Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : 68XASM.ZIP
Filename : ASSEMBLE.C

Output of file : ASSEMBLE.C contained in archive : 68XASM.ZIP
* Assembly Routines for 68000 Assembler
* Function: processFile()
* Assembles the input file. For each pass, the function
* passes each line of the input file to assemble() to be
* assembled. The routine also makes sure that errors are
* printed on the screen and listed in the listing file
* and keeps track of the error counts and the line
* number.
* assemble()
* Assembles one line of assembly code. The line argument
* points to the line to be assembled, and the errorPtr
* argument is used to return an error code via the
* standard mechanism. The routine first determines if the
* line contains a label and saves the label for later
* use. It then calls instLookup() to look up the
* instruction (or directive) in the instruction table. If
* this search is successful and the parseFlag for that
* instruction is TRUE, it defines the label and parses
* the source and destination operands of the instruction
* (if appropriate) and searches the flavor list for the
* instruction, calling the proper routine if a match is
* found. If parseFlag is FALSE, it passes pointers to the
* label and operands to the specified routine for
* processing.
* Usage: processFile()
* assemble(line, errorPtr)
* char *line;
* int *errorPtr;
* Author: Paul McKee
* ECE492 North Carolina State University
* Date: 12/13/86

#include "asm.h"

extern long loc; /* The assembler's location counter */
extern char pass2; /* Flag set during second pass */
extern char endFlag; /* Flag set when the END directive is encountered */
extern char continuation; /* TRUE if the listing line is a continuation */

extern int lineNum;
extern int errorCount, warningCount;

extern char line[256]; /* Source line */
extern FILE *inFile; /* Input file */
extern FILE *listFile; /* Listing file */
extern char listFlag;

int processFile()
char capLine[256];
int error;
char pass;

pass2 = FALSE;
for (pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++) {
loc = 0;
lineNum = 1;
endFlag = FALSE;
errorCount = warningCount = 0;
while(!endFlag && fgets(line, 256, inFile)) {
strcap(capLine, line);
error = OK;
continuation = FALSE;
if (pass2 && listFlag)
assemble(capLine, &error);
if (pass2) {
if (error > MINOR)
else if (error > WARNING)
if (listFlag) {
printError(listFile, error, -1);
printError(stderr, error, lineNum);
if (!pass2) {
pass2 = TRUE;
/* puts("************************************************************");
puts("******************** STARTING PASS 2 *********************");
puts("************************************************************"); */

return NORMAL;


int assemble(line, errorPtr)
char *line;
int *errorPtr;
instruction *tablePtr;
flavor *flavorPtr;
opDescriptor source, dest;
char *p, *start, label[SIGCHARS+1], size, f, sourceParsed, destParsed;
unsigned short mask, i;

p = start = skipSpace(line);
if (*p && *p != '*') {
i = 0;
do {
if (i < SIGCHARS)
label[i++] = *p;
} while (isalnum(*p) || *p == '.' || *p == '_' || *p == '$');
label[i] = '\0';
if ((isspace(*p) && start == line) || *p == ':') {
if (*p == ':')
p = skipSpace(p);
if (*p == '*' || !*p) {
define(label, loc, pass2, errorPtr);
return NORMAL;
else {
p = start;
label[0] = '\0';
p = instLookup(p, &tablePtr, &size, errorPtr);
if (*errorPtr > SEVERE)
return NORMAL;
p = skipSpace(p);
if (tablePtr->parseFlag) {
/* Move location counter to a word boundary and fix
the listing before assembling an instruction */
if (loc & 1) {
if (*label)
define(label, loc, pass2, errorPtr);
if (*errorPtr > SEVERE)
return NORMAL;
sourceParsed = destParsed = FALSE;
flavorPtr = tablePtr->flavorPtr;
for (f = 0; (f < tablePtr->flavorCount); f++, flavorPtr++) {
if (!sourceParsed && flavorPtr->source) {
p = opParse(p, &source, errorPtr);
if (*errorPtr > SEVERE)
return NORMAL;
sourceParsed = TRUE;
if (!destParsed && flavorPtr->dest) {
if (*p != ',') {
return NORMAL;
p = opParse(p+1, &dest, errorPtr);
if (*errorPtr > SEVERE)
return NORMAL;
if (!isspace(*p) && *p) {
return NORMAL;
destParsed = TRUE;
if (!flavorPtr->source) {
mask = pickMask( (int) size, flavorPtr, errorPtr);
(*flavorPtr->exec)(mask, (int) size, &source, &dest, errorPtr);
return NORMAL;
else if ((source.mode & flavorPtr->source) && !flavorPtr->dest) {
if (!isspace(*p) && *p) {
return NORMAL;
mask = pickMask( (int) size, flavorPtr, errorPtr);
(*flavorPtr->exec)(mask, (int) size, &source, &dest, errorPtr);
return NORMAL;
else if (source.mode & flavorPtr->source
&& dest.mode & flavorPtr->dest) {
mask = pickMask( (int) size, flavorPtr, errorPtr);
(*flavorPtr->exec)(mask, (int) size, &source, &dest, errorPtr);
return NORMAL;
else {
(*tablePtr->exec)( (int) size, label, p, errorPtr);
return NORMAL;

return NORMAL;


int pickMask(size, flavorPtr, errorPtr)
int size;
flavor *flavorPtr;
int *errorPtr;
if (!size || size & flavorPtr->sizes)
if (size & (BYTE | SHORT))
return flavorPtr->bytemask;
else if (!size || size == WORD)
return flavorPtr->wordmask;

return flavorPtr->longmask;
return flavorPtr->wordmask;


  3 Responses to “Category : Assembly Language Source Code
Archive   : 68XASM.ZIP
Filename : ASSEMBLE.C

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: