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Output of file : JOYSTICK.ASM contained in archive : APL2EM.ZIP
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Title JOYSTICK.ASM Apple Emulator Joystick Routines
; Name: JOYSTICK.ASM Apple Emulator Joystick Routines
; Group: Emulator
; Revision: 1.00
; Date: January 30, 1988
; Author: Randy W. Spurlock
; Module Functional Description:
; This module contains all the code for the Apple joystick
; routines.
; Changes:
; -------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
; 1/30/88 1.00 Original
; Public Declarations
Public Button_1 ; Button 1 input routine (Joystick 1)
Public Button_2 ; Button 2 input routine (Joystick 1)
Public Button_3 ; Button 3 input routine
Public Joystick_1 ; Joystick 1 input routine (X-Axis)
Public Joystick_2 ; Joystick 2 input routine (Y-Axis)
Public Joystick_3 ; Joystick 3 input routine
Public Joystick_4 ; Joystick 4 input routine
Public Joystick_Strobe ; Joystick strobe routine
Public Joystick_Mode ; Joystick mode routine
Public Joystick_Type ; Joystick type routine (Analog/Binary)
Public Joystick_Fast ; Joystick fast response mode routine
Public Joystick_Center ; Joystick self-center routine
Public Joystick_Flight ; Joystick flight mode routine
Public Joystick_Reset ; Joystick reset routine
Public Joystick_Dummy ; Joystick dummy routine
Public Joy_Up_Left ; Joystick up/left routine
Public Joy_Up ; Joystick up routine
Public Joy_Up_Right ; Joystick up/right routine
Public Joy_Left ; Joystick left routine
Public Joy_Center ; Joystick center routine
Public Joy_Right ; Joystick right routine
Public Joy_Down_Left ; Joystick down/left routine
Public Joy_Down ; Joystick down routine
Public Joy_Down_Right ; Joystick down/right routine
Public Joy_X_Res_Inc ; Joystick X resolution increase
Public Joy_X_Res_Dec ; Joystick X resolution decrease
Public Joy_Y_Res_Inc ; Joystick Y resolution increase
Public Joy_Y_Res_Dec ; Joystick Y resolution decrease
Public Joy_X_Cen_Inc ; Joystick X center increase
Public Joy_X_Cen_Dec ; Joystick X center decrease
Public Joy_Y_Cen_Inc ; Joystick Y center increase
Public Joy_Y_Cen_Dec ; Joystick Y center decrease
Public Joy_Button_1 ; Joystick button 1 routine
Public Joy_Button_2 ; Joystick button 2 routine
Public Joystick_Update ; Joystick update routine
; External Declarations
Extrn Key_Status:Byte ; Keyboard status byte (KEYBOARD)
Extrn Last_Key:Byte ; Last keyboard scan code (KEYBOARD)
; LOCAL Equates
CENTER_VALUE Equ 7F00h ; Joystick center value (7Fh = 127)
START_RES Equ 0028h ; Starting resolution (0028h = 0.15625)
MIN_RES Equ 0001h ; Minimum resolution (0001h = .0039)
MAX_RES Equ 7FFFh ; Maximum resolution (7FFFh = 127.996)
MIN_CENTER Equ 00001h ; Minimum center (0001h = .0039)
MAX_CENTER Equ 0FFFFh ; Maximum center (FFFFh = 255.996)
JOY_MIN Equ 00000h ; Joystick minimum setting value
JOY_MAX Equ 0FFFFh ; Joystick maximum setting value
SMALL_RES Equ 0001h ; Small resolution change (01h = .004)
NORMAL_RES Equ 0010h ; Normal resolution change (10h = .0625)
SMALL_CENTER Equ 0100h ; Small center change value (0100 = 1)
NORMAL_CENTER Equ 0400h ; Normal center change value (0400 = 4)
RESET_MASK Equ 0FCh ; Forced reset mask (Direction/Buttons)
BUTTON_DOWN Equ 80h ; Button down indication value
CHARGED Equ 80h ; Joystick charged indication value
RESET_JOY Equ BINARY_TYPE ; Joystick reset value (Binary)
; Define any include files needed
Include ; Include the macro definitions
Include ; Include the equate definitions
.286c ; Include 80286 instructions
; Define the emulator code segment
Emulate Segment Word Public 'EMULATE' ; Emulator code segment
Assume cs:Emulate, ds:Nothing, es:Nothing
Subttl Button_1 Button 1 Input Routine
Page +
; Button_1() Joystick 1 Button
; Default to button 1 NOT down
; If button 1 is down
; Indicate that button 1 is down
; Endif for button check
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AL - Joystick button 1 status (00h = Up, 80h = Down)
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Button_1 Proc Near ; Button 1 input procedure
xor al,al ; Default to button NOT down
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BUTTON_1_DOWN
jz Button_1_Exit ; Jump if button 1 is NOT down
mov al,BUTTON_DOWN ; Indicate button 1 is down
ret ; Return to the caller
Button_1 Endp ; End of the Button_1 procedure
Subttl Button_2 Button 2 Input Routine
Page +
; Button_2() Joystick 2 Button
; Default to button 2 NOT down
; If button 2 is down
; Indicate that button 2 is down
; Endif for button check
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Button_2 Proc Near ; Button 2 input procedure
xor al,al ; Default to button NOT down
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BUTTON_2_DOWN
jz Button_2_Exit ; Jump if button 2 is NOT down
mov al,BUTTON_DOWN ; Indicate button 2 is down
ret ; Return to the caller
Button_2 Endp ; End of the Button_2 procedure
Subttl Button_3 Button 3 Input Routine
Page +
; Button_3() NOT SUPPORTED
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Button_3 Proc Near ; Button 3 input procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Button_3 Endp ; End of the Button_3 procedure
Subttl Joystick_1 Joystick 1 Input Routine
Page +
; Joystick_1() Joystick 1 X-Axis
; Save the required registers
; Default to discharged state
; If keyboard is in the joystick mode
; Get the X counter value
; If the counter value is non-zero
; Indicate in charged state
; Decrement the counter value
; Update the counter value
; Endif for non-zero counter
; Endif for keyboard in joystick mode
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AL - Joystick status (00h = Discharged, 80h = Charged)
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_1 Proc Near ; Joystick 1 input procedure
Save bx ; Save the required registers
xor al,al ; Default to discharged state
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz Joy_1_Done ; Jump if NOT in joystick mode
mov bl,cs:[Joy_X_Count] ; Get the current X count value
or bl,bl ; CHeck for already discharged
jz Joy_1_Done ; Jump if already discharged
mov al,CHARGED ; Indicate joystick still charged
dec bl ; Decrement the X count value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Count],bl ; Update the X count value
Restore bx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_1 Endp ; End of the Joystick_1 procedure
Subttl Joystick_2 Joystick 2 Input Routine
Page +
; Joystick_2() Joystick 2 Y-Axis
; Save the required registers
; Default to discharged state
; If keyboard is in the joystick mode
; Get the Y counter value
; If the counter value is non-zero
; Indicate in charged state
; Decrement the counter value
; Update the counter value
; Endif for non-zero counter
; Endif for keyboard in joystick mode
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; AL - Joystick status (00h = Discharged, 80h = Charged)
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_2 Proc Near ; Joystick 2 input procedure
Save bx ; Save the required registers
xor al,al ; Default to discharged state
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz Joy_1_Done ; Jump if NOT in joystick mode
mov bl,cs:[Joy_Y_Count] ; Get the current Y count value
or bl,bl ; CHeck for already discharged
jz Joy_2_Done ; Jump if already discharged
mov al,CHARGED ; Indicate joystick still charged
dec bl ; Decrement the Y count value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Count],bl ; Update the Y count value
Restore bx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_2 Endp ; End of the Joystick_2 procedure
Subttl Joystick_3 Joystick 3 Input Routine
Page +
; Joystick_3() NOT SUPPORTED
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_3 Proc Near ; Joystick 3 input procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_3 Endp ; End of the Joystick_3 procedure
Subttl Joystick_4 Joystick 4 Input Routine
Page +
; Joystick_4() NOT SUPPORTED
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_4 Proc Near ; Joystick 4 input procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_4 Endp ; End of the Joystick_4 procedure
Subttl Joystick_Strobe Joystick Strobe Routine
Page +
; Joystick_Strobe()
; Save the required registers
; If keyboard in joystick mode
; Get the current X position
; Get the current Y position
; Save X position as X counter
; Save Y position as Y counter
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_Strobe Proc Near ; Joystick strobe procedure
Save ax,bx ; Save the required registers
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz Strobe_Done ; Jump if NOT in joystick mode
mov ax,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Get the current X position
mov bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Get the current Y position
mov cs:[Joy_X_Count],ah ; Save X position as the X count value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Count],bh ; Save Y position as the Y count value
Restore ax,bx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_Strobe Endp ; End of the Joystick_Strobe procedure
Subttl Joystick_Fast Joystick Fast Response Mode Routine
Page +
; Joystick_Fast(Scan_Code)
; If the last scan code does NOT match (NOT a repeat)
; If this is a make code
; Toggle the joystick fast response mode bit
; Endif
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_Fast Proc Near ; Joystick fast response mode procedure
cmp ah,cs:[Last_Key] ; Check for a repeat scan code
je Fast_Done ; Jump if this key is repeating
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Fast_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
xor Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Flag],FAST_MODE
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_Fast Endp ; End of the Joystick_Fast procedure
Subttl Joystick_Center Joystick Self-Center Mode Routine
Page +
; Joystick_Center(Scan_Code)
; If the last scan code does NOT match (NOT a repeat)
; If this is a make code
; Toggle the joystick self-center mode bit
; Endif
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_Center Proc Near ; Joystick self-center mode procedure
cmp ah,cs:[Last_Key] ; Check for a repeat scan code
je Self_Done ; Jump if this key is repeating
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Self_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
xor Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Flag],SELF_CENTER
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_Center Endp ; End of the Joystick_Center procedure
Subttl Joystick_Flight Joystick Flight Mode Routine
Page +
; Joystick_Flight(Scan_Code)
; If the last scan code does NOT match (NOT a repeat)
; If this is a make code
; Toggle the joystick flight mode bit
; Endif
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_Flight Proc Near ; Joystick flight mode procedure
cmp ah,cs:[Last_Key] ; Check for a repeat scan code
je Flight_Done ; Jump if this key is repeating
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Flight_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
xor Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Flag],FLIGHT_MODE
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_Flight Endp ; End of the Joystick_Flight procedure
Subttl Joystick_Reset Joystick Reset Routine
Page +
; Joystick_Reset(Scan_Code)
; If the last scan code does NOT match (NOT a repeat)
; If this is a make code
; Reset joystick position to center
; Reset joystick center values
; Reset joystick X/Y resolutions
; Reset joystick type & mode values
; Reset the joystick status
; Endif
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_Reset Proc Near ; Joystick reset procedure
cmp ah,cs:[Last_Key] ; Check for a repeat scan code
je Reset_Done ; Jump if this key is repeating
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Reset_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],CENTER_VALUE
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],CENTER_VALUE
mov cs:[Joy_X_Center],CENTER_VALUE
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Center],CENTER_VALUE
mov cs:[Joy_X_Res],START_RES
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Res],START_RES
mov Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Flag],RESET_JOY
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_Reset Endp ; End of the Joystick_Reset procedure
Subttl Joystick_Mode Joystick Mode Routine
Page +
; Joystick_Mode(Scan_Code)
; If the last scan code does NOT match (NOT a repeat)
; If this is a make code
; Reset joystick status (Direction and buttons)
; Endif
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_Mode Proc Near ; Joystick mode procedure
cmp ah,cs:[Last_Key] ; Check for a repeat scan code
je Mode_Done ; Jump if this key is repeating
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Mode_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Flag],RESET_MASK
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_Mode Endp ; End of the Joystick_Mode procedure
Subttl Joystick_Type Joystick Type Routine
Page +
; Joystick_Type(Scan_Code)
; If the last scan code does NOT match (NOT a repeat)
; If this is a make code
; Toggle the joystick type bit
; Endif
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_Type Proc Near ; Joystick type procedure
cmp ah,cs:[Last_Key] ; Check for a repeat scan code
je Type_Done ; Jump if this key is repeating
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Type_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
xor Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Flag],BINARY_TYPE
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_Type Endp ; End of the Joystick_Type procedure
Subttl Joystick_Dummy Joystick Dummy Routine
Page +
; Joystick_Dummy()
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_Dummy Proc Near ; Joystick dummy procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_Dummy Endp ; End of the Joystick_Dummy procedure
Subttl Joy_Up_Left Joystick Up/Left Routine
Page +
; Joy_Up_Left(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is a make code
; Set the up/left flag bit
; If joystick type is binary
; Set joystick X position to JOY_MIN
; Set joystick Y position to JOY_MIN
; Else
; If joystick mode is fast response
; If X position is > X center value
; Set X position to X center value
; Endif
; If Y position is > Y center value
; Set Y position to Y center value
; Endif
; Endif for joystick fast response mode
; Endif for joystick type binary
; Else this is a break code
; Reset the up/left flag bit
; If this is self-center mode
; Set joystick X position to X center value
; Set joystick Y position to Y center value
; Endif for self-center mode
; Endif for scan code
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Up_Left Proc Near ; Joystick up/left procedure
Save bx,cx ; Save the required registers
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Up_Left_Break ; Jump if this is a break code
or Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],UP_LEFT
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Get the current joystick X position
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Get the current joystick Y position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BINARY_TYPE
jz Up_Left_Check ; Jump if NOT in binary mode
mov bx,JOY_MIN ; Set X position to joystick minimum
mov cx,JOY_MIN ; Set Y position to joystick minimum
jmp Short Up_Left_Update ; Go update the X and Y positions
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FAST_MODE
jz Up_Left_Done ; Jump if NOT in fast response mode
cmp bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Check the current X position value
jbe Up_Left_Test ; Jump if already moving left
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Center the joystick X position
cmp cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Check the current Y position value
jbe Up_Left_Update ; Jump if already moving up
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Center the joystick Y position
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Update the current X position value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],cx ; Update the current Y position value
jmp Short Up_Left_Done ; Go return to the caller
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],Not UP_LEFT
test cs:[Joy_Flag],SELF_CENTER
jz Up_Left_Done ; Jump if NOT in self-center mode
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Get the current X center value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Set X position to center value
mov bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Get the current Y center value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],bx ; Set Y position to center value
Restore bx,cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Up_Left Endp ; End of the Joy_Up_Left procedure
Subttl Joy_Up Joystick Up Routine
Page +
; Joy_Up(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is a make code
; Set the up flag bit
; If joystick type is binary
; If joystick mode is NOT flight mode
; Set joystick X pos. to X center value
; Endif
; Set joystick Y position to JOY_MIN
; Else
; If joystick mode is fast response
; If Y position is > Y center value
; Set Y position to Y center value
; Endif
; Endif for joystick fast response mode
; Endif for joystick type binary
; Else this is a break code
; Reset the up flag bit
; If this is self-center mode
; Set joystick Y position to Y center value
; Endif for self-center mode
; Endif for scan code
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Up Proc Near ; Joystick up procedure
Save cx ; Save the required registers
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Up_Break ; Jump if this is a break code
or Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],UP
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Get the current joystick Y position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BINARY_TYPE
jz Up_Check ; Jump if NOT in binary mode
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FLIGHT_MODE
jnz Up_Binary ; Jump if in flight mode
mov cx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Get the current X center value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],cx ; Set X position to center value
mov cx,JOY_MIN ; Set Y position to joystick minimum
jmp Short Up_Update ; Go update the Y position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FAST_MODE
jz Up_Done ; Jump if NOT in fast response mode
cmp cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Check the current Y position value
jbe Up_Update ; Jump if already moving up
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Center the joystick Y position
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],cx ; Update the current Y position value
jmp Short Up_Done ; Go return to the caller
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],Not UP
test cs:[Joy_Flag],SELF_CENTER
jz Up_Done ; Jump if NOT in self-center mode
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Get the current Y center value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],cx ; Set Y position to center value
Restore cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Up Endp ; End of the Joy_Up procedure
Subttl Joy_Up_Right Joystick Up/Right Routine
Page +
; Joy_Up_Right(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is a make code
; Set the up/right flag bit
; If joystick type is binary
; Set joystick X position to JOY_MAX
; Set joystick Y position to JOY_MIN
; Else
; If joystick mode is fast response
; If X position is <= X center value
; Set X position to X center value
; Endif
; If Y position is > Y center value
; Set Y position to Y center value
; Endif
; Endif for joystick fast response mode
; Endif for joystick type binary
; Else this is a break code
; Reset the up/right flag bit
; If this is self-center mode
; Set joystick X position to X center value
; Set joystick Y position to Y center value
; Endif for self-center mode
; Endif for scan code
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Up_Right Proc Near ; Joystick up/right procedure
Save bx,cx ; Save the required registers
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Up_Right_Break ; Jump if this is a break code

or Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],UP_RIGHT
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Get the current joystick X position
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Get the current joystick Y position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BINARY_TYPE
jz Up_Right_Check ; Jump if NOT in binary mode
mov bx,JOY_MAX ; Set X position to joystick maximum
mov cx,JOY_MIN ; Set Y position to joystick minimum
jmp Short Up_Right_Update ; Go update the X and Y positions
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FAST_MODE
jz Up_Right_Done ; Jump if NOT in fast response mode
cmp bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Check the current X position value
ja Up_Right_Test ; Jump if already moving right
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Center the joystick X position
cmp cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Check the current Y position value
jbe Up_Right_Update ; Jump if already moving up
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Center the joystick Y position
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Update the current X position value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],cx ; Update the current Y position value
jmp Short Up_Right_Done ; Go return to the caller
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],Not UP_RIGHT
test cs:[Joy_Flag],SELF_CENTER
jz Up_Right_Done ; Jump if NOT in self-center mode
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Get the current X center value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Set X position to center value
mov bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Get the current Y center value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],bx ; Set Y position to center value
Restore bx,cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Up_Right Endp ; End of the Joy_Up_Right procedure
Subttl Joy_Left Joystick Left Routine
Page +
; Joy_Left(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is a make code
; Set the left flag bit
; If joystick type is binary
; If joystick mode is NOT flight mode
; Set joystick Y pos. to Y center value
; Endif
; Set joystick X position to JOY_MIN
; Else
; If joystick mode is fast response
; If X position is > X center value
; Set X position to X center value
; Endif
; Endif for joystick fast response mode
; Endif for joystick type binary
; Else this is a break code
; Reset the up flag bit
; If this is self-center mode
; Set joystick X position to X center value
; Endif for self-center mode
; Endif for scan code
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Left Proc Near ; Joystick left procedure
Save bx ; Save the required registers
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Left_Break ; Jump if this is a break code
or Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],LEFT
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Get the current joystick X position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BINARY_TYPE
jz Left_Check ; Jump if NOT in binary mode
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FLIGHT_MODE
jnz Left_Binary ; Jump if in flight mode
mov bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Get the current Y center value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],bx ; Set Y position to center value
mov bx,JOY_MIN ; Set X position to joystick minimum
jmp Short Left_Update ; Go update the X position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FAST_MODE
jz Left_Done ; Jump if NOT in fast response mode
cmp bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Check the current X position value
jbe Left_Update ; Jump if already moving left
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Center the joystick X position
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Update the current X position value
jmp Short Left_Done ; Go return to the caller
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],Not LEFT
test cs:[Joy_Flag],SELF_CENTER
jz Left_Done ; Jump if NOT in self-center mode
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Get the current X center value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Set X position to center value
Restore cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Left Endp ; End of the Joy_Left procedure
Subttl Joy_Center Joystick Center Routine
Page +
; Joy_Center(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is a make code
; Center the joystick X and Y positions
; Endif
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Center Proc Near ; Joystick center procedure
Save bx ; Save the required registers
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Center_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Get the current X center value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Set X position to center value
mov bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Get the current Y center value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],bx ; Set Y position to center value
Restore bx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Center Endp ; End of the Joy_Center procedure
Subttl Joy_Right Joystick Right Routine
Page +
; Joy_Right(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is a make code
; Set the right flag bit
; If joystick type is binary
; If joystick mode is NOT flight mode
; Set joystick Y pos. to Y center value
; Endif
; Set joystick X position to JOY_MAX
; Else
; If joystick mode is fast response
; If X position is <= X center value
; Set X position to X center value
; Endif
; Endif for joystick fast response mode
; Endif for joystick type binary
; Else this is a break code
; Reset the up flag bit
; If this is self-center mode
; Set joystick X position to X center value

; Endif for self-center mode
; Endif for scan code
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Right Proc Near ; Joystick right procedure
Save bx ; Save the required registers
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Right_Break ; Jump if this is a break code
or Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],RIGHT
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Get the current joystick X position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BINARY_TYPE
jz Right_Check ; Jump if NOT in binary mode
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FLIGHT_MODE
jnz Right_Binary ; Jump if in flight mode
mov bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Get the current Y center value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],bx ; Set Y position to center value
mov bx,JOY_MAx ; Set X position to joystick maximum
jmp Short Right_Update ; Go update the X position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FAST_MODE
jz Right_Done ; Jump if NOT in fast response mode
cmp bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Check the current X position value
ja Right_Update ; Jump if already moving right
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Center the joystick X position
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Update the current X position value
jmp Short Right_Done ; Go return to the caller
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],Not RIGHT
test cs:[Joy_Flag],SELF_CENTER
jz Right_Done ; Jump if NOT in self-center mode
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Get the current X center value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Set X position to center value
Restore cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Right Endp ; End of the Joy_Right procedure
Subttl Joy_Down_Left Joystick Down/Left Routine
Page +
; Joy_Down_Left(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is a make code
; Set the down/left flag bit
; If joystick type is binary
; Set joystick X position to JOY_MIN
; Set joystick Y position to JOY_MAX
; Else
; If joystick mode is fast response
; If X position is > X center value
; Set X position to X center value
; Endif
; If Y position is <= Y center value
; Set Y position to Y center value
; Endif
; Endif for joystick fast response mode
; Endif for joystick type binary
; Else this is a break code
; Reset the down/left flag bit
; If this is self-center mode
; Set joystick X position to X center value
; Set joystick Y position to Y center value
; Endif for self-center mode
; Endif for scan code
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Down_Left Proc Near ; Joystick down/left procedure
Save bx,cx ; Save the required registers
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Down_Left_Break ; Jump if this is a break code
or Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],DOWN_LEFT
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Get the current joystick X position
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Get the current joystick Y position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BINARY_TYPE
jz Down_Left_Check ; Jump if NOT in binary mode
mov bx,JOY_MIN ; Set X position to joystick minimum
mov cx,JOY_MAX ; Set Y position to joystick maximum
jmp Short Down_Left_Update ; Go update the X and Y positions
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FAST_MODE
jz Down_Left_Done ; Jump if NOT in fast response mode
cmp bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Check the current X position value
jbe Down_Left_Test ; Jump if already moving left
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Center the joystick X position
cmp cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Check the current Y position value
ja Down_Left_Update ; Jump if already moving down
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Center the joystick Y position
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Update the current X position value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],cx ; Update the current Y position value
jmp Short Down_Left_Done ; Go return to the caller
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],Not DOWN_LEFT
test cs:[Joy_Flag],SELF_CENTER
jz Down_Left_Done ; Jump if NOT in self-center mode
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Get the current X center value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Set X position to center value
mov bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Get the current Y center value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],bx ; Set Y position to center value
Restore bx,cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Down_Left Endp ; End of the Joy_Down_Left procedure
Subttl Joy_Down Joystick Down Routine
Page +
; Joy_Down(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is a make code
; Set the down flag bit
; If joystick type is binary
; If joystick mode is NOT flight mode
; Set joystick X pos. to X center value
; Endif
; Set joystick Y position to JOY_MAX
; Else
; If joystick mode is fast response
; If Y position is <= X center value
; Set Y position to Y center value
; Endif
; Endif for joystick fast response mode
; Endif for joystick type binary
; Else this is a break code
; Reset the down flag bit
; If this is self-center mode
; Set joystick Y position to Y center value
; Endif for self-center mode
; Endif for scan code
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Down Proc Near ; Joystick down procedure
Save cx ; Save the required registers
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Down_Break ; Jump if this is a break code
or Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],DOWN
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Get the current joystick Y position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BINARY_TYPE
jz Down_Check ; Jump if NOT in binary mode
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FLIGHT_MODE
jnz Down_Binary ; Jump if in flight mode
mov cx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Get the current X center value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],cx ; Set X position to center value
mov cx,JOY_MAX ; Set Y position to joystick maximum
jmp Short Down_Update ; Go update the Y position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FAST_MODE
jz Down_Done ; Jump if NOT in fast response mode
cmp cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Check the current Y position value
ja Down_Update ; Jump if already moving down
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Center the joystick Y position
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],cx ; Update the current Y position value
jmp Short Down_Done ; Go return to the caller
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],Not DOWN
test cs:[Joy_Flag],SELF_CENTER
jz Down_Done ; Jump if NOT in self-center mode
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Get the current Y center value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],cx ; Set Y position to center value
Restore cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Down Endp ; End of the Joy_Down procedure
Subttl Joy_Down_Right Joystick Down/Right Routine
Page +
; Joy_Down_Right(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is a make code
; Set the down/right flag bit
; If joystick type is binary
; Set joystick X position to JOY_MAX
; Set joystick Y position to JOY_MAX
; Else
; If joystick mode is fast response
; If X position is <= X center value
; Set X position to X center value
; Endif
; If Y position is <= Y center value
; Set Y position to Y center value
; Endif
; Endif for joystick fast response mode
; Endif for joystick type binary
; Else this is a break code
; Reset the down/right flag bit
; If this is self-center mode
; Set joystick X position to X center value
; Set joystick Y position to Y center value
; Endif for self-center mode
; Endif for scan code
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Down_Right Proc Near ; Joystick down/right procedure
Save bx,cx ; Save the required registers
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Down_Right_Break ; Jump if this is a break code
or Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],DOWN_RIGHT
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Get the current joystick X position
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Get the current joystick Y position
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BINARY_TYPE
jz Down_Right_Check ; Jump if NOT in binary mode
mov bx,JOY_MAX ; Set X position to joystick maximum
mov cx,JOY_MAX ; Set Y position to joystick maximum
jmp Short Down_Right_Update ; Go update the X and Y positions
test cs:[Joy_Flag],FAST_MODE
jz Down_Right_Done ; Jump if NOT in fast response mode
cmp bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Check the current X position value
ja Down_Right_Test ; Jump if already moving right
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Center the joystick X position
cmp cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Check the current Y position value
ja Down_Right_Update ; Jump if already moving down
mov cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Center the joystick Y position
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Update the current X position value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],cx ; Update the current Y position value
jmp Short Down_Right_Done ; Go return to the caller
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Status],Not DOWN_RIGHT
test cs:[Joy_Flag],SELF_CENTER
jz Down_Right_Done ; Jump if NOT in self-center mode
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Get the current X center value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Set X position to center value
mov bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Get the current Y center value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],bx ; Set Y position to center value
Restore bx,cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Down_Right Endp ; End of the Joy_Down_Right procedure
Subttl Joy_X_Res_Inc Joystick X Resolution Increase Routine
Page +
; Joy_X_Res_Inc(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is joystick mode
; If this is a make code
; If the shift key is down
; Do a small X resolution increment
; Else
; Do a normal X resolution increment
; Endif
; Make sure X resolution is in range
; Endif this is a break code
; Endif for joystick mode
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_X_Res_Inc Proc Near ; Joystick X resolution inc. procedure
Save bx ; Save the required registers
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz X_Res_Inc_Done ; Jump if NOT in joystick mode
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js X_Res_Inc_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Res] ; Get the current X resolution value
test cs:[Key_Status],SHIFTED ; Check for shift key down
jz Do_X_Res_Inc ; Jump if shift key is NOT held down
add bx,SMALL_RES ; Add small change value to resolution
jmp Short X_Res_Inc_Check ; Go check the X resolution value
add bx,NORMAL_RES ; Add normal change value to resolution
jc X_Res_Inc_Bad ; Jump if X increment is bad
cmp bx,MAX_RES ; Check against maximum resolution
jbe X_Res_Inc_Update ; Go update X resolution if in range
mov bx,MAX_RES ; Set X resolution to maximum value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Res],bx ; Update the X resolution value
Restore bx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_X_Res_Inc Endp ; End of the Joy_X_Res_Inc procedure
Subttl Joy_X_Res_Dec Joystick X Resolution Decrease Routine
Page +
; Joy_X_Res_Dec(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is joystick mode
; If this is a make code
; If the shift key is down
; Do a small X resolution decrement
; Else
; Do a normal X resolution decrement
; Endif
; Make sure X resolution is in range
; Endif this is a break code
; Endif for joystick mode
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_X_Res_Dec Proc Near ; Joystick X resolution dec. procedure
Save bx ; Save the required registers
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz X_Res_Dec_Done ; Jump if NOT in joystick mode
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js X_Res_Dec_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
mov bx,cs:[Joy_X_Res] ; Get the current X resolution value
test cs:[Key_Status],SHIFTED ; Check for Shift key down
jz Do_X_Res_Dec ; Jump if shift key is NOT held down
sub bx,SMALL_RES ; Subtract small change value
jmp Short X_Res_Dec_Check ; Go check the X resolution value
sub bx,NORMAL_RES ; Subtract normal change value
jc X_Res_Dec_Bad ; Jump if X decrement is bad
cmp bx,MIN_RES ; Check against minimum resolution
jae X_Res_Dec_Update ; Go update X resolution if in range
mov bx,MIN_RES ; Set X resolution to minimum value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Res],bx ; Update the X resolution value
Restore bx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_X_Res_Dec Endp ; End of the Joy_X_Res_Dec procedure
Subttl Joy_Y_Res_Inc Joystick Y Resolution Increase Routine
Page +
; Joy_Y_Res_Inc(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is joystick mode
; If this is a make code
; If the shift key is down
; Do a small Y resolution increment
; Else
; Do a normal Y resolution increment
; Endif
; Make sure Y resolution is in range
; Endif this is a break code
; Endif for joystick mode
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Y_Res_Inc Proc Near ; Joystick Y resolution inc. procedure
Save bx ; Save the required registers
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz Y_Res_Inc_Done ; Jump if NOT in joystick mode
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Y_Res_Inc_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
mov bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Res] ; Get the current Y resolution value
test cs:[Key_Status],SHIFTED ; Check for shift key down
jz Do_Y_Res_Inc ; Jump if shift key is NOT held down
add bx,SMALL_RES ; Add small change value to resolution
jmp Short Y_Res_Inc_Check ; Go check the Y resolution value
add bx,NORMAL_RES ; Add normal change value to resolution
jc Y_Res_Inc_Bad ; Jump if Y increment is bad
cmp bx,MAX_RES ; Check against maximum resolution
jbe Y_Res_Inc_Update ; Go update Y resolution if in range
mov bx,MAX_RES ; Set Y resolution to maximum value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Res],bx ; Update the Y resolution value
Restore bx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Y_Res_Inc Endp ; End of the Joy_Y_Res_Inc procedure
Subttl Joy_Y_Res_Dec Joystick Y Resolution Decrease Routine
Page +
; Joy_Y_Res_Dec(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is joystick mode
; If this is a make code
; If the shift key is down
; Do a small Y resolution decrement
; Else
; Do a normal Y resolution decrement
; Endif
; Make sure Y resolution is in range
; Endif this is a break code
; Endif for joystick mode
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Y_Res_Dec Proc Near ; Joystick Y resolution dec. procedure
Save bx ; Save the required registers
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz Y_Res_Dec_Done ; Jump if NOT joystick mode
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Y_Res_Dec_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
mov bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Res] ; Get the current Y resolution value
test cs:[Key_Status],SHIFTED ; Check for shift key down
jz Do_Y_Res_Dec ; Jump if shift key is NOT held down
sub bx,SMALL_RES ; Subtract small change value
jmp Short Y_Res_Dec_Check ; Go check the Y resolution value
sub bx,NORMAL_RES ; Subtract normal change value
jc Y_Res_Dec_Bad ; Jump if Y decrement is bad
cmp bx,MIN_RES ; Check against minimum resolution
jae Y_Res_Dec_Update ; Go update Y resolution if in range
mov bx,MIN_RES ; Set Y resolution to minimum value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Res],bx ; Update the Y resolution value
Restore bx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Y_Res_Dec Endp ; End of the Joy_Y_Res_Dec procedure
Subttl Joy_X_Cen_Inc Joystick X Center Increase Routine
Page +
; Joy_X_Cen_Inc(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is joystick mode
; If this is a make code
; If the shift key is down
; Do a small X center increment
; Do a small X position increment
; Else
; Do a normal X center increment
; Do a normal X position increment
; Endif
; Make sure X center is in range
; make sure X position is in range
; Endif this is a break code
; Endif for joystick mode
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_X_Cen_Inc Proc Near ; Joystick X center increment procedure
Save bx,cx ; Save the required registers
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz X_Cen_Inc_Done ; Jump if NOT in joystick mode
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js X_Cen_Inc_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
test cs:[Key_Status],SHIFTED ; Check for shift key down
jz Do_X_Cen_Inc ; Jump if shift key is NOT held down
mov bx,SMALL_CENTER ; Setup small change value for center
mov cx,SMALL_CENTER ; Setup small change value for position
jmp Short X_Cen_Inc_Check ; Go check the X center value
mov bx,NORMAL_CENTER ; Setup normal change value for center
mov cx,NORMAL_CENTER ; Setup normal change value for position
add bx,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Compute the new X center value
jc X_Cen_Inc_Bad ; Jump if X increment is bad
cmp bx,MAX_CENTER ; Check against maximum center
jbe X_Cen_Inc_Update ; Go update X center if in range
mov bx,MAX_CENTER ; Set X center to maximum value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Center],bx ; Update the X center value
add cx,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Compute the new X position value
jnc X_Pos_Inc_Update ; Jump if X position is ok
mov cx,JOY_MAX ; Setup X position to maximum
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],cx ; Update the X position value
Restore bx,cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_X_Cen_Inc Endp ; End of the Joy_X_Cen_Inc procedure
Subttl Joy_X_Cen_Dec Joystick X Center Decrease Routine
Page +
; Joy_X_Cen_Dec(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is joystick mode
; If this is a make code
; If the shift key is down
; Do a small X center decrement
; Do a small X position decrement
; Else
; Do a normal X center decrement
; Do a normal X position decrement
; Endif
; Make sure X center is in range
; Make sure X position is in range
; Endif this is a break code
; Endif for joystick mode
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_X_Cen_Dec Proc Near ; Joystick X center decrement procedure
Save ax,bx,cx ; Save the required registers
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz X_Cen_Dec_Done ; Jump if NOT in joystick mode
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js X_Cen_Dec_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
test cs:[Key_Status],SHIFTED ; Check for Shift key down
jz Do_X_Cen_Dec ; Jump if shift key is NOT held down
mov bx,SMALL_CENTER ; Setup small change value for center
mov cx,SMALL_CENTER ; Setup small change value for position
jmp Short X_Cen_Dec_Check ; Go check the X center value
mov bx,NORMAL_CENTER ; Setup normal change value for center
mov cx,NORMAL_CENTER ; Setup normal change value for position
mov ax,cs:[Joy_X_Center] ; Get the current X center value
sub ax,bx ; Compute the new X center value
jc X_Cen_Dec_Bad ; Jump if X decrement is bad
cmp ax,MIN_CENTER ; Check against minimum center
jae X_Cen_Dec_Update ; Go update X center if in range
mov ax,MIN_CENTER ; Set X center to minimum value
mov cs:[Joy_X_Center],ax ; Update the X center value
mov ax,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Get the current X position value
sub ax,cx ; Compute the new X position value
jnc X_Pos_Dec_Update ; Jump if X position is ok
mov ax,JOY_MIN ; Setup X position to minimum
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],ax ; Update the X position value
Restore ax,bx,cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_X_Cen_Dec Endp ; End of the Joy_X_Cen_Dec procedure
Subttl Joy_Y_Cen_Inc Joystick Y Center Increase Routine
Page +
; Joy_Y_Cen_Inc(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is joystick mode
; If this is a make code
; If the shift key is down
; Do a small Y center increment
; Do a small Y position increment
; Else
; Do a normal Y center increment
; Do a normal Y position increment
; Endif
; Make sure Y center is in range
; Make sure Y position is in range
; Endif this is a break code
; Endif for joystick mode
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Y_Cen_Inc Proc Near ; Joystick Y center increment procedure
Save bx,cx ; Save the required registers
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz Y_Cen_Inc_Done ; Jump if NOT in joystick mode
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Y_Cen_Inc_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
test cs:[Key_Status],SHIFTED ; Check for shift key down
jz Do_Y_Cen_Inc ; Jump if shift key is NOT held down
mov bx,SMALL_CENTER ; Setup small change value for center
mov cx,SMALL_CENTER ; Setup small change value for position
jmp Short Y_Cen_Inc_Check ; Go check the Y center value
mov bx,NORMAL_CENTER ; Setup normal change value for center
mov cx,NORMAL_CENTER ; Setup normal change value for position
add bx,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Compute the new Y center value
jc Y_Cen_Inc_Bad ; Jump if Y increment is bad
cmp bx,MAX_CENTER ; Check against maximum center
jbe Y_Cen_Inc_Update ; Go update Y center if in range
mov bx,MAX_CENTER ; Set Y center to maximum value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Center],bx ; Update the Y center value
add cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Compute the new Y position value
jnc Y_Pos_Inc_Update ; Jump if Y position is ok
mov cx,JOY_MAX ; Setup Y position to maximum
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],cx ; Update the Y position value
Restore bx,cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Y_Cen_Inc Endp ; End of the Joy_Y_Cen_Inc procedure
Subttl Joy_Y_Cen_Dec Joystick Y Center Decrease Routine
Page +
; Joy_Y_Cen_Dec(Scan_Code)
; Save the required registers
; If this is joystick mode
; If this is a make code
; If the shift key is down
; Do a small Y center decrement
; Do a small Y position decrement
; Else
; Do a normal Y center decrement
; Do a normal Y position decrement
; Endif
; Make sure Y center is in range
; Make sure Y position is in range
; Endif this is a break code
; Endif for joystick mode
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Y_Cen_Dec Proc Near ; Joystick Y center decrement procedure
Save ax,bx,cx ; Save the required registers
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz Y_Cen_Dec_Done ; Jump if NOT joystick mode
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Y_Cen_Dec_Done ; Jump if this is a break code
test cs:[Key_Status],SHIFTED ; Check for shift key down
jz Do_Y_Cen_Dec ; Jump if shift key is NOT held down
mov bx,SMALL_CENTER ; Setup small change value for center
mov cx,SMALL_CENTER ; Setup small change value for position
jmp Short Y_Cen_Dec_Check ; Go check the Y center value
mov bx,NORMAL_CENTER ; Setup normal change value for center
mov cx,NORMAL_CENTER ; Setup normal change value for position
mov ax,cs:[Joy_Y_Center] ; Get the current Y center value
sub ax,bx ; Compute the new Y center value
jc Y_Cen_Dec_Bad ; Jump if Y decrement is bad
cmp ax,MIN_CENTER ; Check against minimum center
jae Y_Cen_Dec_Update ; Go update Y center if in range
mov ax,MIN_CENTER ; Set Y center to minimum value
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Center],ax ; Update the Y center value
mov ax,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Get the current Y position value
sub ax,cx ; Compute the new Y position value
jnc Y_Pos_Dec_Update ; Jump if Y position is ok
mov ax,JOY_MIN ; Setup Y position to minimum
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],ax ; Update the Y position value
Restore ax,bx,cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Y_Cen_Dec Endp ; End of the Joy_Y_Cen_Dec procedure
Subttl Joy_Button_1 Joystick Button 1 Routine
Page +
; Joy_Button_1(Scan_Code)
; If this is a make code
; Set the button 1 pressed flag
; Else this is a break code
; Reset the button 1 pressed flag
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Button_1 Proc Near ; Joystick button 1 procedure
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Button_1_Break ; Jump if this is a break code
or Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Flag],BUTTON_1_DOWN
jmp Short Button_1_Done ; Go return to the caller
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Flag],Not BUTTON_1_DOWN
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Button_1 Endp ; End of the Joy_Button_1 procedure
Subttl Joy_Button_2 Joystick Button 2 Routine
Page +
; Joy_Button_2(Scan_Code)
; If this is a make code
; Set the button 2 pressed flag
; Else this is a break code
; Reset the button 2 pressed flag
; Endif
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Original scan code
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joy_Button_2 Proc Near ; Joystick button 2 procedure
or ah,ah ; Check for a make or break code
js Button_2_Break ; Jump if this is a break code
or Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Flag],BUTTON_2_DOWN
jmp Short Button_2_Done ; Go return to the caller
and Byte Ptr cs:[Joy_Flag],Not BUTTON_2_DOWN
ret ; Return to the caller
Joy_Button_2 Endp ; End of the Joy_Button_2 procedure
Subttl Joystick_Update Joystick Update Routine
Page +
; Joystick_Update()
; Save the required registers
; If in joystick mode
; If NOT a binary type joystick
; Zero the X position delta value
; Zero the Y position delta value
; If the joystick up is set
; Subtract Y resolution from Y delta value
; Endif
; If the joystick down is set
; Add Y resolution to Y delta value
; Endif
; If the joystick left is set
; Subtract X resolution from X delta value
; Endif
; If the joystick right is set
; Add X resolution to X delta value
; Endif
; Add X delta value to current X position
; Make sure X position is in range
; Add Y delta value to current Y position
; Make sure Y position is in range
; Endif for binary type
; Endif for joystick mode
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; None
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Joystick_Update Proc Near ; Joystick update procedure
Save ax,bx,cx ; Save the required registers
mov al,cs:[Joy_Status] ; Get the joystick status byte
xor bx,bx ; Zero the X position delta value
xor cx,cx ; Zero the Y position delta value
test cs:[Key_Status],JOY_MODE; Check for keyboard in joystick mode
jz Update_Done ; Jump if NOT in joystick mode
test cs:[Joy_Flag],BINARY_TYPE
jnz Update_Done ; Jump if in binary mode
test al,UP + UP_LEFT + UP_RIGHT
jz Down_Test ; Jump if NOT moving in up direction
sub cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Res] ; Subtract from Y position delta value
jz Left_Test ; Jump if NOT moving in down direction
add cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Res] ; Add to the Y position delta value
jz Right_Test ; Jump if NOT moving in left direction
sub bx,cs:[Joy_X_Res] ; Subtract from X position delta value
jz Update_X ; Jump if NOT moving in right direction
add bx,cs:[Joy_X_Res] ; Add to the X position delta value
or bx,bx ; Check for a positive/negative value
js Subtract_X ; Jump if X delta value is negative
add bx,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Compute the new X position value
jnc Update_Y ; Jump if X update is ok
mov bx,JOY_MAX ; Set X position to joystick maximum
jmp Short Update_Y ; Go update the Y position value
add bx,cs:[Joy_X_Pos] ; Compute the new X position value
jc Update_Y ; Jump if X update is ok
mov bx,JOY_MIN ; Set X position to joystick minimum
or cx,cx ; Check for a positive/negative value
js Subtract_Y ; Jump if Y delta value is negative
add cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Compute the new Y position value
jnc Update_Position ; Jump if Y update is ok
mov cx,JOY_MAX ; Set Y position to joystick maximum
jmp Short Update_Position ; Go update the joystick position
add cx,cs:[Joy_Y_Pos] ; Compute the new Y position value
jc Update_Position ; Jump if Y update is ok
mov cx,JOY_MIN ; Set Y position to joystick minimum
mov cs:[Joy_X_Pos],bx ; Update the joystick X position
mov cs:[Joy_Y_Pos],cx ; Update the joystick Y position
Restore ax,bx,cx ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Joystick_Update Endp ; End of the Joystick_Update procedure
; Define the joystick status
; -----------------
; |7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0|
; -----------------
; | | | | | | | |
; | | | | | | | -------> Joystick up held down
; | | | | | | ---------> Joystick down held down
; | | | | | -----------> Joystick left held down
; | | | | -------------> Joystick right held down
; | | | ---------------> Joystick up/left held down
; | | -----------------> Joystick up/right held down
; | -------------------> Joystick down/left held down
; ---------------------> Joystick down/right held down
Joy_Status Db 0 ; Joystick status byte
UP Equ 01h ; Joystick up position flag
DOWN Equ 02h ; Joystick down position flag
LEFT Equ 04h ; Joystick left position flag
RIGHT Equ 08h ; Joystick right position flag
UP_LEFT Equ 10h ; Joystick up/left position flag
UP_RIGHT Equ 20h ; Joystick up/right position flag
DOWN_LEFT Equ 40h ; Joystick down/left position flag
DOWN_RIGHT Equ 80h ; Joystick down/right position flag
; Define the joystick flags
; -----------------
; |7|6|5|4|3|2|1|0|
; -----------------
; | | | | | | | |
; | | | | | | | -------> Button 1 held down
; | | | | | | ---------> Button 2 held down
; | | | | | -----------> Joystick type (0 = Analog, 1 = Binary)
; | | | | -------------> Joystick center mode (0 = Normal, 1 = Self)
; | | | ---------------> Joystick flight mode (0 = Normal, 1 = Flight)
; | | -----------------> Joystick response mode (0 = Slow, 1 = Fast)
; | -------------------> ***** Reserved *****
; ---------------------> ***** Reserved *****
Joy_Flag Db BINARY_TYPE ; Joystick flag byte
BUTTON_1_DOWN Equ 01h ; Joystick button 1 held down flag
BUTTON_2_DOWN Equ 02h ; Joystick button 2 held down flag
BINARY_TYPE Equ 04h ; Joystick binary type flag
SELF_CENTER Equ 08h ; Joystick self center flag
FLIGHT_MODE Equ 10h ; Joystick flight mode flag
FAST_MODE Equ 20h ; Joystick fast mode flag
; Define any other joystick variables
Joy_X_Pos Dw CENTER_VALUE ; Joystick X axis position value
Joy_Y_Pos Dw CENTER_VALUE ; Joystick Y axis position value
Joy_X_Center Dw CENTER_VALUE ; Joystick X axis center value
Joy_Y_Center Dw CENTER_VALUE ; Joystick Y axis center value
Joy_X_Res Dw START_RES ; Joystick X resolution value
Joy_Y_Res Dw START_RES ; Joystick Y resolution value
Joy_X_Count Db ? ; Joystick X counter value
Joy_Y_Count Db ? ; Joystick Y counter value
; Define the end of the Emulator Code Segment
Emulate Ends
End ; End of the Joystick module

  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : APL2EM.ZIP

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: