Dec 052017
Describes command line parameters for use with Quarterdeck Products.
File QOSSWIT3.ZIP from The Programmer’s Corner in
Category Alternate Operating Systems
Describes command line parameters for use with Quarterdeck Products.
File Name File Size Zip Size Zip Type
QOS-SWIT.TXT 30659 8486 deflated
TPCREAD.ME 199 165 deflated

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Contents of the QOS-SWIT.TXT file

Quarterdeck Office Systems programs commandline-switch list
[Last Edit: 5/28/92]

Switches are preceded with / unless otherwise specified and may be given
with either the full name or the abbreviation (where present).Switches
which accept arguments may use either an equal sign '=' or a colon ':'
between the switch and its argument.

DV.EXE switches (documented and otherwise) updated for Version 2.52:
[Note: DV.EXE versions 2.50-2.52 are part of DESQview/X v1.00-1.02]

Version 2.xx
Ab Name .0x .2x .3x .4x .5x Comments
-- --------------- --- ---- --- --- --- -----------------------------
AE ABORTONERROR .. ...6 14 02 02 /AE=Y or /AE=N
AS ALWAYSSAVEMAP .. ..56 14 02 .. /AS=Y or /AS=N
AD AUTODVP .. .... .. .. 02
C8 CLI8042 .. .... .. .2 02
CV CODEVIEW .. 0256 14 02 02 adj keyboard use for debugger
CL COMMLOAD .. ..56 14 02 02 /CL=x
CR CRITICALREDIR .. .... .. .. 02
DM DELAYMSMOUSE .. ...6 14 02 02 /DM=Y or /DM=N
DI DOSIDLE .1 .... .. .. ..
DT DOSTERM 01 0256 14 02 02 pass prog termination req to DOS
XB EXCLUDEBANK .. .... 14 02 02 /XB=hh don't use INTs hh - hh+7 [5]
EN EXTERNALNOTIFY .. ..56 14 02 02 /EN=hh set XDI multiplex number [1]
FB FIRSTBANK .1 0256 14 02 02 /FB=hhhh [3]
FO FIRSTORIGINAL .1 0256 14 02 02 /FO=hhhh [3]
EE GENERICEEM .1 0256 14 02 .. use EEMM calls (not hardware)
71 GRAB71 .1 .... .. .. ..
HW HWINT .. 0256 14 02 02 spec handling for hardware ints [2]
I2 IRQ2 .1 .... .. .. ..
I3 IRQ3 .1 .... .. .. ..
I4 IRQ4 .1 .... .. .. ..
I5 IRQ5 .1 .... .. .. ..
IC IRQC .1 .... .. .. ..
LD LOCKOUTDISK 01 0256 14 02 02 no taskswitch during disk I/O
MT MACHINETYPE .. ..56 14 02 02 /MT=hh [4]
MX MAILEXPSIZE .. .... .. .. 02 /MX=n reserve n K EMS for mailboxes
MS MINSHAREDMEMORY .. ...6 14 02 02 /MS=n reserves n K of shared mem
MR MSMOUSERESET .. ..56 14 02 02 /MR=hhhh [4]
NI NOIDLE .. 0256 14 02 02
NR NORESET .. 0256 14 02 02
NS NOSETUP 01 0256 14 02 02 ignore DVSETUP.DV
NOVCASTOFF .. .... .. .. 02
NOVEOJ .. ..56 14 02 02
OK OLDKEYBOARD 01 0256 14 02 02 force 83/84-key keyboard
OP OVERLAPPREFIXES 01 0256 14 02 02 allow prgs to have same PSP addr
PM PARTIALMAPPINGOK .. ...6 14 02 02 /PM=3 use only EMS3, else EMS4 calls
PO PROTECTOPEN .. 0256 14 02 02
QX QUITONPIFEXIT .. .... .. .. 02
RP RAMPAGE .1 0256 14 02 .. assume AST RAMpage EMS board
RR ROUNDROBIN 01 0256 14 02 02
SB SECONDBANK .1 0256 14 02 02 /SB=hhhh [3]
SO SECONDORIGINAL .1 0256 14 02 02 /SO=hhhh [3]
SS SWAPSHAREDMEMORY .. ...6 14 02 02 /SS=Y or /SS=N
U4 SWAPUSINGEMM4 .. 0256 14 02 02 /U4=Y or /U4=N
W3 WINDOWS3 .. .... 14 02 02
XC XCURSORFLASH .. .... .. .. 02
XT XTRACEBIOSKBD .. .... .. .. 02

[1] somewhat buggy in 2.31, as DV.EXE will use the specified multiplex
number, but DVXMS.DVR (which DV.EXE loads) still uses the default
DEh if no XDI drivers were loaded prior to DV.

[2] /HW is immediately followed by a colon or an equal sign, 1 to 4 hex
digits indicating the interrupt number, another colon or equal sign,
and "L", "D", "F", "0", "M", "U", or "V" (DV 2.3+). "F" = Foreground,
"V" = Virtualize video (program writes to screen from within hardware
interrupt handler), "0"/"L" deal with disabling DV's handling of an IRQ.

This switch is designed to accomodate failings in DOS application
programs which violate Quarterdeck's view of "standard" programming
procedures (though at least one variant is to correct a failing in
DV itself, but QOS will not divulge which).

[3] /FB, /FO, /SB, and /SO are immediately followed by a colon or an
equal sign and 1 to 4 hex digits

[4] /MR and /MT expect a hex number (/MR up to 4 digits, /MT up to 2 digits)

[5] DV uses two banks of eight interrupts to relocate the hardware interrupts
from their defaults of 08h-0Fh and 70h-77h. /XB specifies that a
particular bank of interrupts not be considered available for the
relocation; the specified hex number must be a multiple of 8 (i.e. X0 or

DV.COM [also XDV.COM and DVX.COM] switches (documented and otherwise):

Version 2.xx
Ab Name .0x .2x .3x .4x .5x Comments
-- -------------- --- ---- --- --- --- -----------------------------
DP4 DONTPATCHDOS4 .....6 1 02 02
X EXCLUDE ?10256 1 02 02 don't use high memory region [1]
F FILE ?10256 1 02 02 load DV from /F=
EE GENERICEEM ?10256 1 02 02 use EEMM calls (not hardware)
L LIST ?10256 1 02 02 list the memory areas used
NS NOSETUP ?.0256 1 02 02 ignore DVSETUP.DV
NT NOTOKENRING .....6 1 02 02 don't check for token ring adapter
RP RAMPAGE ?10256 1 02 02 assume AST RAMpage EMS board

[1] /X=hhhh-hhhh (same as QEMM X= switch)

EMS.COM switches:
EMS.COM Version
Ab Name 5.0x 5.1x 6.0xComments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
CR CREATE1 02 create a handle with name,size
CFAST CREATEFAST1 02 create handle in fast EMS
CSLOW CREATESLOW1 02 create handle in slow EMS
DIR1 02 display current handles
FREE1 02 free given handle
HELP1 02 display help screen
LOAD1 02 read handle data from file
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR1 02 don't wait for key on error
PAUSE1 02 wait for key after cmdline parsing
REN RENAME1 02 change handle's name
RES RESIZE1 02 change handle's size
SAVE1 02 save handle data in file
? 1 02 list all commands

EMS2EXT.SYS switches:
EMS2EXT Version
Ab Name x.xx Comments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
FAST 1.00 use fastest available memory
HELP 1.00 display help screen
ME MEMORY (also MEM) 1.00 amount of ext memory to emulate
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR 1.00 don't wait for key on error
PAUSE 1.00 wait for key after cmdline parsing
SLOW 1.00 use the slowest available memory
? 1.00 list all commands

FCBS.COM switches (no preceding slash):
FCBS Version
Ab Name x.xx Comments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
HELP display help screen
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR don't wait for key on error
PAUSE wait for key after cmdline parsing
= set number of system FCBs
+ increase number of system FCBs
? list all commands

FILES.COM switches (no preceding slash):
FILES Version
Ab Name x.xx Comments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
HELP display help screen
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR don't wait for key on error
PAUSE wait for key after cmdline parsing
= set number of file handles
+ increase number of file handles
? list all commands

LASTDRIV.COM switches (no preceding slash):
Ab Name x.xx Comments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
HELP display help screen
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR don't wait for key on error
PAUSE wait for key after cmdline parsing
= set highest drive letter
+ increase number of drives
? list all commands

LOADHI.COM switches:
LOADHI Version
Ab Name x.xx Comments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
B BESTFIT load into smallest possible block
XL EXCLUDELARGEST don't load into Nth largest block
XR EXCLUDEREGION don't load into region N
XS EXCLUDESMALLEST don't load into Nth smallest blck
GS GETSIZE load low and compute needed size
H HAPPIEST load until program is happy
HELP display help screen
LB LABEL display label with GETSIZE data
L LARGEST load into Nth largest block
LO load low rather than high
NL NOLO don't load low
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR don't wait for key on error
PAUSE wait for key after cmdline parsing
R REGION load into specific UMB region
SIZE load into block N bytes in size
S SMALLEST load into Nth smallest block
? list all commands

LOGOPT.COM switches (no preceding slash):
LOGOPT Version
Ab Name x.xx Comments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
DIR DIRECTORY specify directory for log file
HELP display help screen
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR don't wait for key on error
PAUSE wait for key after cmdline parsing
SEG SEGMENT segment at which OPTIMIZE loaded
? list all commands

OPTIMIZE.COM switches: (note: OPTIMIZE.COM v6.0 is actually a .EXE)
Optimize Version
Ab Name 5.xx 6.0x Comments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
AUTO AUTOEXECLUDES . 02 automatic exclusion detectn (QEMM)
B BOOT 11 02 /B:d boot drive is d:
CMD COMMANDFILE . 02 file of commands to ignore
DIR DIRECTORY . 02 internal housekeeping, final pass
EMM 11 02 /EMM:filnam specify own EMM driver
F FILE . 02 internal, processing CALLs
DONE FINISHED . 02 enable "Memory Saved" screen
HELP 11 02 display help screen
LA LARGE . 02 force 43/50 line display
L LOADHIONLY 11 02 only optimize lines with LOADHI
LOW LOADLOW . 02 force all progs into low memory
M MONO . 02 force monochrome display
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR 11 02 don't wait for key on error
NF NOSQF . 02 don't use EMS page frame
NT NOSQT . 02 don't use QEMM temporary memory
N NOSYNC . 02 disable synchronized access on CGA
P PATH 11 02 add OPTIMIZE path to PATH=
PAUSE . 02 wait for key after cmdline parsing
Q QUICK . 02 choose defaults
RF RESPONSE . 02 create LOADHI response file
SEG SEGMENT 11 02 start address of first pass
ST STEALTH . 02 enable Stealth testing
STPASSDONE . 02 internal, used in Stealth process.
? 11 02 list all commands

QEMM386.SYS switches (no preceding slash):
Ab Name 4.xx 5.xx 6.xx Comments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
ARAM ADAPTERRAM . 00 11 00 02 03 RAM on an adapter board
AROM ADAPTERROM . 00 11 00 02 03 ROM on an adapter board
AU AUTO 23 00 11 00 02 03 turn on only if needed
C386S COMPAQ386S . 00 11 00 02 03 running on a COMPAQ 386s
CER COMPAQEGAROM . 00 11 00 02 03 relocate COMPAQ video ROM
CHR COMPAQHALFROM . 00 11 00 02 03 split system ROM in half
CRM COMPAQROMMEMORY . 00 11 00 02 03 use COMPAQ mem reserved for ROM
CO CONTEXTS 23 00 11 00 02 03 generates err msg in 5.00+
DB DISKBUF . 00 11 00 02 03 set size of SCSI disk buffer
DBF DISKBUFFRAME . .. 00 02 03 buffer disk access into pg frame
DM DMA 23 00 11 00 02 03 set size of DMA buffer
DUX DONTUSEXMS . 00 11 00 02 03 don't grab mem from XMS provider
D4 DOS4 23 00 11 00 02 03 alter EMS page order for DOS 4
EMB EMBMEM . .11 00 02 03 limit XMS memory
X EXCLUDE 23 00 11 00 02 03 consider range unmappable
XST EXCLUDESTEALTH . .. 00 02 03 don't stealth specified ROM
XSTI EXCLUDESTEALTHINT . .. 00 02 03 don't stealth specified interrupt
EXT EXTMEM 23 00 11 00 02 03 reserve extended memory
F10 FASTINT10 . .. 00 02 03 F10:N call original INT 10
FEMS FORCEEMS . 00 11 00 02 03 provide EMS calls even if no frame
FSTC FORCESTEALTHCOPY . .. 00 02 03 copy tables even when excluded
FR FRAME 23 00 11 00 02 03 set page frame segment or NONE
FB FRAMEBUF . .. 00 02 03 buffer INT 21 calls in page frame
FL FRAMELENGTH . 00 11 00 02 03 set pages in page frame
GS GETSIZE . 00 11 00 02 03 report high-load memory (OPTIMIZE)
HA HANDLES 23 00 11 00 02 03 number of EMS handles
HELP . 00 11 00 02 03 display commandline switches
HMAMIN . 00 11 00 02 03 min allocation in HMA
IA IGNOREA20 23 00 11 00 02 03 don't trap 8042 for A20 control
I INCLUDE 23 00 11 00 02 03 consider range mappable
I386 INCLUDE386 . 00 11 00 02 03 same as I, but ignd by QRAM,Q50/60
IOTRAP . 00 11 00 02 03 =1 or =64 num reps of I/O space
LB LABEL . 00 11 00 02 03 internal, used by OPTIMIZE
LD LOCKDMA . 00 11 00 02 03 no interrupts during DMA
MA MAPS 23 00 11 00 02 03 number of alternate register sets
ME MEMORY (also MEM) 23 00 11 00 02 03 v4.23 does not accept MEM
NA NAMES 23 00 11 00 02 03 generates err msg in 5.00+
NCF NOCOMPAQFEATURES . 00 11 00 02 03 turn off CER, CHR, CRM
NOEMS . 00 11 00 02 03 don't provide EMS
NO NOFILL 23 00 11 00 02 03 don't fill conventional memory
NOHMA . 00 11 00 02 03 don't allow HMA to be used
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR . 00 11 00 02 03 don't pause for key on error
NR NOROM 23 00 11 00 02 03 don't map reboot page of ROM BIOS
NRH NOROMHOLES . 00 11 00 02 03 don't find empty holes in ROM
NOSH NOSHADOWRAM . 00 11 00 02 03 don't use C&T shadow RAM
NS NOSORT 23 00 11 00 02 03 don't sort memory by speed
NTR NOTOKENRING . 00 11 00 02 03 ignore token ring adapter
NT NOTOPMEMORY . 00 11 00 02 03 don't search for "top memory"
NOVDS . 00 11 00 02 03 don't provide virtual DMA services
NOVID NOVIDEO . .. 00 02 03 * not documented for v6.00
NV NOVIDEOFILL 23 00 11 00 02 03 don't backfill in video mem range
NVR NOVIDEORAM . 00 11 00 02 03 don't put RAM into video mem range
NW3 NOWINDOWS3 . .11 00 02 03 don't load Windows 3 support
NX NOXBDA 23 00 11 00 02 03 don't move extended BIOS data area
NOXMS . 00 11 00 02 03 don't provide XMS memory
ODV OLDDV 23 00 11 00 02 03 enable EEMS support for DV 1/2.00
OF OFF 23 00 11 00 02 03 turn QEMM off
ON 23 00 11 00 02 03 turn QEMM on
PAUSE . 00 11 00 02 03 pause for key when displaying msgs
RAM 23 00 11 00 02 03 map RAM into upper memory area
R REGION . 00 11 00 02 03 load high into specified region
ROM 23 00 11 00 02 03 map ROM into RAM for speed
SORT . .. 00 02 03 SORT:Y use fastest memory first
ST STEALTHROM . .. 00 02 03 ST:M ST:F hide ROMs [1]
SUS SUSPENDRESUME . .. 00 02 03 laptop "suspend/resume" feature
TA TASKS 23 00 11 00 02 03 max interrupt nesting level
UFP UNMAPFREEPAGES . .. . 02 03 UFP:N = don't show ROM thru EMS fr
U8 UNUSUAL8042 23 00 11 00 02 03 nonstandard keyboard controller
UX UNUSUALEXT . 00 11 00 02 03 nonstandard extended-memory BIOS
VS VCPISHARE . .. 00 02 03 share page table with VCPI clients
VGA 23 .. . . .
VREGA VIDRAMEGA . 00 11 00 02 03 video area not mappable
VREMS VIDRAMEMS . 00 11 00 02 03 make vid area mappable, don't fill
VHI VIRTUALHDIRQ . .. 00 02 03 VHI:N = don't disable INT 15h/90h
VXDDIR . .. 00 02 03 locatn of .VXD files for Windows3
WD WATCHDOG . 00 11 00 02 03 type of watchdog timer in system
? ? ?11 00 02 03 list all commands

[1] ST:M switches between ROMs and highRAM by using a different memory map,
ST:F switches between them by remapping the EMS page frame, and the
undocumented ST:P switches using an unknown method which is reported to
be slower than either ST:F or ST:M

QEXT.SYS switches:
QEXT Version
Ab Name 5.xx Comments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
BS BLOCKSIZE 00 10 12 size of transfer per protmode trip
EXT EXTMEM 00 10 12 leave this much non-XMS ext memory
HA HANDLES 00 10 12 number of extended memory handles
HELP 00 10 12 list all commands
HMAMIN 00 10 12 minimum alloc allowed in HMA
ME MEMORY (also MEM) 00 10 12 only use part of extended memory
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR 00 10 12 don't wait for key if error
NOXMS 00 10 12 don't provide XMS memory
PAUSE 00 10 12 wait for key after parsing cmds
U8 UNUSUAL8042 00 10 12 keyboard controller is nonstandard
VD VDISKVERSION=m,n 00 10 12 pretend to be VDISK version m.n
? 00 10 12 list all commands

QRAM.SYS switches (no preceding slash):
QRAM Version
Ab Name x.xx Comments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
X EXCLUDE 1.01 don't put RAM in range
FEMS FORCEEMS 1.01 act like EMS even if no page frame
FL FRAMELENGTH 1.01 set page frame to 0-4 pages
H HELP 1.01 display help screen
HIDE 1.01 hide that a range is mappable
I INCLUDE 1.01 put RAM or fill in the range
NO NOFILL 1.01 don't backfill conventional mem
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR 1.01 don't wait for key on error
NOSH NOSHADOWRAM 1.01 don't use C&T shadow RAM
NV NOVIDEOFILL 1.01 don't fill into video memory
NVR NOVIDEORAM 1.01 don't put RAM into video memory
NX NOXBDA 1.01 don't move extended BIOS data area
NOXMS 1.01 don't provide XMS services
PAUSE 1.01 wait for key after cmdline parsing
RAM 1.01 put RAM in the specified range
R REGION 1.01 load QRAM into specified region
VREMS VIDRAMEGA 1.01 configure for VIDRAM EGA feature
VREMS VIDRAMEMS 1.01 configure for VIDRAM EMS feature
? 1.01 list all commands

VIDRAM.COM switches:
VIDRAM Version
Ab Name 5.xx 6.0xComments
---- ------------------ ------------------ -----------------------------
EGA11 02 backfill using video memory
EMS11 02 backfill using expanded memory
HELP11 02 display help screen
NO NOCGA11 02 don't allow any graphics modes
NOEGA11 02 don't allow graphics >CGA
NOPE NOPAUSEONERROR11 02 don't wait for key on error
OFF11 02 disable VIDRAM
ON11 02 enable VIDRAM
OR OVERRIDE (also OV)11 02 allow video memory conflict
PAUSE11 02 wait for key after cmdline parsing
RES RESIDENT11 02 just go resident
? 11 02 list all commands

DESQview/X Programs

Usage:APPMAN [switches] [{configvar=value}]
-c filenameconfiguration file to use
-config filenameconfiguration file to use
-d host:displayX server to use
-display host:displayX server to use

Usage:BACKDROP [-d host:display] -pixmap filename
BACKDROP [-d host:display] -color color_name

CLOCK.EXE [DV/X v1.02]
Usage:CLOCK [switches]
-analogstart in analog clock mode
-background color
-bg colorset background color
-dstart in digital clock mode
-digitalstart in digital clock mode
-display host:displayX server to use
-fg colorset foreground color
-fn fontname
-font fontname
-foreground color
-hands colorset color of clock hands
-hd colorset color of clock hands
-helplist these switches
-highlight color
-hours color
-hl colorset highlight color
-hr colorsame as -hours
-offset [+-]hh:mm:ss
-padding pixels
-reverseuse reverse video (swap fg/bg colors)
-rvuse reverse video (swap fg/bg colors)
-sfn ----
-sfont ----
-title name
-update seconds

Usage:DISPHELP [switches]
-d host:displayX server to use
-f filename
-n window_name
-p PIF_name
-t topic_name

DVO2DXV.EXE [DV/X v1.02]
Usage:DVO2DVX [switches]
-dv path to DESQview directory
-mft path to Manifest (QEMM directory)
-mwmuse Motif Window Manager
-olwmuse Open Look Window Manager
-win path to MS Windows directory

ICO.EXE [DV/X v1.02]
Usage:ICO [switches]
-bg colorbackground color
-colors color to use on sides
-copycopy multibuffer frames, don't clear
-d numberdashed line pattern for wire frames
-dbluse double buffering if available
-delta +X+Yamount to move object each time
-display host:displayX server to use
-facesdraw faces of polyhedron
-geometry geometry of ICO's window
-lw line width in pixels
-noedgesdon't draw wire frame edges
-obj type of object to draw
-objhelplist polyhedral objects available
-p#use spec. number (1-8) of prim. colors
-rdraw in root window
-size WxHsize of object
-sleep how long to pause between draws
-softdbluse software double buffering

MAZE.EXE [DV/X v1.02]
Usage:MAZE [switches]
-d host:displayX server to use
-g window size and position

Usage:MERGECFG merge-file [switches]
-after entrytitle
-before entrytitle
-group filename
-menu titleset menu title
-mwmuse Motif Window Manager
-olwmuse Open Look Window Manager

Usage:PUZZLE [switches]
-colormapcreate a new colormap
-display host:displayX server to use
-geometry window size and position
-picture image file to use for tiles
-size WxHnumber of squares in puzzle
-speed number of tiles to move per second

RUN.COM [DV/X v1.02]
Usage:RUN [switches] program [parameters]
?display usage information
/DOSdisplay DOS window as DV/X window

Usage:SYSMON [switch]
INFO display information about spec. process
KILL terminate specified process
LISTlist all tasks
UPDATE how often to update screen for VIEW
VIEW look at screen for specified process
?display valid switches

Usage:TELNET [switches] hostname [port]
-l specify login ID

Usage:XDPYINFO [switches]
-display host:displayX server to use

XEV.EXE [DV/X v1.02]
Usage:XEV [switches]
-bw Nwindow border width in pixels
-bs {NotUseful,WhenMapped,Always} backingstore control
-display host:displayX server to use
-geometry geomsize and location of window
-sset save-unders attribute

Usage:XLSFONTS [switches] [-fn pattern]
-1force single-column output
-Cforce multi-column output
-display host:displayX server to contact
-lgive long info about each font
-llgive longer info about each font
-lllgive longest info about each font
-mgive character min/max bounds
-n colnumber of columns for multi-column outp
-udon't sort output
-w Nmax width for multiple columns

Usage:XMODMAP [switches] [filename]
-read standard input
-display host:displayX server to use
-e expressionexecute string
-grammarhelp on input format
-ndon't execute changes, just show them
-pkprint keymap table
-pmprint modifier map
-ppprint pointer map
-quietturn off logging
-verboseturn on logging
Input grammar:
pointer = defaultreset pointing device buttons to def
pointer = NUMBER ...set pointer button codes
keycode NUMBER = [KEYSYM ...]map keycode to specified key symbols
keysym KEYSYM = [KEYSYM ...]as 'keycode', but look up key symbol
clear MODIFIERremove all keys for modifier
add MODIFIER = KEYSYM ...add modifier keys
remove MODIFIER = KEYSYM ...remove specified modifier keys

MODIFIER::= Shift|Lock|Control|Mod1|Mod2|Mod3|Mod4|Mod5
COMMENT ::= comment

Usage:XPSERVER [switches]
-display host:displayX server to use
-iconifystart as an icon

Usage:XSETROOT [switches]
-background color
-bg colorset background to
-d host:displayX server to use
-display host:displayX server to use
-fg colorset foreground to
-foreground color
-reversereverse video on (swap fg/bg colors)
-rvreverse video on (swap fg/bg colors)
-solid set the root window to solid color



I seem to have become the de facto maintainer of this list, so if you have
info on any versions not listed here, or details on undocumented switches,
please send them to:

[email protected]
Ralf Brown 1:129/26.1 (note: replies outside Z1 will be routed
via Internet -> UUCP -> Fido and may thus
take a while if they do in fact arrive)

Thanks to everyone who has contributed information to this list.

 December 5, 2017  Add comments

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