Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : WTFOR058.ZIP
Filename : WAITFOR.REF

Output of file : WAITFOR.REF contained in archive : WTFOR058.ZIP
Waitfor Option Summary

Option Action Errorlevel
------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------
-Dn Sleep for 'n' 100ths seconds when idle. *

-Tn Wait for 'n' seconds. 40

-! Wait for multiple exit conditions to be *
met before exiting.

-& Wait for multiple exit conditions to be *
met before exiting, all conditions must be
true at the time of exit.

-Fn Do not exit until there is at least 'n' **
(in K) free memory.

-Ahh:mm:ss Wait until the time specified as 'hh:mm:ss'. 1

-Ename Wait for the file 'name' to exist. 10

-Nname Wait for the file 'name' to not exist. 11

-K Kill the file(s) specified the -e option when found. *

-C Create the file specified by the -n option if it *
does not exist.

-Rn Specify retry count for -e and -k options. *

-q Suppress copyright display. *

-MEname Wait for the mailbox 'name' to exist. 20

-MNname Wait for the mailbox 'name' to not exist. 21

-MK Kill the mailbox specified by the -me option *
when found.

-MC Create the mailbox specified by the -mn option *
if it does not exist.

-MMname Create a mailbox named 'name', unconditional. *

-MDname Destroy a mailbox named 'name', unconditional. *

-WEspec Wait until the wildcard 'spec' exists. 30

-WNspec Wait until the wildcard 'spec' does not exist. 31

-XAn Test for 'n' available memory. 35 = yes
36 = no

-XFname Test file 'name' for existence. 15 = yes
16 = no

-XMname Test mailbox 'name' for existence. 25 = yes
26 = no

* Errorlevel will be that of the last condition that became true.

** When used with other options the other options'
errorlevel will be used, or 0 if -f is the only option.

  3 Responses to “Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : WTFOR058.ZIP
Filename : WAITFOR.REF

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: