Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : QWAUG92.ZIP
Filename : WIN31.TEC

Output of file : WIN31.TEC contained in archive : QWAUG92.ZIP
ID:31 Windows 3.1 and Quarterdeck Products
Quarterdeck Technical Bulletin #242
by Bryan Hanks
12 May 1992


Many customers have inquired about using Quarterdeck products with
Microsoft's new Windows 3.1. This note explains what you need to know in
order to get Windows and Quarterdeck products working together.


The great news is that no special "Windows 3.1 Update" exists because
versions of QEMM-386 as far back as release 5.11 are fully compatible with
the new Microsoft Windows 3.1 release. In fact, Standard mode is now a
VCPI client, which means that it will work with versions of QEMM-386 as
early as 4.1. We do recommend that users of any QEMM-386 version 5 or
earlier upgrade to QEMM-386 version 6.0 to gain more high memory using the
new Quarterdeck "Stealth" technology, and to maintain compatibility with
DOS version 5.0.

The following is an excerpt from the README.WRI file supplied with Windows

***********************[Begin Excerpt]************************************

More Information About Microsoft Windows Version 3.1
4.0 Using Memory Managers

This section describes problems you may encounter using memory managers
with Windows version 3.1.

4.1 Solving Memory Conflicts by Using MONOUMB.386 or MONOUMB2.386

If you encounter the following message when starting Windows in 386
enhanced mode, your display driver may be accessing the monochrome address
range (B000-B7FF), which prevents the memory manager from using this range
for upper memory blocks:

"Windows cannot set up an upper memory block at segment B000. Exclude this
address space by using the syntax of your memory manager. For more
information, see the README.WRI file. Type WIN /S to start Windows in
standard mode and choose the Read Me icon,"

To solve this problem, try installing MONOUMB2.386 on your system.
MONOUMB2.386 is a device driver provided with Windows that allows certain
memory managers to use the monochrome address range for upper memory
blocks, even if your display driver is accessing this range.

To install MONOUMB2.386:

1. Copy and expand the MONOUMB2.38_ file that is on your Windows disk to
your Windows SYSTEM directory by typing the following at the MS-DOS

expand monoumb2.38_ c:\windows\system

2. Add the following setting to the [386Enh] section in the SYSTEM.INI


3. Start Windows.

Note: MONOUMB2.386 may not work with some memory managers, such as
EMM386.EXE. In this case, you can try using MONOUMB.386, provided with the
Windows Driver Library. To obtain a copy of the Windows Driver Library,
contact Microsoft.

You can also exclude the address region B000-B7FF, which specifies that the
memory manager should not try to use this address range for upper memory
blocks. For information about excluding specific address ranges, see the
following topic.

4.2 Solving Memory Conflicts by Excluding an Address Range

If you encounter the following message when starting Windows in 386
enhanced mode, and the address specified is not B000, you must exclude the
address range.

"Windows cannot set up an upper memory block at segment xxxx. Exclude this
address space by using the syntax of your memory manager. For more
information, see the README.WRI file. Type WIN /S to start Windows in
standard mode and choose the Read Me icon."

If the address specified is B000, you can try using MONOUMB2.386 or
MONOUMB.386, as described in the preceding topic.

The method you use to exclude an address range depends on the memory
manager you are using. For example, if you are using EMM386.EXE, you need
to remove the I=xxxxx option from the device=emm386.exe command line in
your CONFIG.SYS file, where xxxxx is the address range starting at the
address specified in the error message.

If you are using QEMM, you need to include the X= option on the
device=qemm386.sys command line in your CONFIG.SYS file. For example, to
exclude the address range C000-C7FF, you would specify the following:

device=qemm386.sys X=C000-C7FF

For more information about modifying your CONFIG.SYS file, see your MS-DOS
documentation. For more information about installing and configuring
EMM386.EXE, see Chapter 14, "Optimizing Windows," in the Microsoft Windows
User's Guide. For information about installing and configuring other memory
managers, see the documentation provided with your memory manager.

6.2 Using SMARTDrive with Double Buffering

Most expanded-memory emulators attempt to optimize SMARTDrive by
configuring it to load into upper memory blocks (UMBs). This will cause
problems if you are running Windows in 386 enhanced mode with double
buffering. If you need to use double buffering with SMARTDrive, make sure
that SMARTDrive is configured in the CONFIG.SYS file to load into low
memory. The command line should look like this:

device=smartdrv.exe /double_buffer

This problem applies only to the smartdrv command line in the CONFIG.SYS
file. It does not apply to the references to SMARTDrive in the AUTOEXEC.BAT
file. For more information about using double buffering with SMARTDrive,
see Chapter 14, "Optimizing Windows," in the Microsoft Windows User's

*************************[End of Excerpt]*********************************


Versions 2.31 and higher of DESQview are fully compatible with Windows
3.0 and are also fully compatible with Windows 3.1 -- in Standard mode
only, as Microsoft has discontinued the "Real Mode" in their latest


Windows 3.1 works with QEMM-50/60, version 6.00.


Windows 3.1 works with any version of QRAM.


Windows 3.1 works with any version of QEXT 5.1 and higher.


If you experience any difficulties getting either Microsoft Windows
3.0 or version 3.1 working properly with any Quarterdeck product, you
should obtain one of our technical bulletins that address the use of
Windows with Quarterdeck products: Win-Trbl.tec (#179) or Winflow.tec
(#207; for problems with QEMM-386 only), which are available from the
following sources:

--our Q/FAX self-faxing dialup service (request by number)
--our Quarterdeck Bulletin Board Service
--our CompuServe forum (GO QUARTERDECK)
--On BIX (join DESQview).

We recommend that you call our Q/FAX service, as it is the quickest
method for obtaining technical notes. If you don't have a modem or fax,
give our technical support line a call and we'll be happy to mail it to

Q/Fax .................................. (310) 314-3214
Tech Support BBS ....................... (310) 314-3227
Tech Support Fax ....................... (310) 314-3217
Tech Support ........................... (310) 392-9701

This technical note may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is
distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit.
Copyright 1992 by Quarterdeck Office Systems

  3 Responses to “Category : Alternate Operating Systems - Quarterdeck DesqView, CP/M, etc
Archive   : QWAUG92.ZIP
Filename : WIN31.TEC

  1. Very nice! Thank you for this wonderful archive. I wonder why I found it only now. Long live the BBS file archives!

  2. This is so awesome! 😀 I’d be cool if you could download an entire archive of this at once, though.

  3. But one thing that puzzles me is the “mtswslnkmcjklsdlsbdmMICROSOFT” string. There is an article about it here. It is definitely worth a read: