to clear the window
Restore ax,bx,cx,dx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Clear_Screen Endp ; End of the Clear_Screen procedure
Subttl TTY Interface Data Areas
Page +
; Define any data areas needed by the TTY interface
Special_Table Equ This Byte ; Special character table
Db NULL ; Null character
Db BELL ; Bell character
Db BS ; Backspace character
Db HT ; Horizontal tab character
Db LF ; Line feed character
Db VT ; Vertical tab character
Db FF ; Form feed character
Db CR ; Carriage return character
SPECIAL_LENGTH Equ This Byte - Special_Table
Special_Jump Equ This Word ; Special character jump table
Dw Special_NULL ; Null character routine
Dw Special_BELL ; Bell character routine
Dw Special_BS ; Backspace character routine
Dw Special_HT ; Horizontal tab character routine
Dw Special_LF ; Line feed character routine
Dw Special_VT ; Vertical tab character routine
Dw Special_FF ; Form feed character routine
Dw Special_CR ; Carriage return character routine
Current_Row Dw 0 ; Current screen row number
Current_Col Dw 0 ; Current screen column number
Current_Fore Dw INTENSE_WHITE ; Current foreground color value
Current_Back Dw GRAY ; Current background color value
; Define the end of the Emulator Code Segment
Emulate Ends
End ; End of the TTY module

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : APL2EM.ZIP
Filename : TTY.ASM

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: